Marjorie Kane

Marjorie Kane

Рождение : 1909-04-28, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Смерть : 1992-01-08


Marjorie Kane was born on April 28, 1909 in Chicago, Illinois. She was an actress, known for The Dentist (1932), The Pharmacist (1933) and Second Chorus (1940). She died on January 8, 1992 in Los Angeles, California.


Marjorie Kane


The Secret Fury
Maid (uncredited)
The wedding of Ellen and David is halted by a stranger who insists that the bride is already married to someone else. Though the flabbergasted Ellen denies the charge, the interloper produces enough evidence that his accusation must be investigated. Ellen and David travel to the small coastal town where her first wedding allegedly occurred. There, they meet a number of individuals whose stories make Ellen question her own sanity.
Girls of the Big House
A women's prison provides the setting for this drama that centers around a naive small-town woman framed by a man whom she met in a nightclub in the big city. She is not welcomed by the inmates and immediately the prisoners are divided.
Милдред Пирс
Waitress (uncredited)
Супружество Милдред с Бертом было неудачным. В то время, как она посвящает всю себя дочерям, в основном старшей, Веде, Берт веселится в приятной компании. Оставив Берта, Милдред устраивается работать официанткой. Будучи честолюбивой, она очень много работает и идет вверх по карьерной лестнице. Она знакомится с плейбоем Монти Берагоном и совершает роковую ошибку: выходит за него замуж. А он пускает ее сбережения на ветер…
Reckless Age
Restaurant Patron
Linda Wadsworth rebels against her millionaire grandfather, J. H. Wadsworth, and runs away from home. Unknown to Mr. Wadsworth, she gets a job at one of his many five-and-ten-cents stores as a clerk.
Slightly Dangerous
Customer (uncredited)
Small-town soda-jerk Peggy Evans quits her dead-end job and moves to New York where she invents a new identity.
Dick Tracy vs. Crime Inc.
Cigarette Girl
Dick Tracy goes up against a villain known as The Ghost, who can turn himself invisible.
The Officer and the Lady
Phone Operator (uncredited)
A woman who refuses to become involved with a dedicated police officer unknowingly dates a man who is in cahoots with a criminal mastermind.
Sailors on Leave
Perky Cutie (uncredited)
If a shy sailor marries before his next birthday, he will inherit a fortune.
Второй хор
Беспечные друзья-трубачи Дэнни О’Нил и Хэнк соседи по комнате и конкуренты за лидерство в джаз оркестре любимого колледжа. Вдобавок они являются самыми 'старыми' студентами в университетском городке. Однажды ребята встречаются с менеджером налоговой службы Эллен Миллер, которая вызывает их на разбирательство по поводу не погашения задолженности по векселю. Однако встреча с трубачами-весельчаками в налоговой инспекции оборачивается для девушки увольнением. Парни, не моргнув глазом, приглашают невольную жертву на должность их гастрольного агента. Эллен оказывается талантливым менеджером и быстро раскручивает их оркестр на разных площадках. Ее талант организатора замечает продюсер из Нью-Йорка и приглашает к себе на работу. Здесь на Бродвее Эллен убеждает своего шефа прослушать двух своих приятелей из провинции, на вакантное место в оркестре Арти Шоу. Для Дэнни и Хэнка эти музыкальные 'смотрины' станут стартом в череде множества приключений…
Slightly Honorable
Telephone Operator (Uncredited)
A lawyer is framed for the murder of a young party girl and tries to clear his name.
Дестри снова в седле
Saloon Floozie (uncredited)
Опытная проститутка, испытавшая в этой жизни абсолютно все, перебывала в объятиях сотни мужчин, но не утратила нежного, ранимого сердца, которое, как и много лет назад, открыто любви и верности, которое готово раскрыться навстречу искреннему чувству. Даже если это будет стоить жизни. И вот в маленьком, захолустном американском городишке появляется странноватый парень по имени Том Дестри. Он вежлив, вроде умен, довольно красив. И он один встает против всего города, чтобы навести порядок и установить торжество закона.
Unseen Guardians
The "unseen guardians" of the title are the Postal Inspection Service, which investigates mail order racketeering; the Underwriters' Laboratories, which are shown testing electrical equipment, fire extinguishers, and large floor safes; and those who run orphanages, who assure that the children in their care are placed in proper adoptive homes.
Broadway Serenade
3rd 5&10 Salesgirl (uncredited)
A married singer, pianist/composer team are struggling to hit it big in New York. Finally, they audition before a Broadway producer, but the producer only wants the singer, leaving the husband without a job and feeling a failure.
Three Smart Girls Grow Up
Wedding Guest
Three sisters who believe life is going to be easy, now that their parents are back together, until one sister falls in love with another's fiancé, and the youngest sister plays matchmaker.
Trade Winds
Sam's Girl (Uncredited)
After committing a murder, Kay assumes a new identity and boards a ship. But, Kay is unaware that Sam, a skirt chasing detective, is following her and must outwit him to escape imprisonment.
There Goes My Heart
Secretary (uncredited)
An heiress takes a job as a department store clerk.
Youth Takes a Fling
Switchboard Operator
McCrea plays Joe Meadows, whose only ambition as a Kansas farm boy was a life at sea. He moves to New York to try to get a job as a sailor, finds it more difficult than he thought, and meets Helen Brown, who falls for him and uses her feminine wiles to try to prevent him leaving.
Весело мы живем
Дворецкий Батлер Гросвенор обнаруживает за завтраком, что фамильное серебро украдено бродягой, которого хозяйка Эмили Килборн приняла под свое крыло в качестве шофера, в своей последней попытке реформы пригреть и обласкать опустившихся бродяг, создавая этим много напряжения среди остальных членов семьи. Обиженная Эмили клянется больше не принимать участия в облагораживании «павших на дно» к вящей радости своего мужа и взрослых детей, однако позже в их дверь стучится очередной «бродяга» Уэйд Ролинс, который на самом деле является писателем. У него сломался автомобиль и он постучался, что бы позвонить. Его затрапезный вид ввел в заблуждение и дворецкого, и дочерей хозяйки Джерри и Марион и саму хозяйку.
Take a Chance
Dancehall Girl
Take a Chance was based on the hit Broadway musical of the same name, though only one of the original songs, Eadie Was a Lady, has been retained. The thinnish plot involves the misadventures of a pair of pickpockets, played on Broadway by Jack Haley and Sid Silvers and on film by James Dunn and Cliff “Ukelele Ike” Edwards.
The Pharmacist
Priscilla Dilweg
A henpecked but stoic pharmacist tries to maintain his precarious balance while dealing with demanding customers and his dysfunctional family.
The Dentist
Mary - Dentist's Daughter
An unconventional dentist deals with patients in slapstick fashion.
The Loud Mouth
Del Lord, famous director of the Three Stooges shorts, directed this story of one man in various comical vignettes playing the "loud mouth" - a guy who can't keep a secret and is always getting himself in trouble with everyone he comes in contact with by shouting out his opinions and criticizing strangers to their face.
Jimmy's New Yacht
A young lady is wooed by two men
Billboard Girl
Mary Malone
Bing and a buddy drive to the college town where Bing's penpal, a billboard model, goes to school. Little does he know he's being pranked by one of her male classmates.
Blue of the Night
Marian Bradley
Starring Bing Crosby as himself in a short comedy/romance telling a tale of mistaken identity. Two-reeler; directed by Mack Sennett
Sunny Skies
Story of a football hero whose temper and drinking threaten his spot on the team, and his romantic life. His naive comical roommate remains his steadfast supporter.
Ladies in Love
A small town Vermont fellow falls in love with a New York City radio singing star, but she is about to be married to the radio station owner.
Be Yourself!
Lola (as Marjorie 'Babe' Kane)
Ethnic comedy of a nightclub entertainer trying to train a boxer.
Mother in Checkered Dress (uncredited)
A Vitaphone Varieties short. Features costumed children in a cavern-like land of make-believe where they sing and tap-dance. Marjorie Kane sings an introductory song. A very young Judy Garland, in one of her earliest surviving film appearances, performs the song "The Land of Let's Pretend" as part of the vaudeville act "The Gumm Sisters".
The Great Gabbo
For the ventriloquist Gabbo his wooden dummy Otto is the only means of expression. When he starts relying more and more on Otto, he starts going mad.
Border Romance
In a cantina across the border, Bob Hamlin shoots a man that threatens his friend. He and his pals escape but return that night for the dance as Bob is attracted to Conchita. Running once more from the Rurales, Bob takes Conchita. They escape again only to find themselves pinned down when Buck and his gang of horse thieves attack.