Michael Gempart

Michael Gempart

Рождение : 1941-04-21, Winterthur, Switzerland


Michael Gempart


Семейная практика
Uncle Freddy
У Саймона отношения любви-ненависти со своим отцом. Когда его родители уезжают в отпуск, Саймон начинает соблазнительную игру в кошки-мышки с любовницей своего отца и катастрофически запутывается в липкой семейной сети.
Маленькая ведьма
Balduin Pfefferkorn
Маленькой ведьме всего 127 лет, и она слишком юна для ежегодного шабаша. Хоть она и недостаточно взрослая, она хочет стать действительно хорошей ведьмой. И это приносит немало проблем в ее волшебном мире.
About a Girl
Bestatter Kurt
Charleen is 15, melodramatic, mega depressed, and Kurt Cobain’s biggest fan. Her best friend Isa is getting really boring, her dad is out of the picture, and her mom has hooked up with her biology teacher. Even though she has an apprenticeship preparing bodies for funerals, which is pretty cool, her musical idols are all dead. It’s about time Charleen was, too.
Die Seelen im Feuer
Schreiber Schmeltzing
A drama directed by Urs Egger.
Of Dogs and Wallpaper
Paul (40 yrs old) visits his elderly parents after a long time away. While father has joined a so called free-church, mother is now in a wheelchair and never leaves the house. Paul has not been aware of any of this. He has only come to visit because he is broke and needs money. Father is about to take a trip with his church and has promised to pay Paul for taking care of his mother while he is away.
Lullaby Ride
Life could be wonderful for Livia and Marco: good-looking, young, and Tim's parents. Tim is nine months old. His screaming every night drives his parents around the bend, although he was supposed to cement their relationship. But instead of slumber and sex, it's the same every night: jump out of bed and into the wobbly old Golf whose engine sound is the only thing that calms Tim down. One night, the unbelievable happens…
Dr. Hope
Dr. Pierce
Historical Bio-Pic, based on the life of Hope Bridges Adams-Lehmann, being the first female physician and member of womens-lib movement in Germany at the end of 19th century.
König Lear
Ein Arzt / Ein alter Mann
While You Are Here
Sebastian, a young male prostitute, is one of Georgs few remaining chances to break through his hermit-like everyday life in exchange for a few fleeting moments of being together with someone at least for a few hours. Georg loves Sebastians easy-going and playful manner. He loves the absurd stories that the boy spontaneously comes up with and Georg never knows whether to actually believe all of them or not.
Heiraten macht mich nervös
Competition rider Nina Becker and movie star Niklas Tremsaal are a happy couple without a marriage certificate. Marrying is not an issue for the two - until the little niece India holds cheap plastic jewelry on Nina's finger for an engagement ring and so gets an avalanche rolling, which can not be stopped. - "Marry makes me nervous" is a joke-staged romantic comedy. Suzan Anbeh plays marrying Nina, who has to choose between her fiancé and her childhood sweetheart.
Studers erster Fall
Jules Tanner
Свет во тьме
Mann in der Kinderstrasse
Скромная секретарша Линда Восс обнаруживает, что ее босс, Эд Леленд, совсем не инженер, за которого он себя выдает, а полковник американской разведки. США объявляют войну фашистской Германии. Примерно в это же время оперативного американского агента убивают в Берлине и отважная Линда убеждает шефа, что именно она должна отправиться на место погибшего резидента. Теперь ей предстоит доказать, что обыкновенная секретарша может легко освоить опасную профессию разведчика…
Bride of the Orient
Noch ein Wunsch
Le Général
Селина должна сделать выбор между Таркеном и Орелем в фильме, действие которого происходит во время гражданской войны во Франции в 1793 году. Республиканская армия жестоко подавляла на западе Франции восстания, когда крестьяне, духовенство и аристократия, верные королевскому режиму, организовали контрреволюцию.
A Song for Europe
Steven Dyer, an executive working for a giant multinational drugs company, decides to report his employer for breaches of Common Market trading regulations. One night in Basle, Switzerland, he leaves his home to post a letter, the start of a nightmare journey that leads to terrible consequences for his life, his career and for his wife and children.
During the WW2, a Swiss mountain farmer, refuses to follow the government policy to increase self-sufficiency with produce. In his opinion, the steep mountain pastures are not suited for agriculture. Most of the villagers agree. However some begin to cultivate. Even after all his fellow farmers have given in and have started to plant cops, Tanner continues his opposition and ignores all letters and instructions. This leads to a series of reprimands, for instance, some of his hay is seized and his wife cannot buy at the local grocer's since the family won't comply with the government policy.
Concert for Alice
Even with good acting, pleasant music, and artistic photography, this "love-boat" story of romance is more like Alice in Wonderland rather than Alice on the streets of Zurich. The Zurich Alice is a flautist who plays for the passersby like many another street or Metro musician. While so engaged, she meets a VIP Russian flautist who has defected and is living in the city. He falls in love with her and as a gesture of his devotion decides to arrange her solo concert debut. Meanwhile, Alice easily figures out what his plans are and devises her own secret scheme. When the day of the performance arrives, her Russian heartthrob is in for a flattering surprise, sure to end his bachelor status. ~ Eleanor Mannikka, Rovi
Wenn ich mich fürchte
Escape to the Front
The Black Spider
Based on the story by Jeremas Gotthelf, this horror film direct by Mark M. Rissi features the hallucinations of a woman after a drug raid gone.
Doctor Faustus
Johann Schneidewein
A musician beds down a prostitute he knows is diseased in order to gain inspiration, an act he later believes to have been a tacit pact with Satan
Cassette Love
Werner Glaus
A comedy directed by Rolf Lyssy.
Der Besuch der alten Dame
Euch darf ich’s wohl gestehen
Kanzler von Müller
The Inventor
In this interesting World War I drama, Bruno Ganz gives a compelling performance as Jakob, an obsessive inventor who lives in a Swiss village. He receives unconditional support from his friend Otti (Walo Luond), but that is about all; the other villagers do not tolerate Jakob's eccentricities very well, and regard him as a crackpot. He perserveres in spite of this obstacle and finally invents a viable carriage that does not run on wheels but on a tread. Unfortunately for Jakob, the military have already come up with the same invention: the tank. The discovery finally breaks him, and he is quickly shuttled off to an asylum.
Лодка полна
Landjäger Bigler
During World War II, Switzerland severely limited refugees: "Our boat is full." A train from Germany halts briefly in an isolated corner of Switzerland. Six people jump off seeking asylum: four Jews, a French child, and a German soldier. They seek temporary refuge with a couple who run a village inn. They pose as a family: the deserter as husband, Judith as his wife, an old man from Vienna as her father, his granddaughter and the French lad, whom they beg to keep silent, as their children. Judith's teenage brother poses as a soldier. The fabrication unravels through chance and the local constable's exact investigation. Whom will the Swiss allow to stay? Who gets deported?
Switzerland 1523. The mercenary Hansli Gyr returns with his soldiers from Italy to his home in the Oberland. They have fought for the Pope and now find a religious upheaval in Switzerland.
Die Vertreibung aus dem Paradies
Part satire, part drama, this movie tells the story of Anton Paulisch (Herb Andress), who has been living and working as an actor in Rome. When he hears that his mother is mortally ill, he returns to Munich to be at her bedside, but doesn't quite make it. He and sister Astrid (Elke Haltaufderheide) rediscover their friendship, though, as they go through a number of crises. Meanwhile, Anton makes an effort to find work in Munich, and runs headlong into the silliness and pretensions of the "New German Cinema" movement.
A fictionalized version of a military training fight.
Der Portland-Ring
Mann mit Kamm
Volker Schlöndorff transposes Bertolt Brecht’s late-expressionist work to latter-day 1969. Poet and anarchist Baal lives in an attic and reads his poems to cab drivers. At first feted and later rejected by bourgeois society, Baal roams through forests and along motorways, greedy for schnapps, cigarettes, women and men: ‘You have to let out the beast, let him out into the sunlight.’ After impregnating a young actress he soon comes to regard her as a millstone round his neck. He stabs a friend to death and dies alone. ‘You are useless, mangy and wild, you beast, you crawl through the lowest boughs of the tree.’
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