João Salaviza

João Salaviza

Рождение : 1984-02-19, Lisbon, Portugal


João Salaviza


Дождь - это пение в деревне мёртвых
15-летний Ияк живёт в племени Крахо на севере Бразилии. С тех пор, как он потерял отца, его по ночам преследует видение. Юноша входит в тёмный безмолвный лес, полный притаившихся духов и змей. Голос отца зовёт его к водопаду. Чтобы душа покойного смогла спокойно достичь страны мёртвых, сын должен совершить погребальный обряд. Но Ияк не желает выполнять свой долг, как и не хочет становиться шаманом. Он убегает в город. Вдали от своего народа, своей культуры юноша узнаёт, каково быть индейцем в современной Бразилии.
Дождь - это пение в деревне мёртвых
15-летний Ияк живёт в племени Крахо на севере Бразилии. С тех пор, как он потерял отца, его по ночам преследует видение. Юноша входит в тёмный безмолвный лес, полный притаившихся духов и змей. Голос отца зовёт его к водопаду. Чтобы душа покойного смогла спокойно достичь страны мёртвых, сын должен совершить погребальный обряд. Но Ияк не желает выполнять свой долг, как и не хочет становиться шаманом. Он убегает в город. Вдали от своего народа, своей культуры юноша узнаёт, каково быть индейцем в современной Бразилии.
Дождь - это пение в деревне мёртвых
15-летний Ияк живёт в племени Крахо на севере Бразилии. С тех пор, как он потерял отца, его по ночам преследует видение. Юноша входит в тёмный безмолвный лес, полный притаившихся духов и змей. Голос отца зовёт его к водопаду. Чтобы душа покойного смогла спокойно достичь страны мёртвых, сын должен совершить погребальный обряд. Но Ияк не желает выполнять свой долг, как и не хочет становиться шаманом. Он убегает в город. Вдали от своего народа, своей культуры юноша узнаёт, каково быть индейцем в современной Бразилии.
Дождь - это пение в деревне мёртвых
15-летний Ияк живёт в племени Крахо на севере Бразилии. С тех пор, как он потерял отца, его по ночам преследует видение. Юноша входит в тёмный безмолвный лес, полный притаившихся духов и змей. Голос отца зовёт его к водопаду. Чтобы душа покойного смогла спокойно достичь страны мёртвых, сын должен совершить погребальный обряд. Но Ияк не желает выполнять свой долг, как и не хочет становиться шаманом. Он убегает в город. Вдали от своего народа, своей культуры юноша узнаёт, каково быть индейцем в современной Бразилии.
Russa returns to Bairro do Aleixo, in Oporto, visiting her sister and friends with whom she celebrates her son's birthday. In this short encounter, Russa returns to her neighbourhood's collective memory, where three of the five towers still exist.
Russa returns to Bairro do Aleixo, in Oporto, visiting her sister and friends with whom she celebrates her son's birthday. In this short encounter, Russa returns to her neighbourhood's collective memory, where three of the five towers still exist.
Russa returns to Bairro do Aleixo, in Oporto, visiting her sister and friends with whom she celebrates her son's birthday. In this short encounter, Russa returns to her neighbourhood's collective memory, where three of the five towers still exist.
Russa returns to Bairro do Aleixo, in Oporto, visiting her sister and friends with whom she celebrates her son's birthday. In this short encounter, Russa returns to her neighbourhood's collective memory, where three of the five towers still exist.
Elon Doesn't Believe in Death
As he does every single day, Elon goes to meet his wife at her workplace, but she is not there. He doesn’t find her at home as well, so he starts to retrace the path Madalena makes daily. In the morning after, Elon goes to the police station and files a report, runs into hospitals, morgues. Alone, he wanders through a metropolis, searching for news about the sudden and mysterious disappearance of his wife.
High Cities of Bone
Karlon, born in Pedreira dos Húngaros (a slum in the outskirts of Lisbon) and a pioneer of Cape Verdean creole rap, runs away from the housing project to which he had been relocated.
High Cities of Bone
Karlon, born in Pedreira dos Húngaros (a slum in the outskirts of Lisbon) and a pioneer of Cape Verdean creole rap, runs away from the housing project to which he had been relocated.
High Cities of Bone
Karlon, born in Pedreira dos Húngaros (a slum in the outskirts of Lisbon) and a pioneer of Cape Verdean creole rap, runs away from the housing project to which he had been relocated.
In the Interstices of Reality or The Cinema of António de Macedo
Feature documentary about ex-maverick filmmaker António de Macedo.
Day breaks on the eighth floor in a suburban neighbourhood of Lisbon and 14-year-old Bruno’s grandfather is still in hospital. Doctors give him only a few days to live. The imminence of death and the void that it will leave force Bruno to become the man of the house, where he lives with his mother Mónica, who is in her 30s, and his three-year-old sister Érica.
Day breaks on the eighth floor in a suburban neighbourhood of Lisbon and 14-year-old Bruno’s grandfather is still in hospital. Doctors give him only a few days to live. The imminence of death and the void that it will leave force Bruno to become the man of the house, where he lives with his mother Mónica, who is in her 30s, and his three-year-old sister Érica.
Day breaks on the eighth floor in a suburban neighbourhood of Lisbon and 14-year-old Bruno’s grandfather is still in hospital. Doctors give him only a few days to live. The imminence of death and the void that it will leave force Bruno to become the man of the house, where he lives with his mother Mónica, who is in her 30s, and his three-year-old sister Érica.
Cerro Negro
Developing from an idea of diptych, the story of Anajara and Allison is told from two perspectives in continuity. If late night work complicates the life of one of them, the incarceration in jail of the other determines a cycle of separation. Salaviza's skill to direct amateur actors is showed in this film, one of his more precise works.
Cerro Negro
Developing from an idea of diptych, the story of Anajara and Allison is told from two perspectives in continuity. If late night work complicates the life of one of them, the incarceration in jail of the other determines a cycle of separation. Salaviza's skill to direct amateur actors is showed in this film, one of his more precise works.
Cerro Negro
Developing from an idea of diptych, the story of Anajara and Allison is told from two perspectives in continuity. If late night work complicates the life of one of them, the incarceration in jail of the other determines a cycle of separation. Salaviza's skill to direct amateur actors is showed in this film, one of his more precise works.
Rafa is a 13 years old kid concerned with his mother, held in a police station for driving without a license. The director shows a day in the life of a teenager who lives on a problematic area and discovers that her mother was arrested because of an automobile accident.
Rafa is a 13 years old kid concerned with his mother, held in a police station for driving without a license. The director shows a day in the life of a teenager who lives on a problematic area and discovers that her mother was arrested because of an automobile accident.
Rafa is a 13 years old kid concerned with his mother, held in a police station for driving without a license. The director shows a day in the life of a teenager who lives on a problematic area and discovers that her mother was arrested because of an automobile accident.
A Portuguese Film
A documentary about the world of portuguese cinema, with interviews with some critics and directors.
In the beginning the idea was to make something from nothing, in a neutral and unknown place. Collect images and sounds instead of producing them. The camera, the microphone and the mini-amplifier: tools that take away and then give back. We defined a rule: the sound shouldn't illustrate the image and the image shouldn't absorb the sound. Less than a hundred kilometres from Reykjavik we found Strokkur. For three days we saw and heard the internal dynamics of the crevice: the boiling water that spat out every seven minutes and the thermal shock, given the eighteen degrees below zero of the atmosphere.
Director of Photography
In the beginning the idea was to make something from nothing, in a neutral and unknown place. Collect images and sounds instead of producing them. The camera, the microphone and the mini-amplifier: tools that take away and then give back. We defined a rule: the sound shouldn't illustrate the image and the image shouldn't absorb the sound. Less than a hundred kilometres from Reykjavik we found Strokkur. For three days we saw and heard the internal dynamics of the crevice: the boiling water that spat out every seven minutes and the thermal shock, given the eighteen degrees below zero of the atmosphere.
In the beginning the idea was to make something from nothing, in a neutral and unknown place. Collect images and sounds instead of producing them. The camera, the microphone and the mini-amplifier: tools that take away and then give back. We defined a rule: the sound shouldn't illustrate the image and the image shouldn't absorb the sound. Less than a hundred kilometres from Reykjavik we found Strokkur. For three days we saw and heard the internal dynamics of the crevice: the boiling water that spat out every seven minutes and the thermal shock, given the eighteen degrees below zero of the atmosphere.
In the beginning the idea was to make something from nothing, in a neutral and unknown place. Collect images and sounds instead of producing them. The camera, the microphone and the mini-amplifier: tools that take away and then give back. We defined a rule: the sound shouldn't illustrate the image and the image shouldn't absorb the sound. Less than a hundred kilometres from Reykjavik we found Strokkur. For three days we saw and heard the internal dynamics of the crevice: the boiling water that spat out every seven minutes and the thermal shock, given the eighteen degrees below zero of the atmosphere.
In the beginning the idea was to make something from nothing, in a neutral and unknown place. Collect images and sounds instead of producing them. The camera, the microphone and the mini-amplifier: tools that take away and then give back. We defined a rule: the sound shouldn't illustrate the image and the image shouldn't absorb the sound. Less than a hundred kilometres from Reykjavik we found Strokkur. For three days we saw and heard the internal dynamics of the crevice: the boiling water that spat out every seven minutes and the thermal shock, given the eighteen degrees below zero of the atmosphere.
Casa Na Comporta
Casa Na Comporta is one of four films commissioned to different directors for the Portuguese architecture national exhibition at the Venice Biennale.
Casa Na Comporta
Casa Na Comporta is one of four films commissioned to different directors for the Portuguese architecture national exhibition at the Venice Biennale.
Hotel Müller
An homage to Pina Bausch.
Hotel Müller
An homage to Pina Bausch.
Hotel Müller
An homage to Pina Bausch.
A young man under house arrest spends his time in the best way he can by making some tattoos. His relative peace is strangely disturbed when he's attacked and robbed by three kids from the neighborhood. From then on, he'll try to find the kids who took his money and maybe give them a lesson. But with those actions, comes the reflection of how things were and are in this place filled with violence and hostility. Is change possible?
A young man under house arrest spends his time in the best way he can by making some tattoos. His relative peace is strangely disturbed when he's attacked and robbed by three kids from the neighborhood. From then on, he'll try to find the kids who took his money and maybe give them a lesson. But with those actions, comes the reflection of how things were and are in this place filled with violence and hostility. Is change possible?
A young man under house arrest spends his time in the best way he can by making some tattoos. His relative peace is strangely disturbed when he's attacked and robbed by three kids from the neighborhood. From then on, he'll try to find the kids who took his money and maybe give them a lesson. But with those actions, comes the reflection of how things were and are in this place filled with violence and hostility. Is change possible?
Dedicated To The One I Love
Two People
A man is seen by a prostitute in his home. They try to communicate. But the loneliness they both carry creates a gap between them, enabling that communication.
Zé Manel
In mid-September 1992, journalist Guida Fontes have to go to Luanda to cover the elections in Angola. In the meantime, she had committed herself to discovering and interviewing the poet Júlio Vera. In 1988, he wrote a series of poems in which he mysteriously anticipated the fall of the USSR. Guida has only 12 days to complete the mission.
When It Thunders
Gaspar as a Child
The relationship between António and Ruth ends unexpectedly when Ruth decides to live with Pedro, António's best friend. António doesn't fight back and lets himself drown. From the woods come Violeta and Gaspar, two strange beings, a mixture of fairies, demons and guardian angels, who help António overcome his depression. With the thunders the two characters return to their domains. And life goes on.
Бедный Хорхе
Nuno - Jorge's Nephew
Можно сказать, что Хорхе счастливый человек. Жарким летним вечером Хорхе возвращается домой. Этой ночью он встретится с японским промышленником, который позволит ему оставить место школьного учителя и вернуться к своей работе химиком. Но когда он возвращается домой, в доме кто-то есть. Кого-то, кого он не знает. Кто вломился. С этого момента все будет по-другому...
Изящная эпоха
Street Musician
Начало 30-х годов. В Испании Гражданская война. Юный красавчик Фернандо дезертировал с фронта. Он остался всего лишь на одну ночь в доме престарелого художника. Но когда сюда приехали четыре дочки художника, он понял, что задержится здесь надолго…