Chen Hwai-En


Chen Hwai-en (Chinese: 陳懷恩; born 1959) is a Taiwanese film director and cinematographer.


A pioneer in Taiwan’s contemporary dance scene, Lo Man-fei receives a beautiful tribute from director En Chen, a decade after her passing. Three years in the making, Manfei traces the life and work of the dance legend, including her early days at the Cloud Gate Dance Theatre, her studies at New York’s most prestigious dance schools, and the founding of her Taipei Crossover Dance Company. Featuring rare footage of Lo’s graceful performances as well as candid conversations with her closest friends and collaborators, Manfei is a stirring journey into the heart of a true artist and a moving remembrance for a dearly missed member of the Taiwan art world.
Love in Vain
Director of Photography
A-Yan and Xiao-Yu are strangers, but they look just like twins. A-Yan is a country boy who comes to the big city for a better future. However, the girl whom he falls for cheats him out of the insurance payout he has got from his grandmother’s illness. Xiao-Yu who owns a talent agency betrays his business partner. As a result of an attempted kidnap, their lives are entwined with each other.
A Life That Sings
How have one poet and his single book of poetry from the last century continued to inspire people today? A Life That Sings follows the legendary poet Ya Hsien from Vancouver to Nanyan, to the mobile library from his childhood and to the basement of his current home. Through his collection of books and love letters, the film unearths the treasure trove abound with stories of Ya Hsien's life.
The Untrammeled Traveler
Island Etude
Director of Photography
Ming-Hsang, a deaf college student, meets interesting people as he cycles around Taiwan before he graduates from college.
Island Etude
Ming-Hsang, a deaf college student, meets interesting people as he cycles around Taiwan before he graduates from college.
Island Etude
Ming-Hsang, a deaf college student, meets interesting people as he cycles around Taiwan before he graduates from college.
The Trigger
Director of Photography
A professional hit-man is hired to take out a target -- however, his girlfriend’s pregnancy gives him second thoughts. He decides that after this job, he will renounce his profession and turn himself in. This is the first feature film from Taiwanese director Alex Yang, who participated in script-writing and production on Edward Yang's early films. "The Trigger" has echoes of Yang's "Mahjong." The actors in the film, except for veteran Ngai Man-Yin, are all new faces -- unfortunately, Ngai's death in 2005 also made "The Trigger" his last appearance on screen.
Прощай юг, прощай
Director of Photography
На шее у Гао – большая семья и безответственный друг-шалопай по прозвищу Тупоголовый. Парню надоело такое существование. Он мечтает купить ресторан в Шанхае и жениться на своей девушке. Для того чтобы добыть денег, он задумывает аферу. Все идет как по маслу до тех пор, пока темпераментный Тупоголовый не вступает в конфликт с теми, с кем лучше было не ссориться.
Good Men, Good Women
Director of Photography
An actress preparing to play in a historical epic is terrorized by someone faxing her pages from her stolen diary; has colorful flashbacks of her affair with a now-deceased man; and imagines black-and-white film-within-a-film scenes of the movie she is about to appear in.
The Puppetmaster
Assistant Director
In the first half of this century, young Li Tienlu joins a travelling puppet theatre and subsequently makes a career as one of Taiwan's leading puppeteers.
Город скорби
Director of Photography
Тайвань, 1945-1949 гг. История четырех братьев семейства Линь, которых судьба развела в эти бурные годы.
Daughter of the Nile
Director of Photography
Lin Hsiao-yang tries to keep her family together while working as a waitress at Kentucky Fried Chicken and going to night school. With no mother and her father currently working out of town, it is up to Lin Hsiao-yang to take care of her younger siblings, who are slipping into a life of crime.
Тайбэйская история
Assistant Director
Раньше Лун играл в национальной юношеской лиге, а теперь держит старомодный магазинчик тканей и не может избавиться от ностальгии по славному прошлому. Его подруга, наоборот, устремлена в будущее. Чжэнь — современная успешная женщина. Она мечтает открыть своё дело и настроена на иммиграцию в США. Они любили друг друга с самого детства, они давно вместе, но, кажется, жизнь начинает их постепенно разводить.
Тайбэйская история
Still Photographer
Раньше Лун играл в национальной юношеской лиге, а теперь держит старомодный магазинчик тканей и не может избавиться от ностальгии по славному прошлому. Его подруга, наоборот, устремлена в будущее. Чжэнь — современная успешная женщина. Она мечтает открыть своё дело и настроена на иммиграцию в США. Они любили друг друга с самого детства, они давно вместе, но, кажется, жизнь начинает их постепенно разводить.