Pedro Marta Santos


O Tesouro
An adaptation of the short story with the same name by Portuguese writer Eça de Queiroz.
A Morte do Super-Homem
Luís Carlos is back from a six-week trip to Boston, where he was doing research on Superman for his master’s thesis. He considers Superman to be one of the best heroes of all time – if not the best. When he arrives in Lisbon and discovers that Superman has died, despair takes over his life.
Молодой замкнутый человек, страдает от унижений, нанесенных ему одноклассниками. Отец, директор школы, властный, относится к нему с безразличием. При поддержке матери Жайме находит картину, где мальчик с барабаном идет перед войсками в бою. Вдохновленный примером мужества, Жайме превратится в героя в борьбе против угнетения.
A Vida Privada de Salazar
Na fase final da vida de Salazar, o estadista recorda a sua vida, as suas opções, as decisões que tomou e as que podia ter tomado. Dar a conhecer o homem por detrás de quem governou Portugal durante 40 anos foi o grande desafio: Salazar, enquanto estadista, é conhecido do grande público. O mito do estadista estóico, convictamente religioso e assexuado tem o contraponto neste filme.
Реальная история из жизни легендарной португальской певицы Амалии Родригеш...
A 14-year-old kid, addicted to videogames, goes with his parents to a shopping mall and separates from them to go to a game store called UTOPYA. He doesn't come back. His parents get in despair, and his father tries everything he can to bring him back.
Cavaleiros De Água Doce
After the passing of one of his friends, João remember's the summer he had with his friends when he was 12 years old.
The anniversary, celebrating the thirty years of the marriage of Francisco and Leonor Teixeira, celebrated on their family farm. It is time to party and everyone party with the Teixeira's. Well, almost everyone. Ricardo, the youngest son, does not speak with his father for five years.