Paolo Agazzi


My Partner 2.0
Vito (at present 70 years old) continues in his random adventures: blackmailed by the Patron, a fearsome drug trafficker who Vito managed to lock up in a maximum security prison, now lives hidden in a small Amazonian town. Gone are the glorious days of truck driver with his truck "My Partner". When Vito finally is placed by the son of the Patron, and is in serious trouble, he has no choice but to seek the help of his former assistant Brillo through his daughter Camila. Will Vito return to travel the roads of Bolivia with his old truck "MY PARTNER"? —Paolo Agazzi
My Partner 2.0
Vito (at present 70 years old) continues in his random adventures: blackmailed by the Patron, a fearsome drug trafficker who Vito managed to lock up in a maximum security prison, now lives hidden in a small Amazonian town. Gone are the glorious days of truck driver with his truck "My Partner". When Vito finally is placed by the son of the Patron, and is in serious trouble, he has no choice but to seek the help of his former assistant Brillo through his daughter Camila. Will Vito return to travel the roads of Bolivia with his old truck "MY PARTNER"? —Paolo Agazzi
Executive Producer
Чудом выживший в перестрелке Кэссиди доживает свои деньки в пыльной Боливии. Осталось ему недолго, и старик решается на последнее ограбление, чтобы заработать денег на возвращение в родные Штаты.
Sena/Quina, la inmortalidad del cangrejo
Es la historia del camba Miami vaca y el colla Falso Conejo, dos pícaros estafadores de poca monta, que para sobrevivir se dedican a engañar a los demás con pequeñas e ingeniosas estafas. Sus vidas toman un giro inesperado cuando al intentar engañar a otra víctima más, se encuentran con alguien que resulta ser más pícaro que ellos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Речь идет о коррупции в государственных учреждениях, в данном конкретном случае в полиции.
Речь идет о коррупции в государственных учреждениях, в данном конкретном случае в полиции.
The Day Silence Died
A handsome and mysterious stranger, played by Darío Grandinetti, walks into the town square of Villaserena one day and strategically places loudspeakers around the town, blaring a variety of musical tunes. Soon, he begins to sell airtime to the various locals, who broadcast their own personal love dedications and (more frequently) insults for all to hear. A subplot evolves between Abelardo (the stranger), Celeste (a young woman who is chained inside her father's house to stop her running away), and José (a young man).
The Day Silence Died
A handsome and mysterious stranger, played by Darío Grandinetti, walks into the town square of Villaserena one day and strategically places loudspeakers around the town, blaring a variety of musical tunes. Soon, he begins to sell airtime to the various locals, who broadcast their own personal love dedications and (more frequently) insults for all to hear. A subplot evolves between Abelardo (the stranger), Celeste (a young woman who is chained inside her father's house to stop her running away), and José (a young man).
The Day Silence Died
A handsome and mysterious stranger, played by Darío Grandinetti, walks into the town square of Villaserena one day and strategically places loudspeakers around the town, blaring a variety of musical tunes. Soon, he begins to sell airtime to the various locals, who broadcast their own personal love dedications and (more frequently) insults for all to hear. A subplot evolves between Abelardo (the stranger), Celeste (a young woman who is chained inside her father's house to stop her running away), and José (a young man).
Yawar fiesta: Fiesta de sangre
An indigenous tradition in the highlands of Peru where three key players take part: a wild condor, a raging bull and brave young men.
Los hermanos Cartagena
The film portrays the 1952 revolution and 1980 coup in Bolivia through the lives of two brothers, Juan José and Martín. Juan José, the legitimate son of Luís, is transformed, by his experiences as a youth in 1950s, to become a boss of one of the groups of paramilitaries during the 1980 coup. Martín, the illegitimate son of Luís and an indigenous peasant, becomes a trade union leader during that period.
Los hermanos Cartagena
The film portrays the 1952 revolution and 1980 coup in Bolivia through the lives of two brothers, Juan José and Martín. Juan José, the legitimate son of Luís, is transformed, by his experiences as a youth in 1950s, to become a boss of one of the groups of paramilitaries during the 1980 coup. Martín, the illegitimate son of Luís and an indigenous peasant, becomes a trade union leader during that period.
My Partner
The story of an improbable friendship and a social comment on life in Bolivia in the eighties.
My Partner
The story of an improbable friendship and a social comment on life in Bolivia in the eighties.
Racial, social and cultural aspects of La Paz (called Chuquiago by the Aymaras) seen through four stories.