Gregg Almquist


Keep It Quiet
Corey, a veterinarian, keeps her depression a secret from her family and friends, until one day she decides to take her own life.
Cost Of A Soul
Charlie 'Bernie' Burns
Wounded in the war, Tommy Donahue and DD Davis return home from Iraq to the slum neighborhood they grew up in. Tommy returns to his wife, Faith, whom he abandoned while she was pregnant to escape a life of crime. Tommy meets his disabled six year-old daughter, Hope, for the first time, and she begins to melt his frozen heart. While DD struggles to make an honest living, his older brother, Darnell, has risen to become the neighborhood kingpin. DD faces the pressure to save his younger brother, James, from following in Darnell’s dangerous footsteps. Tommy and DD find themselves trapped in the same slum they joined the military to escape. As they struggle for redemption, their own families become entangled in a web of crime, corruption and violence.
The 4th Dimension
Jack is a loner confined to a workbench in the back of an antique shop. When a mysterious woman presents him with a broken antique clock that is not to be fixed, unexplainable events begin to occur. After finding Albert Einstein's journal on his still unsolved Unified Field Theory, Jack becomes obsessed with analyzing time and theorizing its connection to his supernatural experiences.
For the Future: The Irvine Fertility Scandal
Pastor Dan Mettler
John and Debbie Challender have been trying to conceive a child for ten years. Because this hasn't worked they adopted a son, but Debbie still feels she has missed out on something not knowing what it's like to feel life inside of her. They decide to seek treatment from a so-called 'miracle doctor' Ash at Irvine University. Although John doesn't like the doctor they go ahead with the treatment, which almost kills Debbie. All ends well though and they become the parents of another son. Meanwhile the office manager of Dr. Ash's clinic become more and more suspicious when she finds out that some of his nurses are not licensed RN's.
For the Future: The Irvine Fertility Scandal
Pastor Dan Metter
John and Debbie Challender have been trying to conceive a child for ten years. Because this hasn't worked they adopted a son, but Debbie still feels she has missed out on something not knowing what it's like to feel life inside of her. They decide to seek treatment from a so-called 'miracle doctor' Ash at Irvine University. Although John doesn't like the doctor they go ahead with the treatment, which almost kills Debbie. All ends well though and they become the parents of another son. Meanwhile the office manager of Dr. Ash's clinic become more and more suspicious when she finds out that some of his nurses are not licensed RN's.
Where Are My Children?
Toby Groot
Based upon a true story, Marg Helgenberger stars as a single mother mysteriously arrested by the FBI and separated from her children, thus beginning a 25-year struggle to be reunited with them.
Victim of Love: The Shannon Mohr Story
Father Recker
When a woman dies in a supposed accident, her parents suspect their son-in-law of foul play. When the police begin to agree, the murder suspect vanishes.
Top of the World
One parting married couple, plus two guys and two gals, interact during a Thanksgiving weekend at a roomy home in the Colorado Rockies.
Детектив В.И.Варшавски
Bank Manager
Частный детектив Варшавски — типичный «крепкий орешек» из Чикаго. Любит выпить, подраться, обладает саркастическим чувством юмора и не доверяет никому, кроме верного пистолета. Одно отличие от прочих. Виктория Варшавски — дама. Но не стоит шутить с этой смертоносной леди: она в момент скрутит любого не хуже коллеги-мужчины. Так что, когда Виктория берется за дело об убийстве известного хоккеиста, тот, кто совершил его, горько пожалеет о своей ошибке. На тропу войны выходит сама В. И. Варшавски.
Working Tra$h
Two men (George Carlin, Ben Stiller) working as janitors at a brokerage firm become rich by making investments based on insider information they gather from the brokers' garbage.
Эпоха радио
Radio Voice (voice)
Эта лирическая комедия посвящена воспоминаниям Вуди Аллена о 30-х — 40-х годах, когда над умами властвовало не телевидение, а радио. Режиссер рассказывает о тех временах, как сказку о прошлом, в котором живет он сам в виде юного Джо в большой, шумной и вечно ссорящейся еврейской семье…
Dinner Party Guest
Её зовут Рэйчел. Она пишет кулинарные книги, которые издаются большими тиражами, и втайне мечтает о собственном ребенке. Его зовут Марк. Он - преуспевающий журналист из Вашингтона и неисправимый ловелас. Они познакомились тогда, когда им уже успели «набить оскомину» прошлые неудачные романы и супружества. Они встретились и решили, что в этот раз все будет по-серьезному. Марк и Рэйчел играют свадьбу, обустраивают новое жилище и у них рождается первенец. Спустя какое-то время Рэйчел вновь беременеет, и перед самыми родами она узнаёт, что всё это время у супруга был роман с другой женщиной. Она уходит от него, однако вскоре у него появится ещё один шанс вернуть семью…