Saverio D'Eugenio


The Doctor...the Schoolgirl
Production Designer
Claudia, a perky eighteen year-old girl, is crushed when her step mother prevents her from going on a vacation to London. She discovers her step mother is having an affair with a doctor and so, with the help of her friends, sets about getting her revenge.
La verginella
Production Designer
A high school girl is lured into prostitution by a fashion photographer.
La verginella
Set Decoration
A high school girl is lured into prostitution by a fashion photographer.
Production Designer
Sicilian baron, Mimì Galluzzo, will be able to enjoy the legacy of his deceased father-in-law on two conditions: that his wife accepts the will and that there is a compromising document to be delivered to the mafia. While, however, the precious "dossier" is, in reality, in the hands of an avid widow, Donna Maria, willing to sell it only if Mimi marries her. Rosalba, obsessed with the absence of a child, suddenly goes mad or pretends 'go crazy. Recommended by Donna Maria, of whom he became the lover Don Mimì tries, with the help of his friend Langatta, undertaker, and a nurse in the clinic in which Rosalba was hospitalized, to get rid of his wife. Instead, he finds himself without having reached his goal, involved in an obscure series of crimes that will make him lose his mind.
La cognatina
Art Direction
After a few years in a boarding school for nuns, young and provocative Monica returns to the village, eager to win as many children as possible. All men lose their heads for her. Later her sister, Sabina who runs a pharmacy arrives with her new husband and she can't manage to keep her hands off her new brother-in-law. It succeeds so well that it reduces the entire local soccer team to its knees.
The Underage Girl
Art Direction
Suffocated from the strict atmosphere of her high school, Valeria has been experiencing erotic dreams with sadistic motorcyclist rapists, a doctor who decides more than an exam is in order and a torturous priest whipping her in pure delight. After leaving school she finds out that the her bourgeois family setting has something to do with her recurring dreams and suppressed desires. She idealistically seeks out romance and love, but falls short time and time again...
The Killer with a Thousand Eyes
Set Decoration
A special detective is sent to Lisbon in order to investigate a series of murders. After looking into the murders, our hero realises that they are somehow linked to an illegal drug smuggling operation and so sets about looking into that in order to solve the murders and stop the smuggling from taking place.
Vendetta at Dawn
Set Decoration
George Benton returns from school to his brother Jonathan's farm as a doctor and marries his fiancé Lory, but happiness doesn't last long. The Fargas brothers provide a bloodbath at the ranch and are able to divert suspicion from themselves onto a gang of passing outlaws, but one of the family has survived the massacre and knows who the actual killers are.
Bastard, Go and Kill
Production Designer
Chaco, a Mexican on the run from just about everyone, is framed for the killing of a couple of Mexican cattlemen. Everyone knows he's innocent but the evidence is substantial. Chaco escapes and with the help of a bounty hunter, goes after the real murderers.
The Ravine
Production Designer
In the winter of 1943, deep in the frozen waste of German occupied Yugoslavia, a lone parachute drifts from the snowy skies, falling ever closer to earth and a waiting German patrol car. Suddenly shots ring out from a hidden sniper, the Germans are killed, and the parachutist scurries away into the forest. The sniper is a woman, the number one partisan terrorist on the German hit list, and her adversary is the German number one exterminator sent direct from berlin to eliminate her. The battle is on, orders from high command - capture her… alive. Both are professional, but now the hunter becomes the hunted.
Пистолет для сотни могил
Production Design
Бандиты пытаются ограбить банк — но нет никаких денег в том банке, потому что транспорт с 200 000$ еще не прибывал. Они угрожают вскоре вернуться..., и граждане стремятся найти нового шерифа и подготовиться к нападению.
Всё для всех
Production Design
Действие картины происходит между техасским городом Эль-Пасо и мексиканским Веракрус. Именно по пути на юг, в пустынной жаркой местности, герой Джона Иреленда по прозвищу "Аул (Сова) - ночной охотник" встречает такого же, мастерски владеющего оружием Джонни (Марк Дамон), который не всегда дружит с законом, но знает цену дружбы. Эта встреча закончилась для Аула потерей лошади, и он вынужден вернуться в Эль-Пасо, где становится свидетелем шулерства против Джонни местным шулером Морганом. На следующий день, во время изоблечения Моргана, двоим задержанным мексиканским бандитам Гомесу и Пако удаётся уйти, благодаря Джонни и Аулу, который ему помог восстановить справедливость.
A Ghentar si muore facile
Art Direction
In order to overturn the government of some exotic country, the rebels decide to hire an experienced American diver (George Hilton). His risky mission: recover from the botton of the sea a treasure, which would provide financial support to their endeavor.
Kill the Wickeds!
Production Designer
A robber decides to hide his loot in a ghost town, helped by his girlfriend and his one remaining man. Keeping it though may be a problem, with the lone inhabitant, an old lady, a mysterious stranger, a recent widow and a former gang member all more or less plotting against the bandits.
Убей или будь убитым
Production Designer
Бродячий стрелок становится на сторону слабых в конфликте между двумя фермерскими семьями.
Requiem for a Secret Agent
Set Decoration
A veteran US Secret Service agent must thwart the covert conspiracy of an enemy spy network that threatens the world's safety.
Джанго, эта пуля для тебя!
Production Design
20.000 долларов — именно на такую огромную по тем временам сумму ограбила одну уважаемую компанию банда Джима Нортона. Сразу после дела хитрые налетчики разделились, и взять их не удалось. Когда уже казалось, что им удастся уйти, в дело вступает знаменитый «охотник за головами» Риган. Он выясняет, что главарь банды Нортон был убит в городишке Пико, правая рука его некто Фриман тоже, и вообще из шести грабителей в живых пока имеются только трое. Да еще Риган вдруг узнает, что у покойного Джима Нортона был братишка-близнец, который живет в Монтане. И тогда Риган отправляетя в Монтану, хотя отлично знает, что там «охотники за головами» считаются такими же бандитами и объявлены вне закона…
Seven Dollars on the Red
Production Designer
A little boy is abducted by ruthless bandit gang leader El Cachal after Cachal and his men butcher the boy's family with the exception of his father. Johnny Ashley, the gunslinger father of the boy, goes searching for his son. Alas, the boy has grown up to be a mean and vicious criminal. Written by Woodyanders
Spiaggia libera
Production Designer
Agente X1-7 operazione Oceano
Production Design
Eurospy movie.
Золото древних инков
Production Design
Древние земли Южной Америки хранят ещё немало тайн и секретов. А также они хранят великие сокровища, оставшиеся после таинственной и трагической гибели целой цивилизации - Страны Великих Инков. Этот народ умел не только сражаться и завоёвывать всё новые пространства, но и красиво, с роскошью и шиком отдохнуть. Именно поэтому до сих пор то там, то здесь случайно находят громадные золотые изделия, невероятные в своей красоте драгоценные камни, невиданные по мастерству и великолепию кольца и ожерелья… В этом фильме кучке авантюристов и искателей приключений противостоит мощная, хорошо законспирированная и разветвлённая тайная организация наследников Древних Инков. Кто из них выйдет победителем в безумной гонке за сокровищами?
Veneri in collegio
Production Design
Two competing teams of paparazzi try to enter a college to get a picture of an Arab Prince's fiancée.
Veneri al sole
Production Designer
Three episodes: In the first one a girl gets a journalist to help her recover a case with some precious designs in it; in the second a worker keen on helping his boss gets him into trouble instead and in the third one a shy boy who tries to impress women pretending he is tough ends up in hospital and falls in love with a nurse.
Hour of Death
Art Direction
When Bob Carey is released from prison after a long sentence for murder, begins the search for Mary, his former girlfriend. But soon he finds out that during his absence, she has married Clifford, a wealthy landowner. The happiness of that marriage is only apparent, Mary, in fact, is seriously ill, suffering from a brain tumor whose pains she attributes to an imaginary pregnancy. It becomes necessary to bring to the city of Laredo for an operation, so Clifford sells all his possessions and begins the long journey towards hope. Soon others will join the expedition: a former army scout named Rogers, a nice Chinese cook, Lin-Chu, and a mestizo that responds to the name of "Bets".
Two Escape from Sing Sing
Production Design
Two attendants in a public toilet in New York save the life of the Mafia boss Attanasia. Attanasia turns one of them into a successful boxer by setting up his matches and makes the other into his right hand. When a gang war starts the two are accused of the murders and are sentenced to death. When the execution day comes they refuse to leave their cell, even when they are proved innocent.
Queste pazze, pazze donne
Production Design
Four episodes preceded with a narrator in the role of psychiatrist who tells some cases of female madness.
Man of the Cursed Valley
Production Designer
Gwen (Eory), who is married to Torito, an Indian, she escapes from a rape attempt and is found wandering in the wilderness by Johnny (Hardin), who leaves her with a missionary Father Ryan. A difficult situation emerges involving warring families and those who had assaulted her, still on their trail.
Le tardone
Production Designer
A collection of five episodes dealing with aging women.
Женщина за рулём
Production Design
Чем более обыденными становятся автомобили, тем чаще за рулем можно увидеть женщин. Какие они водители? Разные – хорошие и вредные, осмотрительные и неосторожные, отличницы и двоечницы… Пять историй – «Спринт по-кармелитски», «Путана с прицепом», «Синьора в движении», «Неизвестный постовой» и «Наезд со страховкой» – рассказывают о женщинах, которым машины нужны для бизнеса, развлечения и для служения ближнему своему…
Girl from La Mancha
Art Direction
The story of Dulcinea, the love of Don Quixote, who was only a normal girl named Aldonza that is suddenly involved by the legend of the brave and ingenous gentleman.
La donna degli altri è sempre più bella
Production Design
Five episodes which show Italian peoples pathological unfaithfulness in marriage.
The Fury of Achilles
Production Design
In the tenth year of the Trojan War, tensions between Achilles and Agamemnon divide the Greek camp while giving hope to the Trojans.
L'assassino si chiama Pompeo
Production Design
Gerarchi si muore
Production Design
Now in bankruptcy, the industrialist Merletti seeks the help of Mr. Frioppi, a rich ex-fascist with a real mania for ancient castles.
Duel of the Titans
Production Design
Twin brothers were raised by wolves, revolt against tyranny in pre-Roman Italy and then come to a parting of the ways as they lead their people toward the founding of a new city, the founders of Rome.
Le magnifiche 7
Production Design
Bellezze sulla spiaggia
Production Design
A doctor running a health clinic by the sea is convinced that women are the cause of the disturbed behaviour of his (male) patients. We get to follow the adventures of the patients during a day on the beach.
Revolt of the Mercenaries
Production Design
Duchess Patrizia is determined to marry, although against her will, effeminate but powerful Prince Stefano. This is the only way she has found to thwart the plans of Count Keller, her aggressive neighbor, who wants to grab her land.
Scandali al mare
Production Design
The Last of the Vikings
Set Designer
In this historical drama, a Viking prince returns to his homeland only to learn that his father has been murdered by King Sven of Norway. Sven is forcing his sister to marry in order to create an alliance with the Danes. The prince must defeat Sven and save his sister.
Un figlio d'oggi
Production Designer
Caccia al marito
Production Design
Italy, Sixties. A four-storey beach resort, and they look for the man of their life. Will they succeed?
Il mio amico Jekyll
Production Design
Professor Fabius has found a way of transferring his personality to another person and he transfers his to the body of Giacinto Floria, a nice teacher in a women's college. Poor Giacinto becomes a sex maniac to the puzzlement of his girlfriend Mafalda.
Spavaldi e innamorati
Set Designer
This is an Italian movie starring Terence Hill
The Pirate of the Black Hawk
Art Direction
Manfred, backed by Saracen pirates, deposes the Duke of Montfort, takes over the throne and kidnapped the Duke's young son. Capt. Riccardo, the leader of a pirate band on the ship Black Hawk, sets out to defeat Manfred and his Saracens and restore the Duke to his rightful place on the throne.
Marinai, donne e guai
Production Design
Four sailors are off duty in Barcelona. Capo Campana ordered them to remain together when in the city. But Mario, one of them, falls for Manuela and leaves the other three.
Aphrodite, Goddess of Love
Production Design
The construction of great temple dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite, followed by new and high taxes and the arrival of a plague, create discontent in the population, and threatens the love between a sculptor and a slave.
Pirate of the Half Moon
Production Design
Gianna Maria Canale as the Duchess who is offered a banquet and requests for a hard-boiled egg. The stingy Spanish lord, who used his last gunpowder to fire a salute to the noble lady and thus has no more when a bunch of pirates, led by Nadir, launches an attack against his castle. Nadir is the dashing fiery hero.
There Is a Path in the Sky
Production Design
Totò Double or Nothing?
Production Design
The penniless Duke decides to participate in "Lascia o raddoppia", a TV quiz show, in order to win five million lira. Then two gangsters bet between themselves on his success and, alas, the Duke is kidnapped.
Il campanile d'oro
Production Design
La moglie è uguale per tutti
Production Design
Antonio De Papis is a lawyer and his specialization is separation by mutual consent. He is contrary to marriage because he sees so many of them going wrong. So when his nephew calls on him asking for his approval to his marriage, Antonio suggests to him to spend a day in his office to see what marriage really is.
La ladra
Production Design
Whistle is an orphaned boy, raised in an environment unsuitable for a budding child and thief. A shady lawyer, an accomplice of thieves and fences, entrusts him to Nino, the leader of a gang that is preparing a particularly valuable coup.
Sing me good morning sadness
Production Designer
A 1955 film directed by Giorgio Pastina.
Il vetturale del Moncenisio
Production Designer
During the first Napoleonic expedition into Italy, Thibaud is seriously injured before being caught up in a mystery involving his wife, her rightful inheritance and his own daughter's happiness.
Love song
Production Designer
An aspiring singer is torn between the love for a devious ex-flame, the affection of a simple girl and the loyalty to his paralyzed best friend.
Barrier of the Law
Production Designer
An undercover policeman infiltrates a criminal gang.
Passionate song
Production Design
Lucia Spinelli, orphaned by both parents, is taken as a housekeeper in the house of Mrs. Carla Parodi, when she reaches the age of majority, the young woman is almost forced to marry Mrs. Carla's brother. After the marriage and the birth of the first child, Parodi's intrusions on the life of the two spouses continue.
Lo scocciatore
Production Design
A bored civil servant accepts an invitation to visit a glamorous young lady. When she doesn't answer the door, then is later found murdered he panics!
I figli non si vendono
Costume Design
I figli non si vendono (literally, Children must not be sold) is a 1952 Italian melodrama film by Mario Bonnard
I figli non si vendono
Production Design
I figli non si vendono (literally, Children must not be sold) is a 1952 Italian melodrama film by Mario Bonnard