Gino Santini


Hell in the Jungle
Director of Photography
The Crimson Night of the Hawk
Director of Photography
A murder mystery set in the old west.
Skin 'em Alive
Director of Photography
This rare Italian action adventure tells the story of a broke man called Rudy, who goes into the African jungle to join his half-brother Franz. Franz is leader of a mercenary group that fights against native rebels, but Rudy only wants some money from his next of kin (on one occasion, he says: "You know I can't stand violence"). But Franz, a racist who sees Africans merely as animals, just wants him to leave again immediately. Then, Franz gets abducted and imprisoned by the rebels. Rudy joins forces with the other mercenaries, who are as fascist as Franz and like to kill Africans and rape their wives. He does so to make a deal with Franz as soon as they have freed him, but the mercenaries get attacked on more than one occasion by the natives.
Es pecado... pero me gusta
Director of Photography
Жаркие ночи Калигулы
Director of Photography
На празднике Калигула должен продемонстрировать народу свою мужественность. Будучи импотентом, он обращается к помощи немецкого врача и преподавателя гимнастики...
Crazy Desires of a Murderer
Director of Photography
A group of hip friends gather at a Gothic castle owned by a wheelchair- bound older relative of one of the girls. One couple in the group, unbeknownst to the others, is smuggling heroin in some Chinese artifacts the protagonist has brought back from the Orient to give to her elderly relative. Meanwhile the deranged uncle of the protagonist, who supposedly killed the protagonist's mother (his own sister) and cut out her eyes, is wandering the catacombs spying on everyone. When one of the guests is murdered and her eyes subsequently disappear, suspicion naturally falls on the mad uncle. But is he being set up?
Director of Photography
Пятеро друзей угоняют перевозимые трейлером новые легковые автомобили, в одном из которых была спрятана нелегальная мафиозная касса, направлявшаяся в швейцарский банк. Во время операции один из приятелей вступает в перестрелку с полицейским патрулем и получает тяжелое ранение. Успешно сбыв машины и прихватив бандитские деньги, похитители скрываются на одинокой вилле, расположенной на берегу озера. Они вынуждены обратиться к знакомому врачу, чтобы поставить на ноги раненого. Пока тот медленно приходит в себя, вокруг друзей сжимается кольцо из полицейских и бандитов. Однако не все из похитителей готовы терпеливо ждать развязки на превратившейся в ловушку вилле...
Passi furtivi in una notte boia
tory of a valet waitress. In order to become the owner of the bar where he works, he agrees to rob a bank. Good for the first time, not the second.
La campagnola bella
Director of Photography
italian movie
Emanuelle's Silver Tongue
This movie is an Emmanuelle film in name only. Carmen Villani does get naked often, and there is this guy who looks like he was in the :Monkeys: The film begins with Billy ( Roberto Cenci ) who rushes to the airport of Tunis , for the arrival of her friend Andrea ( Carmen Villani ), returning from Paris with her ​​husband. But Billy's happiness is shattered when she learns quickly that it should host to his house, at the request of Andrea, Bobby ( Gianfranco D'Angelo ), in love with Andrea, and Dr. Censi ( Nadia Cassini ), a friend of Bobby, who tries in vain to cure him of his uncontrollable desire of women, but to no avail, even allowing himself to him, after having hypnotized. After realizing that Bobby was not the right man for her, Andrea finally falls in love Billy.
Джулио никак не может определиться в своем будущем. Отец, будучи банковским клерком, мечтает, чтобы сын пошел по его стопам, и устраивает ему стажировку в Лондоне. Сам юноша хочет быть пианистом и стать частью богемы. Несоответствие между реальностью и мечтой сказывается на его жизни. Днем он стоит за банковской конторкой, а вечерами – играет в прокуренном баре, где проводит вечера старший друг Джулио – фотограф Макс. С ним они делят не только квартиру и приключения, но и женщин. Точнее – своими подругами делится Макс, поскольку его молодому приятелю в силу слабохарактерности никак не удается завязать романтическое знакомство. Однажды Джулио встречает Дору – молодую женщину после неудачного замужества решившую изменить свою жизнь...
Hallucination Strip
Director of Photography
The story is about a youth named Massimo Monaldi, who, living in Rome, is a part-time college student who has some involvement in the protests that occur at his university. Massimo is also involved with drugs and he sometimes steals to make a living and support his habit (the theft of a tobacco box is very important to the story). Among his associates are his girlfriend, Cinzia, who comes from a wealthy family, and he has a wealthy male friend named Rudy who is very naive as well as strangely pampered by his overly-doting mother. Both families don't approve of their relationship with Massimo.
A Virgin in the Family
Director of Photography
The strand that opposes the bourgeois morality of the solar facade freedom of sexual behavior is an additional coarse exemplary in this film where the most excessive declarations of honesty of a family hiding intrigues and debauchery. Father, mother and son are all entangled. Only daughter, Anna, seems to be out. "He studied and preserved virgin" is the recommendation that the father, truffle hardened, the repeats. But when she discovers her father with his secretary, starts for her, more than a drama, a confused search morbid. Approaches, waste, leaks, adventurous experiences until, almost by breaking it with an equivocal situation, ask an occasional companion to deprive her of her virginity, as a cumbersome burden. Then haughtily refuses the marriage with a young friend, that his father would want to impose "the good name of the family" and flees with the father of his friend, to a free tomorrow.
Подруга моей матери
Director of Photography
Поссорившись с мужем, Барбара просит свою лучшую подругу приютить ее на время. Та соглашается без раздумий, вот только сама она находится в отъезде, а в ее доме пока живет лишь ее сын-подросток Билли. Но это только к лучшему. Заодно Барбара могла бы и присмотреть за тинейджером. Но подруги не предусмотрели, что Билли находится в том самом возрасте, когда присутствие рядом красивой женщины способно вызвать в подростке самую неожиданную реакцию. Так и произошло – юноша без памяти влюбился в Барбару, и поставил себе цель во чтобы то ни стало добиться ее.
Riot in a Women's Prison
Director of Photography
This film traces the prison life of a group of women who-rather than being prepared to reenter society-are brought to the limits of depravity. Martine, wrongly imprisoned will bear the scars of a prison system wrongly based on punishment rather than rehabilitation.
The Killer with a Thousand Eyes
Director of Photography
A special detective is sent to Lisbon in order to investigate a series of murders. After looking into the murders, our hero realises that they are somehow linked to an illegal drug smuggling operation and so sets about looking into that in order to solve the murders and stop the smuggling from taking place.
The Return
A man receives a telegram that his father is dying, and travels with his wife to his hometown. They discover that the telegram is untrue, and set out to find who sent the message and why.
Trinity and Sartana Are Coming
Director of Photography
Sartana and Trinity set out on a grudging relationship hell bent for gold and comic brawls. - East West DVD sleeve
Blood Story
A prohibition-themed gangster thriller, set in the 1930s in the United States. Following a failed heist, Sam's gang takes refuge in a small isolated town where another gang has already settled, together with a mysterious priest. The two bands decide to unite, but the wife of one of the gang bosses is attracted to a member of the other gang. They plan to escape and start a new life together. But who will survive the police assault on the town?
I leoni di Pietroburgo
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Shango is a Texas Ranger who finds himself up against a former Confederate officer and his gang of thugs who have been terrorizing a local border town in search of gold.
Le isole dell'amore
Director of Photography
A softcore island fantasy
Death Knocks Twice
Second Unit Director of Photography
When private detective Bob Martin looking for a stolen diamond necklace, he also has a clever serial killer on the trail ...
Ублюдок Джанго
Во время гражданской войны в США, три офицера армии Федерации, Хокинс, Говард и Мердок предают своих солдат, подставив их под пули Армии Союза. Выжить не удалось никому. Тем не менее, спустя 13 лет, один из тех солдат, Джанго, возвращается…
Naked England
Director of Photography
"Mondo" sort of documentary around English customs.
Director of Photography
Авантюристка Лулу по прозвищу «Кольт-за-подвязкой» приезжает в маленький техасский городок на границе с Мексикой, рассчитывая хорошенько поживиться с помощью карточного шулерства. Тем временем, здесь разворачиваются нешуточные страсти. Местный бандит, по кличке «Рыжий», держащий в страхе все окрестное население, обещает генералу мексиканских повстанцев партию оружия. Чтобы помешать этому через границу нелегально отправляются два французских офицера, преданных императору Максимилиану Габсбургу.
20,000 Dollars on 7
$1,000 on the Black
Director of Photography
Johnny Liston has just been released from prison where he has wrongly served twelve years for a murder. He returns to Campos, the village of his birth, where the whole town is terrorized by Johnny's brother, Sartana, who has taken Manuela, Johnny's fiancèe to be his lover. With his only friend a mute, Johnny must seize all opportunity to find out why he was framed, who was involved and why he is not welcome. source: SWDB
Святой выходит на след
Camera Operator
Обаятельный авантюрист по прозвищу «Святой» по просьбе своего друга, секретного агента Оскара, отправляется на Сицилию, чтобы забрать миллион долларов, который тот получил в результате крупной аферы. Однако, на хвосте у Святого американская и немецкая разведки, а также мафиози, желающие получить свои денежки обратно. К тому же в эту поездку с ним увязалась дочка Оскара, о которой он дал слово позаботиться. Но ничто не сможет помешать Святому выйти на след заветных долларов...
Seven Dollars on the Red
Camera Operator
A little boy is abducted by ruthless bandit gang leader El Cachal after Cachal and his men butcher the boy's family with the exception of his father. Johnny Ashley, the gunslinger father of the boy, goes searching for his son. Alas, the boy has grown up to be a mean and vicious criminal. Written by Woodyanders
Они шли на восток
Camera Operator
Время действия - Вторая мировая война. О солдатах и офицерах итальянских дивизий, взявших направление на Москву. Дорого даётся оккупантам каждый шаг... В этом походе погибает молодой солдат - крестьянин Бадзокки. И старшине Габриэлли не суждено больше увидеть родину: после многодневного мучительного продвижения он замерзнет в пустынном поле...
I motorizzati
Assistant Camera
A guy is about to become the millionth citizen to buy a car in Rome. Frightened, he decides to remain pedestrian, and recalls several stories, with new car owners as protagonists. Episodic comedy.
The Last Violence
Assistant Camera
Raped during the war by a stranger, Anna is forced by their parents to pretend that that her daughter Lisa is her sister. When she is about to marry the new doctor in the country, her jealous brother resorts to threats of blackmail in an attempt to keep them apart.