Elza Gomes


Fish in a Barrel
Young robber, son of a prostitute who had killed herself, gets involved with two police informers, who force him to share the loot he gets.
As Desquitadas em Lua de Mel
Ninguém Segura Essas Mulheres
Nem os Bruxos Escapam
Супружеская война
Dona Gabriela
Адвокат Осирис занимается делами о разводах. Любую клиентку он рассматривает как возможный вариант для интима. А работы много... Череда историй о супружеских конфликтах людей самого разного возраста.
Os Alegres Vigaristas
Esposa de Leopoldo
Caseli, a young writer and teacher, creates in his imagination characters who would frequent a motel, the subject of the book he is writing. He and Dilma, his student, decide to spend a night in a motel in Rio, where eight couples meet: - Fábio, visual artist and Stefânia, fashion editor of a magazine; - Ferraz, flirtatious dentist and his secretary Cleonice, shy and virgin; - Vera, wife of Ferraz and Kiko, big boy from Ipanema; - Leopoldo and his wife, an elderly couple celebrating their golden anniversary; - Detective Camilo and his assistant Dorô, who try to catch Vera in the act of adultery; - Renato, on vacation from São Paulo and Cláudia, a woman he recently met in Rio; - Gustavo and Lazinha, a couple who use extravagant artifices to achieve sexual fulfillment. In the middle of the night, the corpse of an unknown man appears, and the arrival of the police determines the most diverse outcomes for those who were looking for just one night of love.
All Nudity Shall Be Punished
A rich, spoiled young man encounters a prostitute and gets confused about the nature of his feelings for her. He can't decide between attraction and repulsion.
A Filha de Madame Betina
Otavio has to find and marry Madame Bettina's daughter if he wants to inherit her fortune.
Quando as Mulheres Paqueram