Bill Vincent

Bill Vincent


Bill Vincent


The Frightened President
In a fictitious country, the newly elected president and first lady are faced with supernatural powers that put their love to the test.
Some Are Born
A lonely young man enters college and quickly finds comfort in two mysterious filmmakers that have manipulative plans of their own.
Acts of Death
Dean Masterson
A group of college theater students sneak into the Baxter University theater at night to initiate the 'frosh meat'. Something goes terribly wrong. The next night the same actors become locked into the theater, each one of them has to face the consequences for their actions.
Acts of Death
A group of college theater students sneak into the Baxter University theater at night to initiate the 'frosh meat'. Something goes terribly wrong. The next night the same actors become locked into the theater, each one of them has to face the consequences for their actions.
Dead End Road
Det. Burt Williams
Detective Burt Williams has been on the trail of the infamous "Poe killer" for nearly three years. The most recent abduction of fashion model Heather Makepiece prompts state authorities to bring in the FBI. Burt's daughter Kris Williams, a homicide agent for the FBI, along with her partner Sean Michaels take over. Burt reluctantly steps down from the case and retires. For the next seven months the "Poe Killer" continues his murderous rampage, until Kris discovers that the killer uses internet chat rooms to seduce his prey. She logs in as Annabel Lee and sure enough, he contacts her. With the help of Larry the tech guy, she sets up a meeting at a nearby bowling alley. But, when things go wrong and Kris is abducted and her partner Sean is slaughtered, it becomes a race against time for Burt and ex-partner Grace Andrews to find Kris before she becomes the next victim of the "Poe Killer".
Dead End Road
Scenario Writer
Detective Burt Williams has been on the trail of the infamous "Poe killer" for nearly three years. The most recent abduction of fashion model Heather Makepiece prompts state authorities to bring in the FBI. Burt's daughter Kris Williams, a homicide agent for the FBI, along with her partner Sean Michaels take over. Burt reluctantly steps down from the case and retires. For the next seven months the "Poe Killer" continues his murderous rampage, until Kris discovers that the killer uses internet chat rooms to seduce his prey. She logs in as Annabel Lee and sure enough, he contacts her. With the help of Larry the tech guy, she sets up a meeting at a nearby bowling alley. But, when things go wrong and Kris is abducted and her partner Sean is slaughtered, it becomes a race against time for Burt and ex-partner Grace Andrews to find Kris before she becomes the next victim of the "Poe Killer".
Terror at Baxter U
Harold Moxie
A group of anthropology students at a Michigan college try to stop a Chupacabra from eating their classmates.
Terror at Baxter U
A group of anthropology students at a Michigan college try to stop a Chupacabra from eating their classmates.
Henry Chambers
Fifteen years ago, a group of young friends were playing a game of baseball. One of them is called home for dinner and the gang decides to let the creepy neighborhood fat kid join in. The first pitch is slammed over the fence, into the road, and the fat kid excitedly chases the ball. As the group taunts him and his efforts, they don't notice a truck speeding toward him. He is killed on impact. PRESENT DAY- The members of the old gang all receive mysterious invitations to reunite at an old lodge. Thinking one of the group must have some "big announcement", they all arrive at the lodge. What the group learns about the lodge and the real reason why they were "invited", leaves them fighting for their lives.
Ради любви к игре
X-Ray Technician
Никто не играет в бейсбол лучше, чем Билли Чэпел. Он — игрок экстра-класса и настоящая суперзвезда. Миллионы американских мужчин и женщин боготворили его. Самый старший и опытный игрок в своей команде, Билли уже двадцать лет подряд выступает за «Детройтских тигров». Однако он понимает, что рано или поздно настанет время уйти из игры, которая стала смыслом его жизни. Две страшные новости приходят одновременно. Билли хотят «продать» другой команде, что для него крайне тяжело. Мало этого, его возлюбленная неожиданно покидает его… Теперь Билли должен доказать всем, что он по-прежнему суперзвезда бейсбола и, конечно, вернуть свою девушку.
Зловещие мертвецы 3: Армия тьмы
Fake Shemp
По воле случая Эш переносится в далекое прошлое. Вместе со своим автомобилем и двухстволкой он оказывается в 13 веке. В этом мрачном средневековье люди страдают от сил тьмы. Бедняга Эш был пойман добропорядочными гражданами и помещен в местную тюрьму. Он с трудом смог убедить судью, в том, что он вовсе не шпион из враждебного королевства. Он решает помочь людям в битве с врагами. Чтобы победить, он должен восстановить Некрономикон, старинную магическую книгу, которая поможет ему вернуться в свое время. По неосторожности Эш выпустил на волю Армию тьмы. Как победить живых мертвецов?
Зловещие мертвецы
Fake Shemp
Молодые люди снимают на выходные загородный дом. Находится он в непролазной глуши, выглядит мрачно, а кругом — ни души. Аренда стоит копейки, но не потому, что он того и гляди развалится… Раньше здесь жил археолог, после которого в подвале остались различные мистические артефакты. Например, книга мёртвых, предметы неизвестных магических культов и магнитофон с записью заклинания на непонятном языке. Ребята запись прослушали… С наступлением темноты им предстоит встретиться с духами, которых они разбудили!
Mind bending ride of comedy, suspense and utter devastation.