Louie Cowan


Horrors of War
Sergeant Armstrong
HORRORS OF WAR derives from the "B" movie, Grindhouse tradition, made to play like a like a midnight movie. It is an independently-produced film made in a B-movie style, yet with a dramatic grounding and an eye toward bigger production values.......FILM SYNOPSIS: 'Feeling the pressure from Allied advance, Hitler unleashes his secret weapons giving rise to a type of warfare the world has never seen. Throughout the European theater of WWII, Lieutenant John Schmidt comes face to face with these "weapons." The Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S., precursor to the C.I.A.) initiates missions behind enemy lines to find the source of the weapons terrorizing U.S. soldiers fighting the Third Reich. Schmidt is joined by Captain Joe Russo and his group of war-hardened GIs who have experienced for themselves the all-too-real horrors of war in battle. Together, they must find and destroy Hitler's horde of nightmare weapons before his horrific vision can be fully realized
Death 4 Told
Four horror stories occur in sequence connected by time and space. The first deals with a writer and his wife who move into a large house only to find it is already occupied. The second follows three college couples on a weekend camping trip where tall tales and legends are more real than fiction. The third segment follows a TV crew as they prepare for the taping of their hit show, "World's Most Haunted Places". The final story is about a hack psychic who discovers that practice really does make perfect.
Turkey Day
It's a cold day before Thanksgiving. Joseph, an aging homeless man, is given a big frozen turkey, by a well-intentioned woman, embarrassed by her own guilty conscience. Now, with little more than a howling stomach, Joseph sets out on a desperate journey to get to eat the turkey. His often-comedic odyssey leads him across the city, experiencing along the way the many different attitudes toward the homeless. Challenged by a loss of Hope, he ultimately finds his hunger satisfied in the courage of Giving.