Frances Rafferty

Frances Rafferty

Рождение : 1922-06-16, Sioux City, Iowa, USA

Смерть : 2004-04-18


Frances Rafferty


Wings of Chance
Arlene Baker
Red Kirby is a seasoned bush pilot. When he crash lands his plane near a remote lake in northern Alberta, he is initially optimistic that he will soon be rescued. However, as the months drag by, Kirby realizes that he must take his fate into his own hands. To combat the loneliness, he befriends a family of Canada geese.
Moochie of Pop Warner Football
Louise Morgan
Moochie joins a Pop Warner Football team, but has troubles with the mayor’s son. When the two make amends, they help the team win and go to the Disneyland Bowl, and get to enjoy a visit to the park.
Moochie of the Little League
Louise Morgan
A young newspaper boy who is on a Little League team works hard to persuade an elderly Englishman, with whom he had a previous run-in, to donate land for a baseball diamond.
The Shanghai Story
Mrs. Warren
Shanghai, China. The last expatriate Westerners still living in the city are imprisoned in a hotel by the communist authorities in order to find the spy hiding among them.
Dixie Benson
Nancy Cartwright is determined to collect an $1,800 feed bill owed to her father Harry Cartwright by a rodeo association. Instead, she is talked into assuming management of the rodeo by Slim Martin and the other performers when they learn the promoter has run off with the cash receipts.
An Old-Fashioned Girl
Frances Shaw
A music teacher in 1870s Boston works hard to succeed, while her wealthy distant relatives find their fortunes turning.
Lady at Midnight
Ellen McPhail Wiggins
A couple's adopted daughter has an inheritance someone else wants.
Money Madness
Julie Saunders
A murderous bank robber on the run from the law hides out in a small town.
Mildred Johnson
The students of Lakeview Elementary devise ways to torment their new teacher. Comedy.
The Adventures of Don Coyote
Maggie Riley
Near Border Flats, Don Coyote and his friend Sancho are interrupted on their way to the fiesta by a fight. A quick intervention on their part prompts ranch owner Maggie Riley to hire them. Coyote and Sancho meet her surly, younger brother Ted who is wanting Maggie to sell their cattle herd to pay off a bank loan before they lose the ranch. But when they try to drive a herd to market, a gang led by Big Foot Ferguson drives off their cowhands.
Lost Honeymoon
Lois Evans
An American architect learns he has two children whom he fathered during his military service.
Bad Bascomb
Dora McCabe
A western bandit is reformed by his love for a little girl.
Bud Abbott and Lou Costello in Hollywood
Claire Warren
When two bumbling barbers act as agents for a talented but unknown singer, they stage a phony murder in order to get him a plum role.
The Hidden Eye
Jean Hampton
A perfumed message provides the only clue for a blind detective bent on clearing a man accused of murder.
Миссис Паркингтон
Jane Stilham
Сьюзи Паркингтон вспоминает историю своей жизни, которая пошла по новому пути после судьбоносной встречи с богачом Огастусом Паркингтоном. С нефтяником, финансистом и будущим супругом горничная познакомилась в отеле в Неваде, откуда он увез ее в Нью-Йорк, сделав из привыкшей к трудностям простушки даму из высшего общества. Но не всё на этом пути было гладко и безмятежно. Деньги, бизнес и личное счастье не всегда между собой в ладу. Много выпало на долю Сьюзи взлетов и падений, уроков и испытаний.
Barbary Coast Gent
Portia Adair
Honest Plush Brannon is a con-man thrown out of the Barbary Coast in San Francisco in the 1880s and headed for the gold rush region of Nevada. He discovers a real mine which lead to several complications.
Потомство дракона
Orchid Tan - Lao Ta's Wife
Линг Тань и его семья живут на процветающей ферме в сельских районах Южного Китая и еще не ощутили влияния японского вторжения на Север. Два старших сына Таня, Лао Та Тань и Лао Эр Тань - женатые и трудолюбивые, в то время как младший сын Лао Сан Тань растёт беззаботным. Единственная дочь Линг Таня замужем за местным торговцем, получающем прибыль от продажи японских товаров. Когда волна японского вторжения доходит до деревни Линг Таня, местные жители предпочитают мирно относиться к своим завоевателям. Но независимая и отличающаяся прогрессивными взглядами невестка Линг Таня Джейд решает сплотить односельчан для сопротивления японцам...
Twenty Years After
This short celebrates the 20th anniversary of MGM. Segments are shown from several early hits, then from a number of 1944 releases.
Girl Crazy
Marjorie Tait
Rich kid Danny Churchill has a taste for wine, women and song, but not for higher education. So his father ships him to an all-male college out West where there's not supposed to be a female for miles. But before Danny arrives, he spies a pair of legs extending out from under a stalled roadster. They belong to the Dean's granddaughter, Ginger Gray, who is more interested in keeping the financially strapped college open than falling for Danny's romantic line. At least at first...
Swing Shift Maisie
Worker (Uncredited)
Street-smart Maisie from Brooklyn lands a job at an airplane assembly plant during WWII and falls in love with handsome pilot "Breezy" McLaughlin. Breezy, however, falling in love with and getting engaged to Maisie's conniving roommate Iris, doesn't realize she's using him and it's up to Maisie to convince him.
Young Ideas
A widow's grown children try to break up her romance with a college professor.
Hitler's Madman
In 1942, a young paratrooper in the RAF returns to Czechoslovakia to encourage his fellow countrymen to sabotage the German war effort.
Dr. Gillespie's Criminal Case
In this 13th entry to the Dr. Kildare series, the medical staff of Blair General hospital are challenged with further dilemmas, not the least of which includes a prison inmate who Dr. Gillespie believes belongs instead in an insane asylum.
Presenting Lily Mars
Starstruck Indiana small-town girl Lily is pestering theatrical producer John Thornway for a role but he is reluctant.
Slightly Dangerous
Girl getting off bus
Small-town soda-jerk Peggy Evans quits her dead-end job and moves to New York where she invents a new identity.
Тысячи аплодисментов
Marie Corbino
Оперная певица Кэтрин Джонс, оставив сцену, отправляется в часть к своему отцу полковнику, чтобы поднять боевой дух солдат перед отправкой на фронт и с тайной надеждой помирить своих родителей, которые уже много лет в разводе. Там она встречает бывшего знаменитого "летающего гимнаста", а ныне рядового Эдди Марша. Молодые люди влюбляются в друг в друга...
Семь невест
George Van Maaster
Журналист по заданию редакции приезжает в небольшой городок, чтобы написать репортаж о местном фестивале тюльпанов. Он поселяется в отеле, у владельца которого, потомка голландских иммигрантов, имеется семь незамужних дочерей. По старинной голландской традиции, а отец тщательно хранит их, старшая дочь, Регина, должна выйти замуж первой. Однако замужество не входит в ее планы - Регина мечтает стать актрисой и хочет правдами или неправдами уехать в Нью Йорк...
The War Against Mrs. Hadley
Wealthy American society matron, Stella Hadley refuses to sacrifice her material comforts to aid the war effort until she realizes that her selfishness is cheating the boys overseas who are fighting for her freedom.
Fingers at the Window
Clinic Switchboard Operator (uncredited)
In Chicago, an unemployed actor aims to solve the mystery concerning a string of ax murders, apparently committed by a lunatic.
Sheila Brooks (screen test footage) (uncredited)
In this "Romance of Celluloid", MGM showcases performers whose careers are just starting. Excerpts from their recently released films are included. The narrator says that moviegoers will have to decide whether these fledgling actors and actresses have that certain quality that made superstars out of MGM players Clark Gable, Spencer Tracy, and Lana Turner.