Jolanta Fraszyńska

Рождение : 1968-12-14, Mysłowice, Polska


Кто то помогает преступникам избегать наказания. Совершаются дерзкие побеги из тюрем,залов суда, больниц. Но после побегов, о преступниках ничего не слышно. Расследование попадает в руки Стервятника — слишком правильного полицейского, который, не может ужиться даже со своим напарником. Так как подозревают полицейских, дело приобретает статус особой важности, Стервятнику дан карт-бланш на расследование, но создается впечатление, что Стервятник не расследует дело, а ему дозированно подбрасывают улики.
Destined for Blues
Małgorzata "Gola" Riedel
The life of Ryszard Riedel, former leader of cult Polish rock-blues band Dzem, including the history of his family relationships, music career and addiction to alcohol and drugs.
żona tirowca
Five troubled lawmen pursue a brutal criminal.
Komediodramat na podstawie sztuki Aleksandra Gelmana. Piotr (Artur Żmijewski) i Kasia (Jolanta Fraszyńska) spotykają się na tytułowej ławeczce. Piotr szybko próbuje wprosić się do Kasi z pierwszą wizytą. Okazuje się, że już kiedyś się spotkali...
Zróbmy sobie wnuka
Cast Monday 1978. Little Szymon, playing with his friends, becomes the perpetrator of a car accident in which the parents of a little girl, Magda, die. She herself comes out of the catastrophe unscathed. This event has an indelible mark on the boy's psyche. Twenty years pass. Szymon ( Bartosz Opania ) is a railwayman, Magda ( Kinga Preis ) works at a cosmetics company. She doesn't remember anything about her childhood, and her life passes between work and disco. Her granddaughter Ola is looked after by her grandmother ( Irena Burawska). During one of the crazy games, a young woman meets Szymon. This is not an accidental meeting, because the man - tormented by guilt - has long tried to find out something about her. Magda initially rejects Szymon's courtship. Over time, however, the mysterious admirer begins to fascinate her.
Sto minut wakacji
Danuta Miley (Tosia's mother)
A reporter and his son film a popular actress spending vacation with her daughter.
Money Is Not Everything
Małgosia, sekretarka Turkota
Bohaterem filmu jest 50-letni biznesmen Tomasz Adamczyk, który chce zrezygnować z prowadzenia interesów w branży winiarskiej i poświęcić się swojej pasji życiowej filozofii. Pomysł ten nie przypada do gustu jego wspólnikowi. Do tego wszystkiego Tomasz ulega wypadkowi i zostaje wzięty jako zakładnik przez miłośników produkowanego przez siebie wina.
Киллер 2
Aldona 'Dona' Lipska
После того, как Юрек Киллер стал национальным героем, к нему со всех сторон сталипоступать самые заманчивые предложения. Теперь он уже не простой таксист, а глава крупного благотворительного фонда, куда стекаются весьма щедрые пожертвования. И одним из таких пожертвований являются три тонны золота в слитках. Мафия, естественно, не может упустить такие сокровища и для получения груза находит двойника, внешне обладающего полным сходством с Юреком. Но остается одно препятствие — сам Юрек Килер…
urzędniczka na poczcie
A Time for Witches
Jola Markowska
Twenty years old prostitute and drug addict, Jola, by chance meets Andrzej, a "railway station gay". They try to stay together, in spite of numerous diffculties. They both are carriers of the HIV virus. At the end of their travels they find themselves in the Red Palace - formerly the recreation centre for Party dignitaries, now a home for AIDS sufferers - which is run by father Jan. In the nearby small town aggression begins to grow again the unwanted guests; the house have been promised to the local people for housing purposes... The lives and fates of Jola, Andrzej, and father Jan become increasingly intertwined with one another...
White Marriage
Bianka and Paulina are two teenage girls watching a video on the sexuality of people and animals. They are surprised by Bianka's farther and change to another channel. They suddenly find themselves in the same house in the 1920's. The girls are totally immersed in problems associated with puberty and reaching adulthood. The atmosphere of the house is imbued with eroticism. Bianka is sensitive with a poetic nature, shocked at the role that tradition has mapped out for her, terrified by the marriage which is being planned for her. Paulina is an extrovert, well adapted to face every situation, who accepts the amorous advances made at her. Based on the 1975 Tadeusz Różewicz play called Białe małżeństwo.
In flagranti
studentka I
Doctor Nowak is a lecturer of literature at the university. When his wife leaves him, a mentally damaged and financially troubled scientist receives an offer from a photographer friend to write an erotic novel, which his friend will illustrate with his own photos. In the course of his work, the literary fiction he creates blends more and more with reality. He begins to think that he himself is experiencing love adventures in the pages of his own book.
Szklany dom
ciężarna córka mieszkanki kamienicy (uncredited)
The main character of the film has just received her dream apartment in an old tenement house. However, it is not allowed to enjoy it for too long. When he returns home with the child, it turns out that the tenement house has disappeared. The woman's goal is to find her own home.