Richard Bowers


Threats from the Inside
When Amy’s controlling husband Brad learns she had an affair with work colleague Kirk, Brad kills her. Then he turns his attention to Kirk, specifically Kirk’s wife, with a plan to ruin the marriage of the man who “ruined” his.
Заперта со своим мужем
Кевин спасает Мелиссу от грабителя и завоевывает её сердце. Когда же она узнаёт, что Кевин хочет просто забрать у неё все деньги, избавиться от него оказывается не так уж и просто и даже опасно. Кевин остаётся в доме у Мелиссы до тех пор, пока развод не будет завершён, но когда он оказывается мёртвым, все взоры устремлены на Мелиссу.
Love Triangle Nightmare
Brittany, while attending her “Divorce Party Weekend,” meets a handsome stranger named Jake. On the surface, he appears to be everything her ex-husband Austin is not. After a chance meeting at a coffee house a few days later, she finds herself beginning to fall for him. Meanwhile, Brittany is still friendly with her ex-husband, Austin, who is beginning to question this new relationship. Sad to say, his warning goes unheeded, as she sees it as jealousy. As it turns out, Jake is evil, and she might find this out when it's too late.
Mommy's Little Star
Still reeling from her mom's divorce, a 12-year-old discovers an app that helps her become a social media star. However, she soon learns that her mother's new boyfriend has more on his mind than just managing her career.
Webcam Cheerleaders
Maisy transfers to her late sister's college to find the truth behind her death, where she uncovers that many of the girls on the cheerleading squad are also webcam girls, but revealing the truth may have deadly consequences.
Кошмар по соседству
Когда молодая пара Сара и Кайл переезжает в соседний дом рядом с Хелен, харизматичной пожилой женщиной, они понятия не имеют, что она психопат, которая не остановится ни перед чем, чтобы стать суррогатной матерью Сары и бабушкой ребенка, которого она ждет.
Daddy's Perfect Little Girl
A 12-year-old girl becomes jealous when her adoptive father develops a budding relationship with a woman and her teenage son.
My Mom's Darkest Secrets
When 21-year-old Ashley Beck-Ford finds her biological mother, Sara Hillman, online, she is shocked and thrilled… But building a relationship with her long-lost mother proves to be more dangerous than Ashley could have ever imagined. Soon after meeting her, Sara’s husband is murdered. Ashley soon finds herself caught in a web of lies and deceit in which she isn’t sure if her mother is innocent or guilty of that murder
Galentine's Day Nightmare
A woman's life becomes a living nightmare when she becomes the prime suspect in her boss's murder.
Obsession: Her Final Vengeance
After her brother is killed in self-defense by his ex (Madison) whom he'd kidnapped, Lisa decides to take revenge on Madison by using a trauma support group to become her friend.
Obsession: Escaping My Ex
After testifying against him for murder, 22 y/o Madison discovers her obsessive ex-boyfriend Blake has escaped from prison and is coming after her.
Obsession: Stalked by My Lover
A woman's romantic relationship with her new roommate turns treacherous when he hatches a scheme to steal money from her wealthy sister.
Killer Prom
After losing her mom in an accident, a teen and her father welcome a distant cousin named Sienna into their household. Hoping to claim the family as her own, the psychopathic Sienna hatches a devious plan to recreate the prom she never experienced.
Escaping My Stalker
A street kid, Taylor, has been adopted by Sandy (Alexandra Paul) & Larry. They run a shelter for people in need, and rescued Taylor from the street, and a life of crime. Unfortunately, Taylor's past may be catching up with her. She's got a stalker, and he means business. Can she figure out who's behind this, and why before her new life is snatched away?
The Cheerleader Escort
When college freshman Cassie earns a spot on the cheerleading squad, she is overjoyed about the new friendships, status, and access to social events that come along with being on the team. When she meets Terry, the charismatic President of the Alumni Association, at an event, Cassie finds herself falling for this older man despite their age difference. Terry even helps her out by paying part of her tuition when she falls on hard times. But all is not as it seems.
Deadly Influencer
A young woman commits murder to keep her classmates' social media careers under her thumb. After killing a popular friend, she turns her sights on a new girl, but the girl's mother suspects the truth and will fight to protect her daughter.
Homekilling Queen
Whitney Manning, gorgeous, entitled and deranged daughter of wealthy and equally disturbed Connie, is determined to become homecoming queen and absolutely nothing will stand in her way.
Mommy's Little Princess
After living with her drug-addicted mother, 10-year-old Lizzy's adopted by career woman Juliana and her boyfriend Greg. Julianna buys Lizzy an online genetics test and they discover that Lizzy's related to a royal German family, but as Lizzy's fascination with being a princess grows, the girl begins to lose her sanity, blurring fantasy & reality.
My Mother's Split Personalities
After her father dies, Julie returns home to discover that her mentally fragile mother has fallen under the control of a man who claims to be her new boyfriend. Now, it's up to Julie to save her mom from not only a conman, but also from the split personalities that have made her his victim.
Murdered at 17
Pretty and popular, seventeen-year-old Brooke Emerson is the envy of her classmates--and even some of her closest friends. But while she seems to have it all, Brooke has never felt so lost. Ever since she sustained a head injury during a cheerleading stunt the previous year, she's suffered from a disorder that causes her to fly into uncontrollable, sometimes violent rages. As hard as she tries to keep it together, she finds herself in danger of jeopardizing her seemingly perfect life. It isn't until Brooke meets Jake, a handsome and charismatic stranger, that she feels like she's found someone who not only understands her, but accepts her for who she is. As tempting as it is to get swept up in the romance, she can't help but feel like something in their relationship isn't quite right. When her best friend is brutally murdered, Brooke has no choice but to depend on her new love...especially because she's worried that she might be the killer.
A Daughter's Revenge
Elle Spencer has devised a terrifying plan. Soon her friend, Anna Bellcroft will be released from jail, where she served time for a DUI. Anna has nothing. No family, no money, no job...BUT Elle is there for her. What Elle does not reveal, is that she blames her step-father for her mother's suicide, and Anne will become the unsuspecting instrument of her revenge.
Fiance Killer
Music Supervisor
Nicole is stunned when her daughter Cameron returns from a vacation in Mexico engaged to handsome Brent. But Brent has a secret girlfriend, Lexi, and together they're planning to kill Cameron for her money right after her honeymoon.
Mommy's Little Angel
12-year-old Katie has had a short but rough life. When her mother dies from an apparent suicide, her cousins decide to adopt her. Katie adores her new family and will not let anyone, including her abusive father, take her away from them.
Её украденное прошлое
После того, как её мать убивают при загадочных обстоятельствах, Соня находит среди её вещей свидетельство о рождении девочки, похищенной двадцать пять лет, назад и нанимает частного детектива, чтобы найти убийц и узнать, как пропавшая девочка связана с её семьёй.
Web Cam Girls
When Alex Hiles' hot mess cousin Carolyn vanishes, Alex suspects the worst...Carolyn has been "camming" lately, and Alex suspects she broke the rules and met one of her clients...No one believes her and it's now up to Alex to track and face the predator that kidnaps Cam Girls.
Меня подставил жених
Music Supervisor
В центре сюжета девушка Дженни, жизнь которой рушится после ложного обвинения. По словам Дэниэлла, ее жениха, именно она была за рулем их машины и убила неповинного мужчину. Сможет ли Дженни добиться правды, или ей придется отвечать за преступление, которое она никогда не совершала?
The Perfect Soulmate
On the outside, Sarah Miles appears to have it all: her husband is charming and successful and their daughter Megan is bright and engaging. Having put her once successful career as a published poet on hold to raise Megan, Sarah now shares her writing on her poetry blog. But there's a terrible truth lurking behind the doors of her suburban mansion… despite his polished persona, Sarah's husband is controlling, manipulative, and abusive. Isolated and desperate to escape her marriage, Sarah welcomes the newfound attention of one of her devoted fans, a bookish young woman named Lee Maxson. But as Sarah gets closer to Lee, she begins to discover that she’s found an ever more dangerous companion. Stars Cassandra Scerbo, Alex Paxton-Beesley, Scott Gibson.
Killer Mom
Original Music Composer
When 14 years old Allison loses her father in a plane crash, three years after her adoptive mother died, she is devastated. At the funeral, she is shocked to meet her real mom, Jessica. Little does she and her half sister Sydni know that Jessica has a nefarious plan in the works. And she will stop at nothing to control the 40 million dollars Allison is inheriting.
The Psycho She Met Online
When her husband is hospitalized after a car accident, EMT Karen decides to rent out their spare rooms online. All goes well until Miranda moves in. Miranda quickly infiltrates all areas of Karen’s life. When one of Karen’s renters is found murdered, Karen becomes convinced Miranda was involved but has no idea that kicking her psychotic guest out will send Miranda into a murderous rage.
The Wrong Mother
Original Music Composer
After getting hit by a car, Kaylene needs home care. The nurse she hires becomes more and more interfering.
The Perfect Stalker
Grace Winston has HPD (Histrionic Personality Disorder) - After murdering her husband, she moves to Philadelphia and finds herself in love and obsessed with her neighbor - How to make him fall for her? She invents an imaginary stalker, and she'll need his help.
Deadly Daughters
When their mother announces her plans to remarry and sell the family estate, twin sisters Juliana and Deb have different reactions to the news. Juliana feels her mother will continue to support her, while Deb begins to threaten her mother's happiness to the point of threatening her life.
Mommy's Little Girl
The story of a dangerous little girl who is reunited with her natural mother after living with her controlling grandparents in a rural farmhouse in seclusion.
Pregnant At 17
After witnessing a brutal crime, things are finally starting to look up for 17 year old high school dropout Chelsea. She's fallen madly in love with Jeff, an older and accomplished man who is promising to give her the life she can only dream of; there's only one hitch...he's still married! To make matters worse, Chelsea finds out she is pregnant and Jeff wants nothing to do with the baby.
The Perfect Girlfriend
Original Music Composer
When Brandon leaves NYC to take a promotion in Portland, he also leaves behind his girlfriend of five months named Jensyn. The couple decide to try a long distance relationship, but when Brandon's co-worker Simone takes a liking to him, it's not just the distance that puts a strain on their future. Simone impersonates Jensyn, taking over her rival's identity, and continues the relationship until she can convince him that Jensyn isn't the girl for him after all...
The Bride He Bought Online
An unstable computer programmer seeks revenge when he learns he has been duped by three teen girls who created a fictitious mail-order bride that he bought.
The Preacher's Sin
Original Music Composer
Evan Tanner's life is spiraling out of control when his live-in niece is arrested for the second time, his boss imposes on him an unacceptable contract, and to top it all he discovers he has a son from a one night affair during the war... When his niece is murdered, and signs point to Tinsey - his boss' daughter - Evan is confronted with making the toughest decision of his life. Risk everything he's achieved in his life or do the righteous thing! But Tinsey will stop at nothing to keep her secret.
My Life as a Dead Girl
When runaway teenager Chelsea is mistakenly killed by her friend Brittany's pimp, Brittany returns to what remains of the family Chelsea left years ago. Brittany's doing her best to get by under her assumed identity, until the truth begins to emerge. Then the vengeful pimp shows up.
Смерть в колледже
Original Music Composer
Поступив в колледж, Натали дала обет Фи Дельта Пи - одному из самых престижных клубов в стране. Необычное сестринское посвящение превращается в нелепую шутку, когда Натали узнает, что должна соблазнить странного студента колледжа по имени Самнер. Натали неохотно соглашается привести Самнера к себе в общежитие, ее "сестры" подстраивают розыгрыш, который заканчивается приемом наркотиков и случайной смертью Самнера. Натали была принята в сообщество Фи Дэльта Пи, но с условием, что она держала рот на замке.
Killing Daddy
When Cassie's father finds himself vulnerable and bedridden, she believes she has the perfect revenge for her mother's death.
The Secret Sex Life of a Single Mom
A divorced woman finds sexual liberation through online dating.
The Girl He Met Online
Original Music Composer
A man's relationship with a bipolar woman becomes dangerous.
The Husband She Met Online
Original Music Composer
When hotel event planner Rachel breaks up with her boyfriend John for cheating on her, she decides to go looking online for a new boyfriend. In the expanse of cyberspace, she meets a charming, wealthy man named Craig, who at first, seems perfect. He’s attractive, fun, romantic, and he’s been successfully running his mother’s global real estate company while his mother, Doris travels the world. But Craig is far from perfect. He's obsessive and controlling, and once he sets his sights on Rachel, he has no plans of ever letting go...
The Perfect Boss
Original Music Composer
Beautiful, successful Jessica Slade is used to getting what she wants whether she has to use her brains, charm, or body to do it. So when Jessica is hired by Mickelson Pharmaceuticals to fast-track a drug that will keep the company afloat, she’s confident she can convince the FDA to make it happen. What she doesn’t know, however, is that one of the researchers, Don, has discovered that the drug is killing people...
A Sister's Revenge
Original Music Composer
A restaurateur has it all - a successful business, a beautiful house and a loving family - until a ravishing femme fatale with stiletto heels and an ax to grind walks into his life.
A Nanny's Revenge
When Gina Meyers finds out that both of her parents were killed and that wealthy contractor Preston Randall is to blame, she vows to get even. Securing a job as a nanny to Preston's troubled stepson, Gina moves into Randall's house with plans to make him confess his part in the crime, but soon realizes that the ruthless Randall has very dark plans of his own.
Жена online
Брайант Мэйерс -вдовец уже четыре года, и его интересуют в жизни только его телеканал, который он создал с нуля, его двадцатилетняя дочь Вирджиния и стареющая мать. Его друг, симпатичная и популярная ведущая на его телеканале, Зена, считает что сорок три — это не тот возраст, когда на всём надо поставить крест. Она советует ему обратиться к сайту знакомств. Она так сделала и нашла своё счастье. Брайант не верит в это, но тем не менее знакомится с незамужней и бездетной Джорджией, живущей на другом конце страны. Их краткие, но потрясающие встречи по выходным заканчиваются тем, что он делает ей предложение и она его принимает. Но через некоторое время, становится ясно, что Джорджия не потерпит никого рядом, кто забирает хоть немного внимания Брайанта...
My Mother's Secret
Original Music Composer
When a woman becomes pregnant and tells the news to his mother is revealed to him that she is adopted. Then decides to search for his biological family and hired the services of a private detective.
Тайна прошлого
Стефани живет размеренной и спокойной жизнью. У неё скучный муж, раздражающий её сын, ну в общем ничего необычного. Но однажды появляется человек, который требует с неё 200 тысяч долларов, иначе он убьёт её мужа и сына, а потом и её саму. А всё дело в тайне 10-летней давности, когда жила она совсем в другом городе, да и звали её по-другому…
Железный смерч
В результате чудовищной вспышки на Солнце, «Гелиос» — новая экспериментальная установка по получению энергии дает сбой, и излишки солнечной плазмы образуют магнитный вихрь невероятной силы. Железный смерч начинает двигаться в сторону Филадельфии, поглощая все металлическое на своем пути и неся гибель всему живому. Астрофизики Майкл Эдвардс и Ребекка Адлер пытаются понять природу смерча и предупредить руководство эксперимента о смертельной опасности…
Locked Away
When a teenager gets pregnant, her mother feels the baby should be adopted. The girl seeks advice from her school counsellor, but this woman has her own agenda.
My Family's Secret
Original Music Composer
Grady suffers from multiple personality disorder. Lara doesn't know she just angered the most dangerous one.
Полная обнаженка
Экзотическая танцовщица Кэсси крадёт деньги и наркотики, думая, что теперь она может осуществить свою мечту о переезде в Париж. Однако дальнейшие события стали разворачиваться более жёстко, чем казалось. Тем не менее, Кэсси не намерена отказаться от своей мечты, независимо от того, через какое количество тел ей предстоит переступить!
Тайна сестры
Шон, брат-близнец Джейн покончил жизнь самоубийством. Он не смог пережить разрыва отношений с его девушкой. Джейн должна заменить в семье роль отца и содержать их. Дела идут все хуже, и она хочет отомстить за это бывшей девушке брата.
The Perfect Assistant
Rachel Parsons is the perfect assistant, but she's completely in love with her boss. She's got a secret obsession: be his wife and have kids. The problem is that he already has a family.
The Rival
When Alice loses her baby in an act of violence, she learns she cannot have children on her own. She and her husband are overjoyed when they find a surrogate to give them the baby they've always wanted. But Alice's happiness soon turns to jealousy and a deadly rage, causing her to stop at nothing to get her baby.
Наследник громадного состояния, домашний тиран и садист застает свою жену за телефонным разговором с ведущей популярного радио шоу, которая дает советы несчастным женщинам. В панике жена убегает из дома и попадает под колеса автомобиля. С этого момента желание отомстить радио-ведущей становится для садиста навязчивой идеей. Он разрабатывает коварный план, как разрушить счастье, карьеру и саму жизнь «своего врага»...
She's No Angel
A drama and thriller story of a young woman who has suffered great abuse as a girl and who finds happiness when in a car accident, by mistake, she finds refuge in a false personality. She allows a pair of grieving parents to believe she is their late son's wife. But happiness is not so easy, since the past always comes out and Catherine will have to act to protect the family who has given so much affection.
Facing the Enemy
Griff McCleary is a cop, now his son shot himself with Griff's gun. A year later both he and his wife are still reeling from it. Griff feeling shut out by his wife Olivia, decides to move out. Now he is investigating what appears to be a murder-suicide. He believes that there was no suicide. His investigation leads him to a girl named Nikki.
The Perfect Wife
Original Music Composer
When Leah's brother dies in a car accident, she vows revenge on the doc who failed to save him.
Living in Fear
A man returning to his childhood home for the reading of a will is met with hostility. Do the townsfolk know more about him than his new wife?
The Stepdaughter
Growing up, Susan Miller survived countless foster homes and years of abuse and neglect with one, burning goal: to someday find the birth mother who abandoned her - and get revenge.
The Perfect Tenant
Twenty years ago Danny Summer found his father hanging from the rafters on Christmas Eve. Ever since that night he has been plotting revenge. When Brian Hartwell moves into Jessica Michael's guesthouse, she has no idea that her new tenant has a deadly agenda to go with his new identity. Her daughter Laura doesn't trust him from the beginning but can't convince her mother that there's more to "The Perfect Tenant" than meets the eye.
The Perfect Nanny
Original Music Composer
Upon her release from a mental institution where she was recovering from a suicide attempt, Andrea McBride applies for the position of nanny for a handsome, wealthy surgeon, Dr. James Lewis, a widower with two children. Another applicant is hired, but she dies in an accident and Andrea gets the job after all, excelling and quickly becoming part of the family. Then Lewis' girlfriend, Dr. Julia Bruning, is mysteriously killed. When his boss tells Lewis of impending cutbacks at the hospital, the boss is murdered. Meanwhile, Lewis' teenaged daughter Fawn begins piecing together the history of the new nanny and discovers that Andrea may be responsible for these and other killings - but Fawn had better hurry, because the slayings are getting closer to home
Man of Her Dreams
After suspecting her husband is playing the field, a nervous woman finds a sympathetic ear in the form of a strange man. The drawback is that her sensitive new-found friend is an obsessive psychopath.
Отец сиделки из больницы в Сан-Диего Лоры Гарриман, публично обвиненный в растрате денег своей компании, не вынеся оскорбления, убивает свою жену, сына и затем совершает самоубийство. Лора под чужим именем приезжает в Лос-Анджелес с единственной целью-отомстить семье Боба Мартина, оскорбившего ее отца. Жажда мести превращает Лору в хладнокровного и жестокого убийцу.
Kid Cop
Eleven year old Peter Hansen is determined to follow his Dad's career example by becoming a one-boy neighborhood police force. When a local burglary is committed, Peter follows clues overlooked by the police and ends up in getting into bigger trouble than he ever imagined.
Dead Cold
When a carjacking leaves L.A. screenwriter Eric recovering from a gunshot wound to the abdomen, wife Alicia nurses him back to health. Four months later, the two depart for a second honeymoon in an idyllic setting in the mountains. They are snuggly ensconced in front of a crackling fire when Cale, a hunter who's ostensibly lost his sense of direction in the snow storm and nearly frozen to death, appears at their cabin door.
Сканер-полицейский 2
Лос-анджелесский полицейский Сэм Стэзьяк использует все свои необычайные психические способности сканера, чтобы разыскивать преступников и прятать их за решетку. На его пути встает Карл Волкин, сканер, выпивающий жизненные соки, из других коллег-экстрасенсов. Карл жаждет только одного — отомстить Сэму Стэзьяку за убийство брата.
Открытый огонь
Original Music Composer
Mercenaries leads from Kruger seize an entire city, and one man sets out to stop them.
Candles in the Dark
Original Music Composer
Candles in the Dark is the story of a girl who comes to visit her father's homeland, the Soviet Republic of Estonia. After she arrives, she finds that her father is part of the dissident anti-soviet underground. She soon find her self engulfed in the struggle with her father and a lot of new friends, and finds herself being hunted by the KGB.
Вольный охотник
Банда профессиональных убийц, руководимая Эриком Гауссом, начинает уничтожать свидетелей и улики после того, как один из свидетелей стал давать показания против босса мафии Луи Саразена. Среди их жертв оказывается Пол Дамон, сотрудник фирмы, отмывающей мафиозные деньги. Его брат Джонни — охотник за преступниками, объявленными в розыск — приезжает в Лос-Анджелес и оказывается в самой гуще событий. Теперь в поисках негодяев у него есть и личный мотив.
Миссия правосудия
Полицейский Курт Харрис хочет, чтобы на улицах города царил порядок. Доктор Рэчел Ларкин, выдвигая свою кандидатуру на пост мэра, заявляет, что именно под ее руководством общественная организация «Миссия правосудия» способна этот порядок поддерживать. Костоломы — «миссионеры» действительно держат в руках весь город, расправляясь с неугодными любой ценой. Кулаком и дубинкой. сея смерть на своем пути. Курт Харрис внедряется в ряды «Миссии правосудия».
Don't Sell My Baby
Who Killed Our Father?
After her foster sister dies, Leila takes a DNA test and discovers the identity of her biological father and sister. But when her father is tragically murdered, and Leila travels to meet the sister she never knew, she lands herself in more danger than she ever imagined.