Miitta Sorvali

Miitta Sorvali

Рождение : 1956-02-10, Kitee, Finland


Miitta Sorvali


Exhausted by odd jobs and a lack of money, Siru manages to lie her way into becoming a fake doctor by a series of misunderstandings. Her new relationship with lawyer Niko is hopefully true, although it seems that not only Siru but several of her close friends are also lying. Some of them even lie for a living.
Однажды встречаются двое совершенно разных людей: смертельно больной эмигрант из Ирана, который пытается устроить спокойное будущее для своей восьмилетней дочери и отвязная девушка, которая любит тусоваться с подругой в клубе по ночам, пить алкоголь и не задумывается о будущем.
A tough crisis comedy on a swing weekend where four different age couples face each other mentally and physically. Everyone has a crisis, either on the surface or hidden, and hence their own reasons to try to save their relationship. The weekend's dress code is with or without a bathrobe, and falling in love and jealousy are forbidden.
Clumsy Little Acts of Tenderness
Helpful woman
A weekend father wants to bond with his teenage daughter by taking her with him to the carwash. They end up on a life-changing adventure in the supermarket, at the endless sanitary towel aisle. They get "help" from an older lady who shares intimate stories of her experience, some about menstruation, some on wildly different topics.
Kristuksen morsian
Marion wants to marry her female friend Julia. Marion has grown up in a religious family where her mother became a liberal priest. Young women have lived openly in a relationship, but now Marion's thoughts have changed. He finds himself a new life in the fundamentalist Simeon church led by his grandfather grandfather. Marion's mother Henry, one of the first female priests of the Lutheran Church, cannot stand the idea of her daughter attending a congregation that opposes female priesthood and homosexual relationships.
The Hijack That Went South
Liikenneministeri Laine
Aarno Lamminparras hijacked an airplane with a gun in 1978. A true story.
Фильм рассказывает историю хирурга, который возвращается на работу после 13 месяцев комы, вызванной выстрелом в голову из строительного пистолета. Полиция не смогла найти преступника, а у него остались лишь частичные воспоминания о прошлом.. И теперь перед доктором стоит непростая задача, вспомнить всё и выйти на след человека, покушавшегося на его жизнь.
Lilli Moisio
The film tells about members of Finnish women's Lotta Service during the Second World War through the eyes of three young women.
Flowers and Binding
A black comedy about the dysfunctional relationships, love, and hate; concerning a small town sausage factory manager whose careless love affairs affect the lives of the factory workers as well as the women in his life.
Janssonin vaimo
A police official is assassinated by a sniper through a glass window, this action and its sub sequential investigation introduces us a slew of interesting characters and gets the whole story rolling.
Kuolema käy kuusi beessä
Anja Tammelainen
Grandmother returns from the grave to haunt her family.
Moonlight Sonata II: The Street Sweepers
Sequel to Kuutamosonaatti (1988).
The New Adventures of That Kiljunen Family
Mother Kiljunen
That Kiljunen familys sets out find their two missing family members, who have been sent to Tampere by the Matalamäki boarding school for retraining due to poor school performance.
Зимняя Война
Фильм посвящен финским солдатам, сражавшимся в "Зимней войне" и оборонявших линию Манергейма. Литературный классик Антти Туури, сочинивший сюжет для фильма «Зимняя война», не прогадал. Режиссер Пекки Парикк снял батальный эпос о событиях зимней войны 39-40 годов. Фильм вышел на экраны в 1989-м, и по сути стал самым кассовым финским фильмом года. Будет любопытен любителям исторических фильмов про войну, особенно интересен взгляд "с другой стороны".
Mother Wanted
Anni wants a new mommy for herself and a new wife for her dad. But dad has forgotten how to find a wife and needs Anni's help.
Based on a novel of the same name by the Finnish author, Antti Tuuri, this delicious late-80's comedy builds its dark humour on the stereotypical mentality of the northern part of Finland. While perhaps not as entertaining to a person unfamiliar with Finnish traditions, the brilliant acting, directing, plus the warm, beautiful Finnish summer more than make up for the cultural gap.The story begins with a group of brothers with their families coming up to honour the memory of their recently deceased father. Spending time together, opening old wounds and creating new ones... it all boils down to brotherhood. No matter what happens, brothers take care of their own.
Гамлет идет в бизнес
Клавдий безропотно превращается в Клауса, а Принц Датский — в чувствительного недоросля «с сердцем теплым, как холодильник», пожирающего колбасу ломтями и ногой врубающего магнитофон. Борьба за власть осталась неизменной пружиной человеческих отношений с шекспировских времен, зато в качестве предмета нежной страсти деньги вытеснили все остальное.