Shiro Maeda

Shiro Maeda

Рождение : 1977-04-13, Tokyo, Japan


Shiro Maeda


Рыбная история
"Meebo" is an elementary school student and loves fish. His life is indeed "fish-a-holic". Meebo stares at the fish, draws the fish and eat the fish every day. His father worries that he is a little different from other children but his mother always encourages and supports him warmly rather than worrying. After entering a high school, Meebo is still obsessed with the fish as usual. For some reason, Meebo is getting along with rogues like a protagonist of a tale. Eventually, Meebo starts to live alone. With encounters and re-encounters, he is still loved by the people around him and pushes forward straight to his only way.
Взрывное прошлое
Школьница Како проводит лето в семейном ресторанчике в токийском районе Китасинагава, где она занимается в основном двумя вещами: глазеет на канал и угрюмо размышляет о том, что в будущем её не ждёт ничего интересного. Всё, однако, меняется, в один прекрасный день, когда у них дома объявляется Микико, тётушка Како – входившая в ряды радикальной террористической организации и вроде как погибшая во время взрыва ещё восемнадцать лет назад.
Взрывное прошлое
Школьница Како проводит лето в семейном ресторанчике в токийском районе Китасинагава, где она занимается в основном двумя вещами: глазеет на канал и угрюмо размышляет о том, что в будущем её не ждёт ничего интересного. Всё, однако, меняется, в один прекрасный день, когда у них дома объявляется Микико, тётушка Како – входившая в ряды радикальной террористической организации и вроде как погибшая во время взрыва ещё восемнадцать лет назад.
Tales of the Bizarre: 2014 Fall Special
Five bizarre tales for the fall of 2014. ***Surprise ***Hashiru Toriteki ***Mirai Dorobou ***Hieru ***Fanamo
Tales of the Bizarre: 2014 Fall Special
Five bizarre tales for the fall of 2014. ***Surprise ***Hashiru Toriteki ***Mirai Dorobou ***Hieru ***Fanamo
The Extreme Sukiyaki
Former college buddies Horaguchi and Okawa suddenly reunite on a whim after 15 years apart and try to resume their friendship by planning a trip together. Meanwhile, Okawa’s live-in girlfriend Kaede and the pair's old friend Kyoko get roped into joining them. Soon, the four head off on a trip together with the goal of sharing sukiyaki by the sea.
The Extreme Sukiyaki
Former college buddies Horaguchi and Okawa suddenly reunite on a whim after 15 years apart and try to resume their friendship by planning a trip together. Meanwhile, Okawa’s live-in girlfriend Kaede and the pair's old friend Kyoko get roped into joining them. Soon, the four head off on a trip together with the goal of sharing sukiyaki by the sea.
История Ёноскэ
1987 год. Ёноскэ Ёкомити покидает свой родной город Нагасаки и уезжает в Токио, чтобы учиться в столичном университете. Наряду с учебой, Ёкомити ведет в Токио активную жизнь, он пользуется популярностью среди своих сверстников. Однажды в автошколе он знакомится с девушкой Сёко.
Isn't Anyone Alive?
In a Japanese military hospital, a mysterious pandemic strikes and quickly kills seemingly at random. A group of unconnected individuals must come to terms with their own impending deaths, and the fragile absurdity of life.
Isn't Anyone Alive?
Theatre Play
In a Japanese military hospital, a mysterious pandemic strikes and quickly kills seemingly at random. A group of unconnected individuals must come to terms with their own impending deaths, and the fragile absurdity of life.
A Honeymoon in Hell: Mr. & Mrs. Oki's Fabulous Trip
Although Nobuyoshi and Saki just got married and moved into a new apartment, their relationship still lacks spark. Things start to change as they meet a weird fortune-teller who also happens to operate tours to hell. Without further ado the young couple books a honeymoon trip which takes them to the most bizarre, colorful and fun vision of hell you could ever dream of.
A Honeymoon in Hell: Mr. & Mrs. Oki's Fabulous Trip
Although Nobuyoshi and Saki just got married and moved into a new apartment, their relationship still lacks spark. Things start to change as they meet a weird fortune-teller who also happens to operate tours to hell. Without further ado the young couple books a honeymoon trip which takes them to the most bizarre, colorful and fun vision of hell you could ever dream of.