Robert Warmflash


Nas: Time Is Illmatic
Post Production Supervisor
Time Is Illmatic is a feature length documentary film that delves deep into the making of Nas' 1994 debut album, Illmatic, and the social conditions that influenced its creation.
Out Of The Clear Blue Sky
Post Production Supervisor
On September 11, 2001, Cantor Fitzgerald became famous for the worst of all possible reasons. 658 of their employees were missing, presumed dead, in the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. Though Cantor suffered almost twice the casualties of the FDNY, their story was soon pushed aside as the media ambushed Cantor CEO Howard Lutnick, who went from face-of-the-tragedy to pariah within weeks. A true stranger-than-fiction account, unfolding over months and years, the film captures being caught in the crosshairs of history.
Post Production Supervisor
В картине «Бухта» речь идет о ежегодной охоте на дельфинов, которую устраивают жители города Таиджи. Рыбаки загоняют млекопитающих в узкую бухту, часть из них отлавливают для продажи в океанариумы, но большую часть убивают, чтобы продать мясо на рынках. В год в прибрежных водах Таиджи гибнет до 23000 дельфинов.
Захват Фридманов
Post Production Supervisor
Фридманы были нормальной, среднего класса семьей, живущей в богатом Нью-Йоркском пригороде Грет Нек. Как-то раз в день благодарения, когда семья собралась в доме для праздничного обеда, их дверь внезапно разлетелась на куски и дом наполнился полицейскими. Они обвинили Арнольда Фридмана и его младшего сына Джесси в сотнях шокирующих преступлений. Фильм описывет их историю взглядом со стороны и с помощью уникальных материалов, отснятых в семье Фридманов во время кризиса. Полицейское расследование и реакция общественности способствовали началу распада семьи и раскрытию всей правды о ней…
2 By 4
Post Production Supervisor
Johnnie is a foreman of a construction crew. On the outsidem he seems very "normal" and straight, but one evening we see him putting on makeup and a feather boa and going out for a night in the city.
Post Production Supervisor
Даниэль теряет работу и жилье, когда многоквартирный дом, где он живет и работает уничтожен пожаром. Даниэль вместе с семьей переезжает к своему брату. Но долго они там жить не могут из-за скандалов друг с другом. Семья переезжает в приют для бездомных. Даниэль ищет работу электриком, пока его жена работает официанткой, чтобы попытаться свести концы с концами.
Down and Out in America
Post Production Supervisor
Three sectors of American society hit by recession in the mid-1980s: heartland farms, factory workers out of a job, and the new homeless. In Minnesota, 250 family farms are being repossesed each week; men and women talk about their farms, the nature of their bank loans, the onslaught of corporate farming, and their sorrow and despair. In cities where 3,500 jobs per day go overseas, unemployed workers contemplate their options. The newly homeless talk about the jobs they've lost, "Justice Ville" in Los Angeles (bulldozed by court order), and squatting in New York's abandoned buildings. A family living in a welfare hotel tells their story.
Nobody's Child
Post Production Supervisor
Fact-based drama about the life of Marie Balter, who spent most of her young life in mental institutions. At age 16, she first attempted suicide and the next 20 years she spent in and out of the institutions. At last, a caring doctor started treating her for extreme depression and panic disorder. Weened from strong medications she had taken all her life, at age 36, she emerged for the last time and started a rehabilitation program in the home of a volunteer married couple. There she met a fellow patient with whom she developed a romantic relationship. She also started a college degree. This followed with a long-term professional success in the field of mental health.
Death Promise
An apartment dweller goes on a search-and-destroy mission to kill the ruthless landlords who murdered his father.