Emílio de Mello

Emílio de Mello

Рождение : 1965-07-14, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil


Emílio de Mello é um ator brasileiro. É formado pela Escola de Arte Dramática de São Paulo E.C.A./U.S.P, Universidade de São Paulo.


Emílio de Mello


Raquel 1:1
Raquel is a religious teenager who moves with her father to a small town in search of a new life. During her first days there, she has a mysterious experience which leads her to believe she’s been given an important and controversial mission by God.
Jaguar Man
Two moments in the life of Pedro. First in 1997, he lives with his family in Rio de Janeiro and works at Gás do Brasil, a company that is undergoing a tough restructuring process, with layoffs and early retirements. Soon, privatization will come. In the second moment, two years later, Pedro lives retired in his hometown Barbosa, in the company of his childhood memories, his dog and his girlfriend. By interweaving these two moments in time, we put ourselves in Pedro's skin and experience his fears and delights.
В клочья
Один мужчина, двое влюбленных: Ана и Анна, живущие в одинаковых квартирах. Паранойя - это название игры в этой галлюцинаторной фантазии.
Божественная любовь
Pastor Drive Thru
Бразилия, 2027 год. Люди обращаются к богу через кабинки автомолитв и устраивают в честь всевышнего рейв-вечеринки. Главная героиня фильма, Жоана, консультирует супружеские пары в кризисе, а свободное время посвящает религиозной общине, практикующей крайне радикальный способ сближения супругов.
Contra a Parede
Igor Marin
Less than three months before the presidential elections in Brazil, a renowned newscaster faces an explosive ethical conflict that involves his work at the head of his program and his personal relationship with two presidential candidates named as favorites in the polls.
The Other End
Diogo (17) has a little quirk: he likes to call his mother's female therapy patients and masturbate while listening to them on the phone. One of these patients is Angela (43), a woman who was just left by her husband When Diogo calls Angela, she thinks it's her husband calling. She starts having a relationship with the silence on the other end of the line. But when she finds out it's Diogo, she's disgusted. She's furious. But, most of all, she's attracted to this person who showed so much interest in her. The only person who called her every day. Diogo helps Angela see that she can have a new beginning and she shows him his way to independence. But they have to face a number of obstacles: There's the age difference, Diogo's mother, and, especially, his own path to adulthood.
Воздушный мост
Аманда и Бруно летят из Рио-де-Жанейро в Сан-Паулу. Она — домой, он — из дома. Их самолет совершает вынужденную посадку в другом городе, и героям фильма «Воздушный мост» приходится ночевать в отеле. Ту ночь едва знакомые Бруно и Аманда проводят вместе, и оба не считают свой роман чем-то серьезным — скорее, просто дорожным приключением. Но случай (или, если угодно, судьба) вновь сводит их вместе.
Cara ou Coroa
João Pedro
During the Brazilian military dictatorship in the seventies, two brothers working on a play will risk their lives to help the resistance.
Alice Especial, Part 2: The Last Night
Alice Especial, Part 1: The First Day of the Rest of My Life
Two years after her arrival in São Paulo, Alice continues her relationship with Nicholas and has begun to look for a place where they can live together. She has also launched a business that produces children's shows, and a stable life seems to be taking shape. But as she goes about the apartment search and shares in the loves and uncertainties of old and new friends, what she observes leaves her far less certain of her decisions and her future.
Dalva e Herivelto, Uma Canção de Amor
Benedito Lacerda
The singer Dalva de Oliveira and the composer Herivelto Martins lived intensely on the stage and in life. The 13 years of marriage and the disagreements, which gained emphasis with the separation, contributed to an important artistic and cultural production.
Недобрый час
Roberto Assis
В небольшом колумбийском городке начинают происходить непонятные вещи: каждую ночь в определенный час на стенах домов появляются различные карикатуры, изобличающие секреты местных жителей. Сначала все считают это неудачной шуткой и опровергают слухи. Однако, когда один мужчина, прочитав о неверности жены на стене, убивает предполагаемого любовника, мэр города объявляет чрезвычайное положение. Вооруженные солдаты начинают патрулировать улицы в поисках злоумышленников...
What Is It Worth?
Free adaptation of Machado de Assis's short story "Pai Contra Mãe", having some of Nireu Cavalcanti's 18th Century chronicles as inspiration, the film traces parallels between life in during the slavery period and in modern Brazil.
Cazuza: Time Doesn't Stop
Inspired by the moving book “Só as Mães São Felizes”, by Lucinha Araújo, Cazuza's mother, the film covers a little more than 10 years of the singer’s crazy and brief life – from the beginning of his career in the Circo Voador venue, in 1981, to the huge success and the apotheosis of his shows with the Barão Vermelho band, his solo career, his relations with his parents, friends, lovers and passions, and the courage he had to face his final years, with HIV, until his death, in 1990.
Darling Stranger
On Alberto's birthday, his daughter Zezé gets engaged. But the party turns sour when he decides to expose his pain and regrets.
The life of Brazilian actress Odete Lara, muse of the movement called Cinema Novo in Brazil, who exchanged stardom for a quiet and religious life.
Возможная любовь
Fifteen year ago, Carlos went to the cinema to meet Júlia, his university colleague with whom he was in love. She never showed up. Carlos was left waiting in the lobby alone. While he waits, something happens which will change his life. A scene, an encounter, an unfinished sentence... Something insignificant, but which will determine the character's life. Fifteen years later, we follow three completely different versions of Carlos's life. In one, he is a man divided between the stability of a secure life in a lukewarm marriage, and the growing desire to live a great love affair. In the second, he is homosexual and places passion above all else. In the third possible life, Carlos is a man who hasn't yet discovered love, and lives through successive disastrous relationships in search of the perfect woman. One of them is his real life. Another is not his life. And a third is the life he'd like to lead. Which is his true life ?
Villa-Lobos: A Life of Passion
Arthur Rubinstein
The film tells the story of an intuitive, adventurous man who loved his country and being Brazilian. This man fought to be loyal to himself. His music is a transparent portrait of his genius, intuition, freedom, adventure and passion for Brazil.
Nos Tempos do Cinematógrapho
Rio's Love Song
Four love stories which portray a wide gamut of emotions and desires against the backdrop of Rio de Janeiro. "Elephant's Stomp" : the story of a highway patrol officer who is infatuated with a mulatto dancer at a local nightclub. "Drao" : a publicity man and a boutique owner who face a crises in their marriage. "You Are Beautiful" : two homeless teenagers seek love amidst their personal misery. "Samba of the Great Passion" : a book maker who is charmed and captivated by the voice of a female singer coming from a building across the street. Characters in search of love in order to escape from the boredom, loneliness and helplessness of their lives.
Disorder in Progress
recruit two
A short film made for City Life (1990)