C.J., bored out of his mind one night, uses a hookup app to meet Hunter.
Two teenagers are put to the test when the plane taking them to a wilderness boot camp for juvenile offenders crashes into the vast sierra. Their pilot, Quentin, injured and ununable to make the dangerous journey, teaches them the ways of his ancient people and to have faith in the spirit of the white wolf as well as themselves.
In a New England village, two newlywed students of the paranormal enter Hillside House to document the activities of a legion of ghosts. They uncover a murderous history that leads them into the clutches of a mysterious doctor.
The military's newest weapon has just been stolen. Captain John Reed and the weapon's designer are assigned to retrieve it. Battling well-armed terrorists and double-crossing CIA agents, they must succeed before a missile aimed at Washington, D.C. finds its target.
When a Serbian terrorist blackmails NATO and the U.N. with a deadly nerve gas, a covert squad is the Free World's last hope. Led by Dylan Pope they must "terminate" the threat before it terminates them!
Emily Russo and her son are victims of a carjacking that results in the Sam's death. No one believes that thugs dressed as cops are the perpetrators; in fact Emily is accused of committing the murder herself and inventing the carjacking story as a cover. On the run from the police, she tries to find and killers on her own and discovers that the crime might not have been as random as it first appeared.
An enterprising Senator's daughter realizes she can make money by venturing into the seedy side of politics. With the help of two sexy friends, she sets up a thriving blackmail business videotaping her father's political colleages in compromising positions. When a sadistic lobbyist wants his share of the money... the action really heats up.
Two brothers carry out a deadly terrorist bombing, but only one pays the price - imprisonment for life. Years later, the jailed brother is offered a second chance at freedom, providing he helps capture his fugitive sibling.
A fragile and sultry young woman claims to be the innocent victim of multiple attackers, but something doesn't quite add up. Maybe it's the way men turn up dead after spending the night with her. Maybe it's her cloudy past. Maybe it's the shady psychologist who interferes with the investigation.
Five miles below the Earth's surface, a group of scientists is working in self-imposed isolation, perfecting a series of DNA experiments that could literally change the world. But when one of those experiments goes awry, it unleashes a nearly immortal organism--one capable of instant regeneration, and with an insatiable appetite for living flesh. Soon, nothing can contain the creature, and with the lab's life support systems quickly shutting down, the scientists grimly prepare for their final battle... A small group of scientists are working in self-imposed isolation below the Earth's surface. They are all working to create DNA which could change the world, but one of the scientists have been given an secret assignment, and when the assignment goes wrong, all hell breaks lose. The new creation is now aboard the ship and will destroy anyone who gets in its way, as it moves towards the surface.
In this remake to the original 1980 ecological horror movie, a secret government experiment turns nightmarish when genetically altered fish, bred as amphibious weapons, escape. Scientists believe them dead after a biohazardous chemical spill. Far from it, the creatures thrive as bloodthirtsy killers, threatening to annihilate a small coastal town by slaughtering the men and abducting the women for mating! Government scientists attempt to keep the creatures' origin a secret while trying to destroy them.
It is the year 2500 and women are sent back in time to kidnap men to help repopulate the future.
Закончилась ли холодная война, если ее наследие угрожает всему человечеству? Развалившиеся бараки, затянутый тиной бассейн, ржавые конструкции — вот, пожалуй, и все, что осталось от секретной военной базы.
Очаровательная женщина — детектив и писатель — отшельник, попав на эти руины холодной войны в поисках пропавшей парочки влюбленных, сливают воду из бассейна в соседнюю речушку. Откуда им было знать, что здесь выводили гигантских пираний, стремительно размножающихся и пожирающих все на своем пути — смертельное оружие массового поражения. Из речки рыбы — людоеды попадают в озеро, и если они доберутся до океана, на земле может исчезнуть все живое!
It has been 23 years since a world war during which combatants unleashed a lab-created virus that has made life no fun at all. Civilization has broken down into forcibly celibate, warring male and female tribes. Any co mingling, even rape, is punished by both sides with summary execution, for victim and perpetrator alike. A paramilitary fanatic on a vague religious mission leads his gunmen to massacre a peaceful scientific community where men and women committed the blasphemy of co-ed habitation.
Элиза Ротман вместе с молодым фоторепортером пытаются найти убийц известного ученого, который возглавлял движение в защиту лесов от вырубки. Им приходится вступить в борьбу с продажными полицейскими и чиновниками в стране, где единственный закон — насилие и произвол.
Космический спасатель Стив Кригер отправляется на зов помощи с планеты Фабон, где в результате генетического эксперимента появился страшный вирус-мутант, пожирающий человеческие тела. Стив и красавица-доктор бросают вызов монстру.
После ядерного уничтожения один мужчина поднимается из пепла чтобы стать лидером банды оставшихся в живых. Они вскоре обнаруживают, что их важнейшей задачей является не только выживание; они должны ещё и бороться против банды Бишопа.