John R. Pepper

John R. Pepper

Рождение : 1958-08-20, Rome, Lazio, Italy


John Randolph Pepper (born 1958) is a photographer and theatre director. Pepper was born in Rome, Italy in 1958 to Curtis Bill Pepper, a war correspondent and the head of the Rome bureau for Newsweek magazine, and the sculptor Beverly Pepper. He has one sister, poet Jorie Graham. He was raised in Rome, Italy. He studied History of Art at Princeton University (1976) where he was also one of the original painting members of the '185 Nassau Street Painting Program' and was awarded the Whitney Painting Fellowship in 1975. In 1981 Pepper was admitted as a 'Directing Fellow' to The American Film Institute, Los Angeles. Pepper began his career as an apprentice to Ugo Mulas who gave him his first formal training in the art of street photography. Pepper pursued his work in photography (analog) for three decades while simultaneously directing in the theatre and in film. His show 'Rome: 1969 – An Hommage to Italian Neo-Realist Cinema' (USA/France 2008) lead him back to his native Italy where Lanterna Magica Edizioni published the book Sans Papier (Italy 2011) with subsequent exhibitions in Rome, Venice, Saint Petersburg (Russia), Paris, Palermo (Sicily). In 2012 the Manège Museum in Saint Petersburg, (Russia) showed Pepper's new work which the Istituto Superiore Per la Storia della Fotografia (Italy) published as a new book of photographs in 2014 called 'Evaporations' that previews at the Officina delle Zattere in Venice (Italy). In 2015, the Italian Institute of Culture and the Russia Federation Ministry of Culture sponsored a traveling exhibition that opened at the Rosphoto Photography Museum (Saint Petersburg, Russia). In March 2015 Pepper had a retrospective exhibit at the Showcase Gallery in Dubai (United Arab Emirates). The Italian Institute of Culture and The United States Mission in Russia sponsored a travelling exhibition (2015/2016) of Evaporations throughout Siberia, Russia (Vladivostok, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Yekaterinburg, Samara and Moscow. From November 2016 to January 2017 Pepper's Evaporations / Испарения was shown in Rome, (Italy) at Fondazione Terzo Pilastro e Meditteraneo's, 'Museo Palazzo Cipolla'. The monumental exhibit consisted of 52 works ranging from 120 x160cm to 3m x 5m. ... Source: Article "John Randolph Pepper" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


John R. Pepper


Papillons de nuit
Danny is impulsive and fights in series. Roberta has an unspeakable secret that robs her of sleep. From the first words their meeting is a real collision. Unexpected.
Nobody Loves Me
Several lives intersect when a middle-aged woman is left by her husband, and she decides to trek him down with the help of her equally troubled sister.
The Plague
In a city in South America an outbreak of bubonic plague occurs. While people try to flee and the military close the city, an idealistic doctor decides to stay and help the sick. In the ever-changing circumstances, he puts up a brave fight, being helped by others but also involving them without being able to control the situation.
A Canadian fire station is threatened by a Japanese business.
A mysterious tomb is unearthed in the catacombs under Rome, the contents of which contain evidence of an ageless evil that may once have preyed on man.
Маленький роман
2nd Assistant Director
Пожилой англичанин Джулиус, любящий посидеть на скамейке в парке, пытается найти место для Маленького романа в нашем хаотичном мире. Он рассказывает байки из своей жизни героям Дайэн Лэйн и Телониуса Бернара — юной американке, приехавшей в Париж учиться, и французскому парню. Однажды он сообщает молодым людям о том, что если поцеловаться, проплывая в гондоле под мостом Вздохов в Венеции во время заката, когда пробьют церковные колокола, то любовь будет продолжаться вечно. Наша пара, а вместе с ними и Джулиус, отправляются в путешествие.
Italian guy (uncredited)
Туристы, прибывшие в лагерь Клаб Меб на побережье Айвори, намерены забыть свои ежедневные проблемы и душевные разочарования. Игры, соревнования, прогулки, купание и случайные любовные связи сопровождают их отдых.
The Little Boy
Писатель Тайвен Джонс не мог предположить, чем для него обернется мимолетная, как казалось, связь с некоей Евой Оливье. Кто она, эта роковая красавица, без которой Тайвен не может прожить и дня? Почему он не может выкинуть ее из головы, несмотря на то, что она постоянно издевается над ним, унижает и, вместе с тем, не хочет отпустить его? Почему ради нее он готов на все — потерять деньги, друзей, поставить под угрозу свои репутацию, брак, карьеру? Когда жизнь Тайвена начинает рушиться как карточный домик, он понимает, что имела в виду Ева, когда советовала не влюбляться в нее.