Ma Mabel
Krista (Megan Davis), a cocktail waitress, and Dean, her slacker boyfriend, have plans to spend some time alone together. That is until Dean hears a disturbing voice mail message from his roommate Micah which forces the couple to abandon their weekend getaway to look for him instead. Ominously, when they follow Micah's trail, the remote, desert town reveals no trace of him. As the mystery deepens, the young couple comes face-to-face with their worst nightmares (The Grimm). And learn the hard way that not all nightmares end when you wake up. - (They are to be offered up as sacrifice to a sinister force, not of this world)
Sheriff Nought
In rural Virginia, Liam Bishop, a former Army Ranger with a troubled past, unwittingly discovers a mysterious cosmic force that begins haunting not only the woods beyond his property, but the very starlit skies above. What begins as neighborly concern over a series of bizarre occurrences, becomes an investigation into an endless nightmare in which Liam will not only have to confront the darkness within himself, but dig into the inhuman truths that lie beyond anything he could have ever imagined. As the world braces against the growing fears of extraterrestrial phenomenon, Liam Bishop will come to realize that this isn't an abduction he's's revenge.
Explores the making of and cultural impact of THE EXORCIST, 50 years since its release.
Old Woman
A young couple travelling down the freeway seem to be unable to get off the road after being hunted by someone intent on keeping them on the road.
In this re-imagining of Donald Farmer's 1993 cult classic, Tara and her friend Meghan encounter a group of cannibalistic criminals on the run.
A Horror Feature Film about the story of women vampires walking among the living in Los Angeles. The lead Vampire, Sarah Hase, is searching for the most current Vampire Killer, Jeffery Nelson. Sarah, who is also an undercover FBI agent, wants to catch him in the act and have him live in jail for eternity. Another Vampire, Joan Rosen, is also out to get him, but wants to instantly kill him. Who will get to Jeffery Nelson first? Sarah Hase or Joan Rosen?
June Summers
A desperate mother and father attempt to cure their eight-year-old son's brain tumor by enlisting the help of a shamanistic healer; when the ritual results in the child being possessed by an ancient demon, the father must now face his own demons and return to his role as a former priest in order to save his son's soul and to protect humanity from the Evil that he has unleashed.
Clown Queen
The search for Brooke is in full swing when her fiancé gets new intel on her whereabouts. Gathering a group of people, they enter the Clown realm where Brooke and Jane Doe have been trapped.
In response to the financial crisis set forth by COVID-19, a shy teenager starts an internet-based detective agency to save her family home. She solves mysteries through digital footprints, virtual interviews, a brilliant mind, and an inherited intuition she never knew she had.
Emily's Mother/ Demons
Sophia Hapgood is thrust into a horrifying world after her brother James brings her into a fatal situation. He passes a demon to her that she must spread to others within 6 days or else they both die. Sophia must make a choice to save her brother or find a way to end the curse.
A middle-aged single father has endured one too many bad days. Today, his frustration and bitterness becomes evident, resulting in violence.
The first Raven adventure
Mrs. O'Brian
While staying at an aging manor to research its liquor-smuggling history, Christina and her documentary video team interview their spooky host Vincent—but no one can capture his image or voice on video. After shocking dreams and bloody encounters, the crew members fall under Victor’s hypnotic spell.
Minister O'Brien
Detective Jones arrives at the house of a young couple, Ashley and Brad, blissfully engaged and preparing for their upcoming marriage. They had a mysterious break in at their home. While Det. Jones discovers nothing at the scene, we later find out it is their wedding planner, Mandy, who starts stalking them. She goes as far as sabotaging Brad at work. Ms. Johnson, his boss, has no choice and places him on permanent leave as this Wrong Wedding Planner will stop at nothing to exact revenge.
Священник, отсидевший 8 лет в тюрьме за убийство мальчика во время экзорцизма, ищет искупления и находит молодого отца-одиночку Джоэла Кларка. Он убежден, что Джоэл отмечен самим дьяволом и необходимо провести обряд изгнания, чтобы тот не потерял ребенка. Борьба за душу мальчика приводит к шокирующему и ужасающему открытию — как глубоко дьявол сидит во всех нас.
A grad student breaks up with her boyfriend to focus on her thesis, not realizing something has infected him and that he's going to wreak havoc on her life.
Betty Oswald
When ex pro wrestler Buck Severs travels to an abandoned wildlife preserve with his friends for 'Bro's Weekend', they become the targets of a deadly manhunt and Buck must find the fighter in himself before it's too late.
Mrs Vasile
The shock portmanteau showcases the work of upcoming genre directors from around the world. Each gives a fun, fresh and frightening take on a different demon, from Succubi and Wendigos to the Biblical and Lovecraftian, making this chilling collection a wild, fun-filled, terrifying ride through a diabolical and fantastical bestiary.
Associate Producer
Домашняя медсестра Кара вместе с 13-летним сыном Джесси и 8-летней дочерью Камбрией перебирается в сельскую глушь, чтобы ухаживать за пожилым человеком и жить в его доме. Переезд принимает мрачный поворот, когда в доме старика Джесси обнаруживает таинственную древнюю реликвию, из которой высвобождается злобная сущность в обличье огромного паука и начинает терроризировать несчастное семейство.
Домашняя медсестра Кара вместе с 13-летним сыном Джесси и 8-летней дочерью Камбрией перебирается в сельскую глушь, чтобы ухаживать за пожилым человеком и жить в его доме. Переезд принимает мрачный поворот, когда в доме старика Джесси обнаруживает таинственную древнюю реликвию, из которой высвобождается злобная сущность в обличье огромного паука и начинает терроризировать несчастное семейство.
Aunt Peggy
Playing with a Ouija board is dangerous, and college student Rebecca Clarkson is now documenting the proof, as day by day a demon takes possession of her while a webcam audience watch the horrific event.
Melva Broadstone
Two giant monsters are forced to battle head to head on the political circuit as they run against each other for a seat in the Senate.
The veil between the living and the dead has lifted for 24 hours, would you survive?
Jane Patterson
Семья Томас отправляется в свой дом в лесу, чтобы отпраздновать Рождество вместе со своей дочерью, которую давно не видели и познакомится c её новым парнем. Но их первая рождественнская встреча может стать их последней.
Jamie's Mother
In a world where mythical creatures are real, monsters and humans are forced to coexist; and as prejudice and insecurity pulls everyone apart, three separate storylines manage to come together.
Adah and Aaron are recovering addicts who are struggling to stay sober. After meeting in their psychoanalyst’s waiting room, they fall in love, relapse on poppers, and become the biggest assholes in New York City.
Dr. Panfil
Shattered is a story based on true events about family betrayal, love lost, and a dark destructive secret that swirls around a high powered political family in the Deep South. Kate Stenson dreams of an enviable life as the quintessential Southern Belle. She marries Ken Burnett, the son of the town's powerful Mayor - a controlling father who will do anything to protect his position. Kate has two children with Ken - a biological daughter, and an adopted son, named Logan (Tate Birchmore). But Kate's seemingly perfect lifestyle begins to fray at the edges as she discovers that Logan suffers from severe mental health issues. Kate's journey to uncover the true story of Logan's past reveals a dark secret that can destroy the entire Burnett legacy. As Kate investigates - with the aid of a new friend - to unmask the history behind Logan's illness, these unimaginable family secrets surface, putting her in unforeseen danger.
Молодая пара, скорбя о недавней смерти своей дочери, переезжает в сельскую местность, где им не дает покоя их пережитая трагедия, преследующий зловещий призрак и мрачность потустороннего мира.
Sadie - The Mountain Woman
Скотт – бывший пожарник. Сейчас он возглавляет группу экологов– активистов. Они изготовили баннер, на котором размещена надпись-предупреждение про лесные пожары. Теперь баннер надо где-то повесить. Местом нахождения баннера команда избирает зернохранилище, то есть силос. Теперь баннер будет очень хорошо видно. Скотт взбирается на зернохранилище, чтобы повесить на нем баннер. Но он понимает, что команда оказалась далеко не в лучшем месте и в не в самое лучшее время. Ведь на силосе находится бомба, и ровно через 15 минут она взорвется. Экологи срочно делают ноги из этого места, но вскоре происходит страшный взрыв. В результате этого появляется смерч, который несет хаос и разрушения. Оказывается, что в зернохранилище содержалось некое топливо, созданное в порядке эксперимента компанией «Synco». Теперь Скотту и его команде предъявляют терроризм, а «Synco» преследует их. Экологам нужно остановить огонь прежде, чем он разрушит Лос-Анджелес.
Бывший тайный агент Джек Баррабас принудительно отозван из отставки, чтобы найти внучку сенатора, где-то неподалёку от границы Мексики. Его поиски приводят к таинственной двери, и то, что он находит за Границей навсегда изменит мир.
The Witch
The six richest people in the world each have one thing still dragging them down.. their intolerable kids. Luckily, there is a mysterious entity that is happy to help. See, he has some monsters of his own and they are just dying to test out their skills.. One house. Six kids. Seven monsters. Who will be left standing? It's time for a showdown.. it's Kids Vs Monsters!
Пятеро подруг приезжают в загородный дом своей подруги, чтобы поддержать ее после тяжелого разрыва с бойфрендом. Девушки решают закатить бесбашенную вечеринку, но она не получается и всем скучно… Изрядно набравшись алкоголем, они вспоминают игру, где участники должны по очереди ходить в страшные места или подвергаться страшным розыгрышам. Так, одна из девиц находит в подвале доску для спиритуализма и их игра обретает новый оборот.
Elizabeth Ray
Jessica and Ethan Ray return to their childhood home following the death of their grandmother hoping that the nightmares of their childhoods will finally be laid to rest. But they soon find that the house is haunted...
A troubled teenage girl finds herself in a web of lies and deceit when her stepmother attempts to murder her by sending her to a discipline camp.
Searching for purpose and meaning in the world, a young Latina in East Los Angeles becomes dangerously involved with a storefront church where a young minister enthralls her. At the same time, she meets Joe, a self-empowered African-American low-rider mechanic. Mary, struggling to reconcile her faith and her blossoming love affair with Joe, is pulled into a group from the church who believes they can clone Jesus, with Mary's help.
Associate Producer
Butterfly is a suspense/horror hybrid about NICK COLE, a straight-to-video horror director who is kidnapped by, LANEY, an over zealous fan, determined to impress him with her own film project. The situation goes from bad to worse when Cole realizes that the murders in Laney's film are real, and that the victims are all people from his own dark past.
Joy Greenstahl
Butterfly is a suspense/horror hybrid about NICK COLE, a straight-to-video horror director who is kidnapped by, LANEY, an over zealous fan, determined to impress him with her own film project. The situation goes from bad to worse when Cole realizes that the murders in Laney's film are real, and that the victims are all people from his own dark past.
В течение многих лет он терроризировал калифорнийских автомобилистов, постоянно разъезжая по дорогам в бесконечных поисках следующей жертвы. Выброшенные тела находили избитыми, сексуально поруганными и ужасно искалеченными. Обманчиво очаровывающий и умный, коварный убийца сначала легко избегал полиции. Но поскольку она вплотную приближалась, характер убийств становился все более странным, единственный вопрос был, сколько еще умрет? Узнайте в этой пугающе подлинной истории одного из самых печально известных серийных убийц, Уильяма Бонина иначе как «Дорожный убийца», отравленный ум которого приводил в ужас всю страну.
Winnie Gilmore
Действие разворачивается сразу после окончания первого фильма. Лори Строуд и доктор Сэм Лумис выживают после бойни, устроенной маньяком по имени Майкл Майерс. Якобы мертвого Майкла увозят в морг, но по дороге маньяк приходит в сознание и сбегает. Прошло два года. У Лори появляются видения, становящиеся все ужаснее. Приближается Хэллоуин. Майкл Майерс возвращается в родной Хэддонфилд, чтобы закончить свое кровавое дело. Шансы на спасение Лори и других невинных людей становятся еще более призрачными, чем раньше…
FBI agent Liz Metera investigates a series of grisly murders in a small, desert town. She suspects the murders are the work of a serial killer but discovers that whatever is responsible is not human, and is, instead, something far more monstrous...
Eleanor Maxwell
A small group of teenagers are trapped in a deserted movie theater and stalked by a crazed B-movie actress out to kill for the demise of her career.
Cara is auditioning for a network television role. She's definitely not as experienced or as beautiful as the other actors she's up against, yet all that changes when she takes matters into her own hands.
A young Englishman obsessed with Cowboys and becoming a Country and Western singer travels down to Mexico in search of his missing girlfriend during the festival of The Day Of The Dead.
Claire the Homeless Woman
Антология включает в себя пять эпизодов: «Жена профессора Дэйтона», «Элис», «Рэйчел, девушка по вызову», «Радио», «Одержимый пес».
Mrs. Crews
Nothing bad could ever happen on quiet, tree lined Wormwood Drive. At least that's what Bob and Wendi Petersen thought, before they met their new neighbor...
Evil Nurse
In the city of angels - Los Angeles - no one is immune from the lurking spirits, neither good nor evil. As the end of time rapidly approaches, both forces have much work to do. Both sides contend for the same souls, but which force will prevail?
Costume Girl
A crazed killer sneaks onto the set of a sci-fi film and begins murdering the cast and crew.
An escaped clone tries to expose a government plot to clone everyone and make a perfect society.
Family Girl
The investigation of two horrific mass murders leads to the capture and trial of the psychotic pseudo-hippie Charles Manson and his "family".
Demon / Regan Double (uncredited)
В семью известной актрисы приходит беда - ее несовершеннолетняя дочь начинает вести себя неадекватным образом. Мать полагает, что это следствие ее личной трагедии, врачи подозревают психическое заболевание и не в силах поставить диагноз. Специально приглашенный священник подозревает, что девочка одержима дьяволом. Однако, в современном атеистическом мире никто уже не верит в то, что человек может быть одержим нечистым духом, даже сама церковь. Тем не менее, из Азии Ватиканом вызывается последний оставшийся в живых экзорсист («изгоняющий дьявола») отец Ланкастер Меррин, который приезжает, не зная о том, что идет навстречу своей смерти...
Penny Wohl
A young filmmaker decides to make a movie about his day-to-day activities in an attempt to understand himself and get his life back in order. A precursor to reality television and vlogs.
Said game is sex.
Ellie (as Eileen Scott)
Low budget gang movie in which Diane Conti plays rebelious teen Terry who moves to Brooklyn from Manhattan and soon gets involved in a gang. She soon muscles her way to the top making enemies as she goes.
What better way to liven up a Christmas party than with a good ol' massacre!
Mrs. Taggert
Compatible dating site or nightmare? Emily Taggert joins Compatible a new interactive dating App where your viewers can judge your dates. At first, Greg gets perfect compatibility, until he doesn't.
Dr. Sarah Abbott
A newlywed couple arrives at the house of the husband's late wife, where the flowers have been maintained to the dead woman's memory. Soon, eerie events lead the new wife, to believe she is losing her mind.
Lillian Gresham
Hospice nurse Juliet is hired to be caregiver for Lillian, who lives in an isolated house in a remote area. Although she’s terminally ill, the elderly Lillian seems to be a cordial and sweet lady. However, as the night goes on, Juliet suspects someone else is also dwelling in the house causing her and Lillian to be in grave danger…
The Demon Eater
Follow the director, Tony, as he attempts to finish his film, 'The Witches of the Sands'. As the movie takes shape, so do Tony's demons... until reality and the world of the Witches of the Sands combine.
Esther Fowler
After a near-fatal car accident, Kaitlyn awakens and is horrified to find her son, Milo, missing in a small town plagued with residents reluctant to help her. During her desperate quest, Kaitlyn meets Esther and Sheriff Charlie Taggart, who describe the town as a place where souls have become trapped between the world of the living, and the world of the dead. They warn of a looming presence known only as Stingy Jack, who will stop at nothing to keep Kaitlyn from her son by manipulating her perception of reality, testing her limits not only as a mother, but also as a human being. In a town where souls have seemingly become detached, Kaitlyn's time is running out and she must find Milo before his soul becomes trapped in the town forever.
Diane Thomas
The sisters of Kapa - Bay Sorority House are mysteriously vanishing. The girls have been abducted and locked up in a horse stable, forced into sexual slavery and depravity, which leads to a fight to their final breath. Electric ear devices are planted to prevent escape with electric shock therapy. The diabolical family is an incest ridden tribe of an obese woman that never stops eating and a midget with a voice box for parents. Their two sons are repulsive, drooling inbreds with speech problems and a scabbed head. The daughter is a beautiful, young woman that is covered in scars, mentally and physically. Dead Girls Don't Cry is an Exploitation/ Revenge film that combines much more into one and pushes the boundaries of today's Horror.