Na Wei

Na Wei

Рождение : 1968-01-30, Changchun, Jilin Province, China


Na Wei


No Cheat No Meet
Three con artists who specialise in cheating con artists but are always cheated by con artists
Tempting Hearts
Tempting Hearts is a romantic comedy that tells the love story between Zhou Qiwen (Jerry Yan), the disgraced founder of a gaming company and the creator of a blind dating app called Chen Ran (Ren Suxi). Forced into bankruptcy by the “playboy” comments about him, Zhou Qiwen confronts the instigator, an employee for a blind dating app for an explanation. Signing up to join the dating app might not have been such a bright idea, that is, until Qiwen is matched with the creator of the app herself, Chen Ran. Throughout their dating shenanigans, the pair gradually lose their hostility towards each other, thus begins the start of something that could be wonderful if only they dare to open their hearts to each other. Inspired and Based on Jeff Chang's hit song of the same name from 27 years ago.
The Mad Sword
Through the process of mutual recognition and domestication between two generations of swordsmen, it tells story of Agou who discover courage to change himself. The inspirational story of an unknown inferiority little beggar who grows into a hero who has the world in his heart and saves the world for the people
My Name is Wei He
Xiang Gonggong
The Incredible Monk 3
An infant is given a death sentence by the heavens due to her identity as the bringer of catastrophe. Ji Gong is determined to steer her towards the right path.
I’ll Complete For The Top
Легенда древнего меча
Host (主持人)
Сюжет основан на одноименной популярной игре. Юэ Вуи, молодой и талантливый авантюрист, принимает в дар от своего наставника, уважаемого мастера Се Йи, магические искусства Яна, необходимые ему на пути самосовершенствования. Вскоре главный герой отправляется на встречу приключениям, где он знакомится с тремя парнями и девушкой Руаной, которая помогает пролить свет на тайны, хранимые великим жрецом Лю Юэ Сити — Шен Ё. Узнав про замысел жреца уничтожить мир, компания решает сразиться с ним, пытаясь спасти планету от гибели...
I Am Your Mom
Sun Lingban
When Zhao Xiaoyi passes the entrance exam to enroll as an art student, it’s more to her than a chance to pursue her creative dreams. After years of close supervision at home, it also means freedom and independence. Away at school at last, a lonelier Zhao finds there may be more to miss at home than there is to discover on her own. Meanwhile, things are not all well with her mom, as career troubles and domestic problems collide to overwhelm her.
The Incubus Studio
Little Lucky
Show Fu
The Joy Luck Club is a 1993 American drama film about the relationships between ... Each of these women has an adult Chinese-American daughter. ..... Stone responded by calling Wang's Dim Sum: A Little Bit of Heart "boring" for its lack of ...
Железнодорожные тигры
Huang Yifeng
В декабре 1941 года Япония расширяет оккупацию соседних стран в Юго-Восточной Азии. Железная дорога от Тяньцзинь Нанкин в Восточном Китае стала ключевым маршрутом для военных перевозок под усиленной охраной японских солдат. Работник железной дороги Ма Юань организовывает команду борцов за свободу. Используя свои глубокие знания железнодорожных сетей, он со своими людьми устраивает засады для японских солдат и ворует их припасы, чтобы накормить голодающих соотечественников. Местные называют своих героев «железнодорожными тиграми». И когда борцы за свободу оказываются на неправильной стороне путей при отправке подкрепления японцам в провинцию Шаньдун, Ма Юань решается на опасный поступок — взорвать тщательно охраняемый железнодорожный мост.
A Dog Named Wang Zi
Prince, a corgi puppy who is raise up by one of the Hong Kong most famous model called Clara Baby along with her partner Zhou, whose one of the ‘Tu Hao" in China ("Tu Hao" meaning rich without class). They walks into the prosperity of Hong Kong and during their journey, Prince go through the ups and the downs, the poor and the rich environments, witnessing the living in Hong Kong.At the beauty contest at the charity event, Zhou purposely stops Prince from winning the competition and in the end Prince lost the game and at some reasons he has let Clara Baby down which leads Prince Life from heaven to hell.In a Hungry and cold cozy night after being left alone and abandoned in the streets, Prince met a girl named Zhong Jiaqi who’s new immigrants. She discovered Prince was left weak and to save Prince, she immediately carried Prince to the vet. Prince was so grateful for what Jiaqi has done and from then on prince follows Jiaqi wherever she goes...
Отпетые напарники
Officer Wu
Чтобы обезвредить преступный синдикат и спасти свою племянницу, самый честный коп должен взять в напарники красавчика-афериста. Они полные противоположности, но у них одна опасная миссия. Они в бегах, но им не избежать друг друга.
Saving Mr. Wu
President Cheng
Mr. Wu, a Hong Kong movie star, is kidnapped in Beijing by Zhang Hua's gang. The police quickly form a task force and begin the search, ignoring that detectives in charge have only twenty hours before the deadline. (A story based on the famous kidnapping case of television actor Wu Rufou that took place in 2004.)
Полицейская история 2013
Na Na
История начинается с того, что посетители паба оказываются взятыми в заложники. Среди посетителей есть офицер полиции Вэнь Чжун и его непослушная дочь Мяомяо. Человек, удерживающий всех в заложниках — владелец паба, который таким образом пытается добиться освобождения из тюрьмы одного преступника…
Flying with You
Jang Nara plays He Qianqian, the only daughter of a wealthy man. She gets kidnapped by paraglider Xu Yifan played by Jimmy Lin. They crash in a remote forest and fall in love.
wu dacheng
Treasure Inn
County Mayor
Master Kung and Lo Pa are two police officers of White Horse City, who have high skills but are underused. A robbery happened at he city's richest man Ho Pak Man's home where his whole family was killed and their family treasure the "White Jade Goddess of Mercy" was stolen and the "Police God" Tit Mo Ching investigates the case. Kung and Lo Pa cannot participate because of their low status. Coincidentally, Master Kung and Lo Pa arrest a pair of twin sisters, Water Dragon Girl and Fire Dragon Girl, who always pretend to catch wanted criminals to get monetary rewards. The twin sisters know that the "White Jade Goddess of Mercy" would be brought to the "Treasure Inn" for an auction. Wanting to hit big, Master Kung and Lo Pa go to the "Treasure Inn" with the twin sisters to investigate the truth. During that time, Master Kung and Water Dragon Girl become lovers from a kiss.
Super Player
Northern China, the present day. Jobless and penniless after being sacked by his boss, and deserted by his wife and young son, 42-year-old cook Erbao attempts suicide but is saved by a fairy, whose sole purpose is to make him happy. She grants him wishes, with the proviso that if he doesn't find happiness he should utter the magic phrase "I'm having a great time!" and he will be returned to the present for another wish. Erbao chooses to be a martial arts hero, a millionaire, a film star and a beautiful young woman but finds all of their lives have drawbacks. Finally, he asks to become an emperor in Ancient China.
Funny Travelogue
Huang Shan
Док Кихот
Official advisor
Дон Кихот - фильм китайского и гонконгского фильма 2010 года режиссера Ахана, основанный на романе Мигеля де Сервантеса 17-го века. Это было продвинуто как первый полностью трехмерный фильм в Китае.
Karmic Mahjong
Chen Chuan (Francis Ng) is a simple man who seems to be cursed with bad luck all the time. Convinced by a blind fortune teller that he must eliminate the "villain" that is bringing him the ills, Chen vows to kill the person responsible for his misfortunes. But he soon has second thoughts when he suspect that the "villain" is none other than his own wife.