Makeup Artist
Isi and Disi, the more thugs Leganés heavys return. This time Disi falls in love for the sexy Angie, former rock singer and girlfriend of a big shot record, Berdún. After being recognized as the most brutal band in the equally brutal contest presented by Angie, Disi not only have to save his group Ratamuerta, his friendship with Isi, and the temple of rock "The Kampana of Hell", but also rescue Angie from the clutches of machiavellian Berdún. Once again, rock triumph over evil ...
Makeup Artist
Pelayo is leaving to work for his uncle Lorenzo and to find a nice girl to settle down with. Pelayo arrives to find out that Lorenzo's "business" is in fact a male strip show and Lorenzo's dancers are a laughing stock. Lorenzo has all his money tied up in his wedding with ex-prostitute Palmira. With Pelayo arriving life turns upside down. Can Lorenzo keep his infidelities a secret and his crew off the streets? Can Pelayo keep from falling for a prostitute on his way to finding a wife?
Assistant Makeup Artist
Иси и Дизи, которые не являются ни братьями, ни именами, родились и выросли в Леганесе. Их псевдонимы происходят от их необузданной страсти к AC / DC, которая, как вы всегда слышали, произносится на английском языке как isidisi. Жизнь Иси проходит гладко: он помогает своему старику с куклами и репетирует с его группой Ratamuerta, с Disi и его коллегами El Pota и La Kuki. До одного дня, пока он занимается еженедельной доставкой кукол в баре Университета Леганес, его существование претерпевает радикальные изменения ... когда он находит там любовь всей своей жизни. У бедного Иси нет иного выбора, кроме как отказаться от своих самых «джевиских» принципов и осуществить мечту своей девушки ... любой ценой.
Assistant Makeup Artist
Two Spanish pan-handlers soon find themselves in over their heads when they stumble upon an opportunity to redeem themselves and perhaps the entire planet. The world appears to suffer from rampant poverty, violence and spiritual desperation and the relentless news media force-feeds these images to the Spanish people. A popular reality television show lets the audience decide between life or death for suspected felons, and one of the opportunistic pan-handlers attempts to escape poverty through this raucous and sensational TV program.
Assistant Makeup Artist
For this second film in the cult comedy series Torrente takes our fat police officer from Madrid to Marbella in Spain to investigate a villain’s plot to destroy the city with a missile. This James Bond style slapstick comedy became the most successful box-office film in Spanish film history beating out only the first Torrente film.