Itari Marta

Itari Marta


Itari Marta Mena Abraham is Mexican stage and screen actress, stage director and writer. She is a founding member of Foro Shakespeare.


Itari Marta
Itari Marta


Richard III - version 3.0
The Santa Marta Acatitla Prison Theatre Company performs "Richard III version 3.0" an adaptation of William Shakespeare's play from 1633. An amateur dramatics group has been turned into the first professional theatre company inside a Mexican prison. The prison is located south/west of Mexico City lodges about 3 000 prisoners, and has both male and female wards. The culture program started in 2010 and is supported by Foro Shakespeare, founded by Mexican actors Bruno Bichir and Itari Marta. The play "Richard III" has been updated to deal with current events, corruption and lack of future.
Richard III - version 3.0
The Santa Marta Acatitla Prison Theatre Company performs "Richard III version 3.0" an adaptation of William Shakespeare's play from 1633. An amateur dramatics group has been turned into the first professional theatre company inside a Mexican prison. The prison is located south/west of Mexico City lodges about 3 000 prisoners, and has both male and female wards. The culture program started in 2010 and is supported by Foro Shakespeare, founded by Mexican actors Bruno Bichir and Itari Marta. The play "Richard III" has been updated to deal with current events, corruption and lack of future.
Следы ветра
После смерти любимого мужа Кармен остается одна с двумя детьми. Она старается сделать все для них, но едва справляется. В итоге женщина погружается в жуткую депрессию и все меньше вспоминает о детях. У Аны и Даниэля начинаются свои кошмары, от которых просто невозможно скрыться. Мальчику постоянно снятся огромные друиды, которые начинают бродить по комнатам. Несмотря на свою гордость, он вынужден спать вместе с мамой, поскольку боится ложиться один. Ана в свою очередь не может представить отца в другом измерении и все больше задумывается над тем, куда отправляются люди после смерти и как они выглядят. Живя в глубоком горе, семья постепенно отдаляется от реальности, погружаясь в мир собственных кошмаров...
The Tequila Effect
A story of love of money and power. A story of courage and bravery. It is the life of José Fierro, a man who faces the consequences of his acts when he decides to go all out; of his wife Ana Luisa, who wants to experience love and eroticism beyond what is permitted. A brave movie that reflects the best and the worst of humans, but is also a tragicomedy (as is life), full of humor, hope and self-sacrifice: the reflection of a country undergoing a permanent financial crisis, produced by the Tequila effect, but which has the virtue of not letting itself be defeated.
Вырви это сердце
Действие происходит в 1930-х годах спустя два десятилетия после Мексиканской революции. Каталина Гузман рассказывает историю своей жизни и своего брака с амбициозным генералом Андресом Асенсио. Соблазнив её и женившись, он занимает пост генерал-губернатора, а она выполняет роль светской дамы. Полностью отдавшись политической карьере мужа, Каталина преданна ему, несмотря на его любовницу и детей, которых ей приходится воспитывать. Зрелой женщиной она влюбляется в молодого дирижёра и левого активиста Карлоса Вивеса, который становится её самой большой любовью и трагедией.
Beyond the Sky
Malboro and Cucu, the starring characters, are two brothers who split after the older one, Malboro, went to prison five years. One day he is set free, willing to return to his life. Cucu is the younger brother, who has become a boxer with possible success, if only the beater he keeps somewhere inside, didn't arise in the worst moments. The relationship between the two brothers is somehow ambiguous, there's something unclear that caused Malboro's arrest. To complete the triangle is Uncle Jesus who has been like a father to them; a retired boxer who's always thinking about his past. Sara is Malboro's great love, a woman full of shame and resented after almost leaving her whole life behind to follow Malboro, but he failed in their attempt to run away because that same night, he got arrested by Rojas. Rojas is Sara's husband, a police officer who hates Malboro and will do anything to get him out of his way...
Rabbit on the Moon
Though around them a criminal world seethes, Julie and Antonio are a young and loving couple with a new baby and a solid, white-collar sense of stability. But when a loose social connection suddenly ties them to a major political assassination, the two become innocents desperately trying to adapt to a world of murderous politicians and police that, moment to moment, threatens their lives
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