Linda Sorensen

Linda Sorensen

Рождение : 1940-01-19, Canada


Linda Sorensen


Между нами горы
Бен и Эшли, уцелевшие после авиакатастрофы, должны найти общий язык, чтобы выжить в экстремальных условиях далеких заснеженных гор. Когда они понимают, что на помощь к ним никто не придет, они вынуждены отправиться в опасный путь длиной в сотни километров. В борьбе за жизнь между двумя еще вчера незнакомыми людьми неожиданно возникает притяжение.
Собаки моих бывших
Grandma Strang
История девушки, которая после расставания с парнями оставляла себе всех их собак…
По версии Барни
2nd Mrs. P's Mother
Весельчак и балагур Барни Панофски сначала женился, затем еще раз женился, и только потом встретил свою самую настоящую любовь. С виду обычный парень, Барни прожил крайне насыщенную и необычную жизнь. Его приключения, происходившие на двух континентах, включали брак с тремя разными женщинами, совершенно чокнутого отца и несметное количество чудаковатых друзей. Жизнь по версии Барни она такая: яркая, искренняя, бескомпромиссная, на полную катушку.
Барби и Хрустальный замок
Old Woman (voice)
Барби и Тереза расскажут нам сказку про подружек Лиану и Алексу, у которых много общего, в том числе любовь к музыке. Однажды они знакомятся с девочкой, запертой внутри волшебного зеркала. Чтобы спасти новую подругу, Лиана и Алекса отправляются в опасное путешествие к тайному Хрустальному замку. Их дружбе предстоит испытание, но, используя силу музыки, девочки в компании двух очаровательных щенков преодолеют все трудности и узнают, что дружба — это истинное сокровище.
Right to Die
When a grisly car accident put his wife into a coma, a man reluctantly pulls the plug only to realize her spirit has turned vengeful against the living.
A Father for Brittany
Marge Lussier
Keith and Kim Lussier are a childless couple who are given custody of a 3-month-old foster child, Brittany. However, tragedy strikes when Kim dies of cancer in the middle of the adoption process, leaving Keith to fight for Brittany's custody alone.
I'll Be Home For Christmas
Veterinarian and part-time mayor Sarah heads a town council desperate to find a doctor to keep open the small town's clinic. They fear, rightly, that family after family will move away and the town will disappear. Their hopes are raised when Bob announces his widower son Michael the surgeon and grand daughter are going to visit for the first time in years for the Xmas holiday. The mayor's attempt to recruit Michael is complicated by their history (their high school romance) and his secret shame (that he has lost his confidence in his surgical skills to the point that his big city hospital is kicking him upstairs to an administrative position.
Love in Another Town
A fortyish interior designer, dumped by her husband, moves across the country and finds love in another town in a relationship with a much younger man.
The Third Twin
Lorraine Logan
Lies He Told
Alyson's mother
A charming military man arranges his own disappearance and death in order to begin a new life with a woman who is completely deceived by his lies. Bored by his military career and secure lifestyle with his wife, Cindy, and two children, Dave Bay falls in love with Alyson and plots a new existence. This new, deceptive life includes bank robberies committed as a desperate means to support his new family and hide his past. Inspired by actual events.
A Husband, a Wife and a Lover
When her cheating husband has a debilitating stroke, a woman invites her lover to move in with them.
Relative Fear
Margaret Ladelle
Linda and Peter Pratman's son Adam is autistic, but they still love him and hope that he'll at least start talking some day. However he's teased and abused by the kids of the neighborhood and his grandpa . When several people around Adam die an unexpected death, his parents start to suspect Adam - is he just simulating to be so ignorant about his environment?
Blood Brothers
Judge Goldberg
Blood Brothers- While coming of age in the inner city, Darryl Crawford, a young African-American man, witnesses a gang-related murder and is horrified to discover that his beloved older brother Sly is one of the perps. Darryl grapples with his conscience over informing on Sly -- but this fear becomes secondary when the remaining gang members close in on both brothers and threaten their lives.
The Good Fight
Grace Cragin is a bright young lawyer who has a passion for the fight against injustice. Her ex-husband Henry is a lawyer too, but his passion is only to win. The two were divorced ten years earlier when Henry's lust for conquest led him to other women. Now, Grace has a case she cannot win alone and, although she hates to admit it, she needs Henry's help.
Miles from Nowhere
Mrs. Ruth Carter
Frank and Cam have been friends all their lives, Cam is on the High School Football team, coached by his dad, Frank is a promising runner, with a dream of completing a sub 4 minute mile and beating his arch rival. Cam persuades Frank to go to a party, when Frank wants to leave and Cam doesn't Frank decides to run home in the dark, with fatal consequences. Devastated by his friend's death and blaming himself, Cam decides to move from football to running with the goal of completing the sub 4 minute mile for his friend. A race against Frank's rival leaves the rival injured after falling off the track. The rival insults Frank and Cam starts a fight which leads to a disciplinary hearing, causing Cam to be banned from the championships. The rival organises another race though, to prove that he is better than Cam. The race is a close thing and Cam comes in a very close second, but in doing so breaks the 4 minute mile dream.
A woman is stalked by a psychopathic killer. She eventually kills him, only for the man to show up again, this time sane and without any knowledge of the attacks. The police don't believe her, but one detective agrees to look into it.
Приключения няни
Mrs. Anderson
Девушка по имени Крис Паркер даже не подозревала о том, что ей придется стать няней. Но пережив ссору со своим другом, Крис решила хоть как-то отвлечься и заодно заработать. В первый же вечер, вооружившись журналами мод, записной книжкой и грудой косметики, она приготовилась поскучать. Но то, что произошло дальше с няней и ее тремя подопечными, не поддается описанию. Во всяком случае, скучно им не было.
Many Happy Returns
Marsha Brenner
In this satire of the I.R.S., George Segal plays an Average Joe targeted for the Audit from Hell. His bank accounts are frozen, his home and business are attached by the government, and his wife leaves him. Segal is forced to move into the house of his obnoxious brother-in-law where lot of Odd Couple-type comedy ensues. Segal then plots to turn the tables on the I.R.S., and win back his wife and life.
Joshua Then and Now
Esther Shapiro
Based on a novel by Mordecai Richler, allegedly his autobiography, it tells the story of a Jewish writer, from his life as a young boy in Montreal to his more complicated grown-up life.
Любовь и аэробика
T.V. Producer
Три подруги, бросив скучную работу машинисток, открывают свой клуб аэробики (по-современному - финтес-центр) «Божественные тела». Главную героиню берут ведущей на местное телевидение. Но у клуба появляются конкуренты..
Elizabeth Scanlan
Dr. R. Adams Cowley, the Baltimore physician who pioneered medicine's first shocktrauma unit, fights hospital bureaucracy to gain recognition for his center.
Класс 1984
Mrs. Stegman
Банда оголтелых школьников преследует нового учителя, решившего навести в классе порядок. Озверевшие панки-школьники во главе с учеником-психопатом (Ван Паттен) избивают его, а жену насилуют. Месть учителя не уступает по жестокости выходкам банды, но заметно превосходит их по изощренности.
The Running Man
A middle-aged family man and high school teacher struggles in silence as he accepts the fact that he is gay.
The Courage of Kavik, the Wolf Dog
Laura Evans
The story of a champion Eskimo sled dog named Kavik who survives a plane crash in the wilds of Alaska and is found and cared for by a young boy named Andy Evans. But the dog's owner finds Kavik and takes him back to his home in Colorado where the dog escapes and embarks on a 2,000-mile odyssey in search of Andy.
Ледяная смерть
Monica Page
Сержант полиции пытается поймать снайпера, который убивает проституток.
I Miss You, Hugs and Kisses
Successful businessman Charles Kruschen (Donald Pilon) is accused of bludgeoning to death his beautiful but manipulative model wife Magdalene (Elke Sommer). As the trial draws to a close, Charles reflects on the events leading up to the terrible incident...
Breaking Up
JoAnn Hammil faces a harrowing fight to rediscover her personal identity when her husband of 15 years announces that he is leaving her and their children to search for the indefinable joy he feels he is missing from his life.
Breaking Point
Helen McBain
The Mafia tries to take revenge against a man who testified against them in court.
Dead on Target
Dead on Target is the third and final film in the Our Man Flint movie trilogy. The film originally aired on ABC on March 17, 1976. The TV movie was also a pilot for a possible weekly series, but it did not get good enough ratings to warrant such, and Dead On Target became the last Derek Flint movie.
The Hard Part Begins
Alice Neely
The ups and downs in the life of a country-western singer.
Paperback Hero
A hockey player in a small town begins to lose his grip on reality, and starts to believe that he is a gunslinger in the Old West.
МакКейб и миссис Миллер
Тщеславие — опасная штука. Наш герой очень тщеславен, и поэтому при любом удобном случае выдает себя за крутого и безбашенного «стрелка», способного сбить пулей на лету муху и укокошить пару сотен недругов одним выстрелом. А на самом деле — он всего лишь мелкий жулик и игрок, постоянно мыкающийся в поисках денег. И вот однажды ему приходит в голову совершенно потрясающая идея Открыть в городишке самый настоящий публичный дом.
Холодным днем в парке
Драма о женщине, мучительно переживающей одиночество, свои нереализованные желания и нераскрытые чувства, подавленные комплексы. Однажды, «холодным днем в парке», Фрэнсис встречает бесприютного юношу, проявляет о нем заботу, а потом начинает испытывать непреодолимую страсть, заставляющую ее пытаться удержать этого парня в доме во что бы то ни стало.