Mark Slutsky


Ты можешь жить вечно
Действие разворачивается в 1990-е. После смерти отца, старшеклассница Джейми переезжает жить к свои родственникам, которые являются приверженцами секты «Свидетелей Иеговы». В церкви она знакомится с дочерью одного из свидетелей — Марикой. Между девушками пробегает искра и вскоре взаимное притяжение становится сложно скрыть от окружающих. Героиням предстоит сделать сложный выбор между религией и любовью.
Ты можешь жить вечно
Действие разворачивается в 1990-е. После смерти отца, старшеклассница Джейми переезжает жить к свои родственникам, которые являются приверженцами секты «Свидетелей Иеговы». В церкви она знакомится с дочерью одного из свидетелей — Марикой. Между девушками пробегает искра и вскоре взаимное притяжение становится сложно скрыть от окружающих. Героиням предстоит сделать сложный выбор между религией и любовью.
Final Offer
A down-on-his-luck lawyer awakes to find he's been enlisted to negotiate on behalf of the human race.
Final Offer
A down-on-his-luck lawyer awakes to find he's been enlisted to negotiate on behalf of the human race.
Final Offer
A down-on-his-luck lawyer awakes to find he's been enlisted to negotiate on behalf of the human race.
Never Happened
A pair of business travellers have an affair and decide it might be easiest to just forget about it.
Never Happened
A pair of business travellers have an affair and decide it might be easiest to just forget about it.
Охотники за фруктами
В поисках экзотических фруктов некоторые люди готовы отправиться хоть на край света. Среди них и известный голливудский актер Билл Пуллман, планирующий создание общественного тропического сада в Голливуде. Фильм снят по одноименной книге канадского писателя и музыканта Адама Голлнера.
Sorry, Rabbi
Josh is a young secular jewish professional living in Montreal's Mile End Neighborhood. One night he's confronted by a group of Hasidic men who accuse him of having thrown a rock at them and of anti-semitism. Josh's first thought is 'what would my mother think?' Trying to resolve the misunderstanding, Josh agrees to an impromptu tribunal with the Hasidic men and their Rabbi.
Sorry, Rabbi
Josh is a young secular jewish professional living in Montreal's Mile End Neighborhood. One night he's confronted by a group of Hasidic men who accuse him of having thrown a rock at them and of anti-semitism. Josh's first thought is 'what would my mother think?' Trying to resolve the misunderstanding, Josh agrees to an impromptu tribunal with the Hasidic men and their Rabbi.
The Decelerators
When a group of friends confront their mortality by inventing a machine that slows down time, the results aren't quite what they expected.
The Decelerators
When a group of friends confront their mortality by inventing a machine that slows down time, the results aren't quite what they expected.
Rene Delmarco
A rag-tag group, led by the eagle-eyed Steve, take to Montreal's chilly rooftops under cover of night. They're on the prowl for the perfect peep desperate to glimpse a "hottie hookup," a "panty party" or a "big booty buffet" through unshuttered windows. But their lives are about to change. Enter Annette, a brazen academic who turns the tables by setting her sights on the peepers themselves. Soon it's a battle royale for rooftop supremacy will these die-hard obsessives manage to defend their turf, or will peeping as they know it never be the same?
A rag-tag group, led by the eagle-eyed Steve, take to Montreal's chilly rooftops under cover of night. They're on the prowl for the perfect peep desperate to glimpse a "hottie hookup," a "panty party" or a "big booty buffet" through unshuttered windows. But their lives are about to change. Enter Annette, a brazen academic who turns the tables by setting her sights on the peepers themselves. Soon it's a battle royale for rooftop supremacy will these die-hard obsessives manage to defend their turf, or will peeping as they know it never be the same?
What Is My Face?
A short doc about how faces are perceived: by scientists, by artists, by animals. How do we remember faces so well if we can barely describe them with words? Why do we see them everywhere? What even are they? What is my face?