Erik is convinced he has a stone for a heart. That’s why he doesn’t mind that his parents have no time for him, or that he is bullied at school, or that he has no real friends. When his family moves to a villa they inherited, he is confronted by Maria whom Erik's parents want to kick out along with her father. Maria refuses to move and promises to make Erik's life a living hell. As a last attempt to defeat Erik, Maria goes to look for her mother who disappeared two years ago. Together they end up on a fantastical journey to the In-Between-World and Erik learns how hard it really is to wear a heart of stone.
A poetical documentary about longing and searching for happiness between Estonia and Finland.
Конец 90-х. Финская студентка Лора путешествует из Москвы в Мурманск, чтобы увидеть древние наскальные рисунки. Ее единственный сосед по купе — шахтёр по имени Леха, мрачный нелюдимый тип. Долгая дорога сквозь снега сближает их. Долгая железная дорога. Но у Лехи и Лоры есть ещё кое-что общее, помимо купе, которое они вынужденно делят: оба чувствуют себя чужими в этом мире.
Mihkel boards a ferry from his small town in Estonia to Saint Petersburg in Russia, on his way to Iceland, where he wants to make a new life for himself and his fiancée, Vera. His friend Igor, who emigrated to Iceland a few years earlier, convinces Mihkel to smuggle two bottles of liquid amphetamine and then seek payment from an
Estonian priest, who is a business partner of Igor’s in Saint Petersburg. The priest is then to set him up in his new home and bring Vera over to join him. Rather than getting paid, he is instead coerced into swallowing seventy drug capsules to take on to Iceland. He arrives in Iceland and is picked up by Igor and his two Icelandic accomplices, Jóhann and Bóbó. However, in the next two days it becomes clear that something is wrong and Mihkel cannot pass the drugs. The Icelandic criminals become very nervous, and more and more frantic activity ensues as the situation becomes more serious.
In the midst of Stalinist tyranny, six-year-old Leelo's mother is sent to a prison camp. Haunted by her mother's last words telling her to be a good kid, Leelo vows to be on her best behaviour in the confusing grown-up world in the hope that it will bring her mother back.
нна и Юхан получили шанс попробовать наладить отношения, отдыхая в загородном доме своих состоятельных друзей. В разыгравшуюся непогоду они пускают переночевать пару, которая принимает их за хозяев дома. Анна и Юхан быстро осваивают новую роль и начинают игру, которая ведёт их на грань краха.
Seneca’s Day is set in the year 1989, the final period of the Soviet era in Lithuania. Eighteen-year old buddies establish the Seneca’s Fellowship with the motto “Live each day as if it was your last”. A love triangle breaks up the fellowship right at the time the nation experiences an exceptional sense of community via Baltic Chain.Twenty-five years later, the main character who at first glance appears to be accompanied by good luck, is disillusioned with himself. He has betrayed the ideals of his youth and become a cold observer of life.
Henrik is a successful actor and comedian who's always trying to prove he's not a homophobe. In his private life, he is lonely and insecure, struggling with adulthood. One day, after dislocating his shoulder, he joins a yoga class and makes his first gay friend ever.
Аня — красивая успешная девушка, учится в аспирантуре, читает лекции по Байрону, и у нее роман с профессором, но в один момент ее жизнь переворачивается, и чтобы избежать ложного обвинения, она убегает, прикинувшись подростком-беспризорником. Маска тинэйджера и знакомство с такой же отчаянной, но действительно маленькой Кристиной обращает бегство девушки в новый путь: заново пережив отрочество, Аня начисто переписывает свою жизнь.
30-year old Kertu has lived under her father's power her whole life. Because of her gentle nature, she is thought by locals to be a little simple-minded. The young woman makes her first timid attempt to change something in her life - she send a postcard to Villu, a handsome but degenerate village drunk.
Documentary about building the large hotel Viru as Soviet Union / Finland cooperation.
Anne leaves Estonia to come to Paris as a caretaker for Frida, an elderly Estonian lady who emigrated to France long ago. Anne soon realizes that she is not wanted. All Frida wants from life is the attention of Stéphane, her younger former lover. Stéphane, however, is desperate for Anne to stay and look after Frida, even against the old lady's will. In this conflict of strangers, Anne will find her own way…
Как-то раз под покровом ночи в деревню Изобретателей пробрались двое неизвестных, которых интересовал чемодан пса-путешественника Клауса. Собачка Лотте застигла незнакомцев, которые в испуге кинули желтый камень, взятый из чемодана Клауса, и убежали. Лотте выясняет, что это не какой-то простой камень, а необыкновенный — с серьезным механизмом внутри…
The life of a heroine. The life and work of Hella Wuolijoki. A poet, spy and millionaire, she turned into an internationally acclaimed businesswoman, politician and playwright, who collaborated with Europe's leading writers such as Bertolt Brecht and Maxim Gorky, but faced the harshness of a changing world as the Finnish, Soviet and British secret services focus on her life, family and work.
У Расси — 17-летнего ученика элитной школы, живущего отдельно от родителей — есть несколько заветных мечтаний. Мечта о семье, любви и… впрочем, для того чтобы подзаработать, он соглашается продавать наркотики. Это втягивает его в круговерть событий, которую он уже не в силах контролировать
Обычная эстонская школа, выпускной класс. Парень по имени Йозеп постоянно терпит насмешки и издевательства со стороны одноклассников. Никогда не отвечая на выпады, он провоцирует их заходить в глупых «шутках» всё дальше и дальше, до тех пор, пока за него не заступился один из бывших насмешников — Каспар. В классе начинается противостояние, которое постепенно накаляется, приближая неминуемую развязку…
Создатели мультфильма приглашают вас в деревню изобретателей Самоделкино. Здесь живут маленькая собачка Лотта и ее веселые друзья.
10-year-old Martin meets a cat, who turns into a boy and helps Martin solve his problems which occurred after he changed school.
A black hole appears mysteriously in a lilac bush of a tower block district. A sinister-looking comet shines in the sky, and certain events start to unfold, calling the inhabitants’ dreams of a better life into question. Especially when facing aliens, a giant spider and an Austrian in breeches.