Hugh Dempster

Рождение : 1900-08-03, London, England, UK

Смерть : 1987-04-30


Отец Браун
Man in Bowler Hat
История отца Брауна, в рабочее время священника, а на досуге - сыщика. Когда у отца Брауна при перевозке из Лондона в Рим крадут ценный религиозный артефакт, он задается целью не только вернуть похищенное, но и заставить покаяться крупного международного преступника Фламбо.
The House Across the Lake
Sensuous and desirable, Carol Forrest has always attracted the attention of men. Expert in the art of manipulation and control she married an older man, loving only his vast wealth and continued to amuse herself with indiscreet affairs. But when neighbour Mark Kendrick lets slip that her husband intends cutting her out of his will Carol concentrates all her attentions on the unsuspecting Kendrick, obtaining his help to dispose of this irritating obstacle.
Babes in Bagdad
The Kadi of Bagdad has harem troubles in this low budget comedy from Edgar Ulmer.
Tall Headlines
Arresting Police Inspector
A family is torn apart when their eldest son is hanged for the murder of a young girl.
Рождественский гимн
Mr. Groper
Великолепная экранизация рождественской истории Чарльза Диккенса. Скряга Эбенезер Скрудж в рождественскую ночь встречается с духами рождества, и понимает что живет не правильно. Скрудж, старый ненавистник Рождества, меняет свое отношение к светлому празднику после знакомства с духами. Эту картину по роману Диккенса (не первую и далеко не последнюю) считают не только лучшим рождественским фильмом, но и лучшей экранизацией английского классика...
Paul Temple's Triumph
Oliver Ffollett
A husband-and-wife detective team look into the murder of one of her friends, whose father--a prominent scientist--has been kidnapped. They find themselves up against a sinister crime organization headed by a mysterious figure known only as "Z".
Lord Augustus Lorton
Lord Windermere appears to all - including his young wife Margaret - to be the perfect husband. The couple's happy marriage is placed at risk when he starts paying visits to a mysterious beautiful newcomer, Mrs. Erylnne, who is determined to make her entry into London's high society. Worse, the secret gets back to Margaret that Windermere has been giving Mrs. Erylnne large sums of money.
Анна Каренина
Stefan Oblonsky
Как передать драму женщины, у которой есть всё — муж, положение в свете, деньги, дети, друзья — а она всё равно несчастлива? На вокзале Анна знакомится с графом Вронским и понимает, чего именно ей не хватало в этой жизни — бурных страстей, красавца-любовника и страха перед разоблачением. Долгое время связь удавалось скрывать, но однажды, на бегах, тайное становится явным… Муж угрожает публичным скандалом, лишением материнских прав и денежными санкциями, Вронский же не может предложить ничего, кроме любви…
Vice Versa
Col. Ambrose
Businessman Paul Bultitude is sending his son Dick to a boarding school. While holding a magic stone from India, he wishes that he could be young again. His wish is immediately fulfilled and the two change bodies with each other. Mr Bultitude becomes a school boy who smokes cigars and has a very conservative view on child upbringing, while his son Dick becomes a gentleman who spends his time drinking lemonade and arranging children's parties.
School for Secrets
Sqdn. Ldr. Slatter
Wartime tale of a group of British scientists efforts to develop the first radar system. They did it just in time for it to be used in the Battle of Britain against the might of the Nazi Luftwaffe. Without it the little island could well have been overrun.
I See a Dark Stranger
Train Passenger (uncredited)
Determined, independent Bridie Quilty comes of age in 1944 Ireland thinking all Englishmen are devils. Her desire to join the IRA meets no encouragement, but a German spy finds her easy to recruit. We next find her working in a pub near a British military prison, using her sex appeal in the service of the enemy. But chance puts a really vital secret into her hands, leading to a chase involving Bridie, a British officer who's fallen for her, a German agent unknown to them both, and the police...paralleled by Bridie's own internal conflicts.
The Trojan Brothers
Opposing ends of a pantomime horse where the 'head' dates a society lady while the 'tail' is unhappily married.
Через тернии к звёздам
'Tinker' Bell
Старшина Питер Пенроуз начинает службу в подразделении бомбардировщиков и проходит путь от новичка до опытного лётчика. Он влюбляется в молодую девушку Айрис, которая живёт в отеле недалеко от военной базы. Но Питер не решается попросить руки Айрис, зная, что в любой момент может погибнуть, тем самым обрекая её на горькую участь вдовы...
Heaven Is Round the Corner
Captain Crowe
A country girl goes to Paris to sing professionally, where she falls in love with a member of the British Embassy. They are parted by the outbreak of the Second World War, but subsequently reunited again...
Information Please
W/ Co Goodwin
Instructional military film that shows the many deceptive ways that Germans might extract valuable information from British prisoners-of-war.
Bell-Bottom George
George is an unwilling civilian during the war. When an enlisted friend switches clothes with him in order to go to a party, George finds himself mistakenly pressed into the navy, where he gets involved with pretty Ann Firth and caught up in a subplot involving German spies.
Candles at Nine
Hugh Lacey
A rich but miserly old man taunts his relatives about who will get his money when he dies, and is soon mysteriously murdered. It turns out that he has left his estate to a beautiful young actress whom the other relatives didn't know was related to him. Several attempts on her life are thwarted by a detective, who sets out to discover who's behind the scheme to kill her.
Garrison Follies
A comedy film directed by Maclean Rogers
Three Silent Men
An inventor of a deadly weapon to be used against the allies is injured in a crash. Surgeon, Sir James (Sebastian Shaw) saves his life but learns of the inventors plot.
Wally Astell
London has become enthralled by the antics of the contemporary Robin Hood, but when a band of bad guys start framing him for their misdeeds, the hero has to catch the criminals and clear his name.
Music Hath Charms
Tony Blower
This cheerful maze of melody, song, comedy and drama showcases the talents of Henry Hall and His Dance Band.
The Student's Romance
A Student's Romance was based on the operetta I Lost My Heart in Heidelburg, which in turn owed a lot to that old chestnut The Student Prince. In 1825, impoverished composer Max (Patric Knowles) enrolls at Heidelburg University. Local girl Veronika (Carol Goodner) falls in love with Max, helping him to finance his education and clear his debts. Alas, Veronika is left out in the cold when Max becomes enamored with gorgeous tourist Helene (Grete Natzler). Little does he know that Helene is the daughter of the Grand Duke (Ivan Simpson), meaning of course that their romance is doomed to disappointment. Leading lady Grete Natzler later changed her screen name to Della Lynd, and under that cognomen co-starred with Laurel & Hardy in Swiss Miss (1938).
Lord Babs
Dr. Neville
A steward inherits the estate of an earl. To repel the advances of an unwanted fiancee, he pretends that he has regressed to childhood behaviors.
Who Is the Man?
Robert Borden
Daniel Arnault an impecunious sculptor, is in love with the beautiful Genevieve. Spurred on by her mercenary and socially ambitious mother , Genevieve consents to marry Daniel's wealthy brother Albert (Langhorn Burton). In despair, Daniel sinks into drug addiction. However the marriage is not a success,...
The Great Well
In India a major tries to cash in on a dry oil well but shoots himself when the oil returns.