Heather Thatcher

Heather Thatcher

Рождение : 1896-09-03, London, England, UK

Смерть : 1987-02-15


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Heather Thatcher (3 September 1896 – 15 February 1987) was an English actress in theatre and films. She was from London. The Plaything (1929), produced by Castleton Knight and Elstree Studios, begins as a silent film. It develops into an audible film which is recorded in good quality for its time. The theme concerns a Highland laird who falls in love with a hedonistic London heiress. Thatcher plays a prominent role as Martyn Bennett. In 1931 she visited Hollywood while attending the wedding of James Gleason. As a star of English comedy, she was being compared to Marilyn Miller, Thatcher wore a monocle to the marriage ceremony. In the autumn of 1931 she was invited to a reception following the premiere of Strictly Dishonorable (1931), at the Carthay Circle Theatre. Among her friends in films were Anthony Bushell and Zelma O'Neal. Thatcher was signed by MGM in February 1932. She was given a feature role in But The Flesh Is Weak (1932). The film stars Robert Montgomery and is directed by Jack Conway. The film was adapted from a British stage production which showcased Novello. Thatcher was praised for her performance. German actress, Nora Gregor was found disappointing. The English actress "gives a brilliant performance and creates the only human being in the piece." Thatcher sued Gloria Swanson British Productions for breach of contract in a suit which was settled in December 1933. During the filming of Perfect Understanding (1933) Thatcher's contract was cancelled before the production was completed. No explanation was given. She was excluded from the film when a new author was hired. The replacement writer chose to eliminate her character. The Private Life of Don Juan (1934) was also filmed at Elstree Studios. The film has Douglas Fairbanks Sr. as its leading man. Owen Nares plays the title role and Thatcher is Anna Dora, one of the ladies. Later in her career Thatcher returned to Britain to make films. Among these is Will Any Gentleman...? (1953), filmed at Elstree Studios in Borehamwood. Thatcher appears together with George Cole and Veronica Hurst. The film was a short adventure about a hypnotist who puts a man in a trance. Thatcher made her last films in 1955. The Deep Blue Sea has a screenplay written by Terence Rattigan and features Vivien Leigh and Kenneth More. Thatcher depicts Aunt May Luton in Josephine and Men. The film is a comedy starring Glynis Johns and Peter Finch.


Heather Thatcher


Josephine and Men
May Luton
The trouble with Josephine is that her ever-loving and over-sympathetic nature leads her to switch from needful men to even more needful men...
Глубокое синее море
Lady Dawson
Хистер, женщина средних лет, несчастлива в браке с респектабельным и скучным судьёй, и она заводит головокружительный роман с молодым лётчиком.
Duel in the Jungle
Lady on the Niagara
An American insurance investigator is sent to Rhodesia to investigate the mysterious death of a diamond broker who drowned whilst diving off the coast. The broker was insured for $1 million so the insurers are suspicious.
Will Any Gentleman...?
Mrs Whittle
A trip to the theatre changes a meek bank clerk's life, as he undergoes hypnosis and leaves without being woken up. Suddenly, he believes he is the world's greatest lover and becomes a terrorizing Casanova.
The Hour of 13
Mrs. Chumley-Orr
1890, London, and a serial killer known as The Terror is murdering policemen. When gentleman thief Nicholas Revel unwittingly becomes the chief suspect, he must use his guile and wits to prove he’s not the killer; whilst also not getting caught for a jewel robbery he has just committed.
Father's Doing Fine
Lady Buckering
Lady Buckering, an English widow, has four daughters; Doreen, married to Dougall and about to give birth at home, and Gerda, Bicky and Catherine. The story revolves around the impending birth and the love affairs of the other three daughters; Bicky, with eccentric student Roly; Gerda, married to artist Wilfred; and Catherine, in love with the landlord's son, Clifford Magill. In addition, the impoverished Lady Buckering is being courted by Dr. Drew. Written by Les Adams
Eva Barrett
Encore is a 1951 anthology film composed of adaptations of three short stories by W. Somerset Maugham: "The Ant and the Grasshopper", directed by Pat Jackson and adapted by T. E. B. Clarke; "Winter Cruise", helmed by Anthony Pelissier, screenplay by Arthur Macrae; "Gigolo and Gigolette", directed by Harold French, written by Eric Ambler. It is the last film in a Maugham trilogy, preceded by Quartet and Trio.
Trottie True
Angela Platt Brown
Tottie True is a gay-90s British music-hall performer who has her sights set on moving from rags to riches, who loses her heart to the pure-and-true blue balloonist, Sid Skinner, but continues her upward search on improving her social status. She finally settles for Lord Landon Digby who has lots of assets and a very-stiff upper lip. She gets a lot of the latter and very little of the former, and decides Sid might have been a better choice.
Dear Mr. Prohack
Lady Maslam
A modern-day retelling of Arnold Bennett's novel, in which a Treasury official with a reputation for fiscal prudence is left a great deal of money and has no idea how to cope with sudden personal wealth.
Анна Каренина
Countess Lydia Ivanova
Как передать драму женщины, у которой есть всё — муж, положение в свете, деньги, дети, друзья — а она всё равно несчастлива? На вокзале Анна знакомится с графом Вронским и понимает, чего именно ей не хватало в этой жизни — бурных страстей, красавца-любовника и страха перед разоблачением. Долгое время связь удавалось скрывать, но однажды, на бегах, тайное становится явным… Муж угрожает публичным скандалом, лишением материнских прав и денежными санкциями, Вронский же не может предложить ничего, кроме любви…
Dialect Coach
Pickpocket Kitty's life changes when painter Thomas Gainsborough makes her portrait. The artwork gains the attention of Sir Hugh Marcy, who later decides to use her for his benefit.
Газовый свет
Lady Mildred Dalroy
Десять лет Пола боялась вернуться в Лондон, где была когда-то убита её тётя. Наконец, выйдя замуж за пианиста Грегори и поддавшись на его уговоры, она решает переехать в Лондон и поселиться в том самом доме. С течением времени жизнерадостной красавице Поле начинает казаться, что она сходит с ума в его стенах. И горячо любимый муж Грегори ведёт себя более чем странно…
Above Suspicion
English Girl Dancing with Richard (Uncredited)
Two newlyweds spy on the Nazis for the British Secret Service during their honeymoon in Europe.
Journey for Margaret
Mrs. Harris
An American newspaperman and his wife, end up in London after several retreats in the opening days of WWII. After a shrapnel wound and loss of her baby she returns to America. War weary, he is forced to do a story about war orphans, where he meets Margaret.
The Undying Monster
Conita 'Christy' Christopher
A werewolf prowls around at night but only kills certain members of one family. It seems like just a coincidence, but the investigating Inspector soon finds out that this tradition has gone on for generations and tries to find a link between the werewolf and the family, leading to a frightening conclusion.
This Above All
In 1940 England, aristocratic Prudence Cathaway alarms her snobbish parents by joining the WAF service branch. She soon meets and falls in love with the brooding Clive Briggs, despite his prejudice against the upper classes, and agrees to spend a week with him at a Dover hotel. When Clive's soldier friend, Monty, arrives to retrieve him, Prudence learns that Clive went AWOL after Dunkirk, and urges him to recall why England must fight the war.
We Were Dancing
Mrs. Tyler-Blane
A penniless former princess weds an equally cash-strapped baron, so they support themselves by becoming houseguests at the homes of wealthy American socialites.
История Бенджамина Блэйка
Maggie Martin
После смерти своего брата, герцога, коварный Артур Блейк похищает собственного племянника, Беджамина, чтобы самому унаследовать герцогство и земли. Племянника он устраивает к себе в качестве слуги. Когда Бенджамин подрастает, он влюбляется в свою кузину. Когда Артур узнает об этом, он нещадно избивает Бенджамина, после чего тот убегает и отправляется в Индию на корабле, чтобы заработать собственное состояние. В Полинезии он и его друг, Калеб, сходят с корабля и устраивают лагерь на райском острове. Здесь Бенджамин и Калеб становятся богатыми добытчиками жемчуга, а Бенджамин тем временем влюбляется в местную девушку, Еву. Так или иначе, разбогатев, Бенджамин полон решимости вернуться в Европу и отомстить дяде Артуру.
Man Hunt
Lady Alice Risborough
British hunter Thorndike vacationing in Bavaria has Hitler in his gun sight. He is captured, beaten, left for dead, and escapes back to London where he is hounded by German agents and aided by a young woman.
Красавчик Жест
Lady Patricia Brandon
Центральным персонажем этой истории является Майкл по прозвищу «Красавчик», самый старший из трех братьев, которых воспитывает дальняя родственница леди Брэндон. Когда драгоценный камень сапфир, известный под названием «Голубая вода», вдруг пропадает в комнате, где присутствовали только члены семьи, подозрение падает на «Красавчика» и он утром покидает отчий дом и Великобританию, чтобы присоединиться к французскому Иностранному легиону, воюющему в Северной Африке. Туда же устремились за старшим и младшие. Уходя из дома, каждый из них оставил записку и каждый брал вину на себя.
Girls' School
Miss Brackett
Wealthy high school girls are sent to a boarding school to learn proper etiquette. Linda Simpson stays out all night. She tells her roommate, Betty Fleet, that it was because she's planning to elope. Linda gets in trouble when the faculty finds out from a monitor's report submitted by reluctant Natalie Freeman, a poor girl attending on scholarship.
Если бы я был королем
The Queen
Король Франции Людовик XI находится в отчаянном положении. Он осажден в Париже бургундцами и подозревает, что при его дворе есть предатель. Переодевшись, он идет в кабак, чтобы увидеть, кто принимает сообщение от врага. Находясь там, он забавляется выходками поэта Франсуа Вийона, который украл еду из королевского склада. По ходу дела Вийон, угощая друзей, хвастается, чтобы он сделал, если бы он был королем. Во время затеянной драки от руки Вийона погибает главный констебль Д’Эссини, прежде чем он арестован как предатель. И хотя Людовик раздосадован потерей ниточки, ведущей к главному изменнику, он в шутку назначает Вийона новым констеблем, хотя планирует его казнить через неделю…
Fools for Scandal
Lady Potter-Porter
An incognito Hollywood star (Carole Lombard) in Paris meets a penniless nobleman (Fernand Gravet) who follows her to London.
Lady Kartegann
When upper-class Parisian Charles Dupont and his family hire Tina and Michel as their servants, they have no idea that the domestics are in fact Tatiana, the Grand Duchess Petrovna, and her husband, Mikail, Prince Ouratieff. Recent exiles from the Russian Revolution, Tatiana and Mikail befriend the Dupont family, keeping their true identities a secret -- until one night when Soviet official Gorotchenko arrives for dinner.
The Thirteenth Chair
Mary Eastwood
A phony psychic tries to solve a murder that took place during her seance.
Mama Steps Out
Nadine Wentworth
A Fort Wayne, Indiana housewife (Alice Brady) drags her husband (Guy Kibbee) and daughter (Betty Furness) to Europe for culture.
The Dictator
Lady of the Court
The film depicts a dramatic episode in Danish history: the tumultous relationship between King Christian VII of Denmark and his English consort Caroline Matilda in Eighteenth century Copenhagen and the Queen's tragic affair with the royal physician and liberal reformer Johann Friedrich Struensee.
The Private Life of Don Juan
Anna Dora, an Actress as Actresses Go
What do women want? Don Juan is aging. He's arrived secretly in Seville after a 20 year absence. His wife Dolores, whom he hasn't lived with in five years, still loves him. He refuses to see her; he fears the life of a husband. She has bought his debts and will remand him to jail for two years if he won't come to her. Meanwhile, an impostor is climbing the balconies of Seville claiming to be Don Juan.
Margaret Orme
While a houseguest at an upper-class gathering, wealthy Jew Ferdinand de Levis is robbed of £1,000 with evidence pointing towards the guilt of another guest, Captain Dancy. Instead of supporting De Levis, the host attempts to hush the matter up and when this fails, he sides with Dancy and subtly tries to destroy de Levis' reputation. When Dancy is later exposed, and commits suicide, de Levis is blamed for his demise.
It's a Boy
Anita Gunn
"It's a Boy" stars Horton as Dudley Leake, who is betrothed to Mary Bogle (the very pretty Wendy Barrie). Shortly before the wedding, Dudley blurts a confession to his friend and best man, Jim Skippett: 20 years ago, Dudley had a brief affair with a certain Miss Piper, but he's never heard from her since then. Next day, who should suddenly appear? A youth about 19 or 20 years old, claiming to be named Joe Piper. Is he Horton's son, or is Skippett playing a practical joke?
But the Flesh Is Weak
Lady Joan Culver
A poor-but-charming father and son try to enter high society by marrying rich English widows.
Stepping Stones
A musical film directed by Geoffrey Benstead
A Warm Corner
This early Gainsborough film is truly a lost treasure and easily one of the most daring and risque films ever made. At least half a dozen different tales seem to be going on at once all finally meeting in the end. The story starts in the Lido hotel where our "Pickles" remarks upon the fact that everyone in the register is called Smith. Hes trying to chat up Mimi so shell split up with her boyfriend as her boyfriends uncle has other plans for his nephew - alas what no one knows is that he and Mimi have already been married for a few months on the sly!
A Musical Revue featuring a number of prominent vaudeville and theatrical British artists of the day in songs, dances, dramatic and musical sketches.
The Plaything
Martyn Bennett
A Scot acquires sophistication in order to spurn the socialite who spurned him.
The First Men in the Moon
The inventor of a space sphere flies to the moon and is marooned by a crooked financier.