Gabriel Harrison

Gabriel Harrison

Рождение : 1972-11-17, Hong Kong, China


Gabriel Harrison
Gabriel Harrison


The Queens Prey
In the Republic of China, old Shanghai gambling, the society is dying. Qingyue (Wei Haishan) was chased to the No. 41 casino by Yan Zi (Yuan Zhongfang), one of the four kings. The magician who was performing on the stage was rescued before he escaped. After the Qingyue learned that the magician was actually the South gambling king He Zhongqian, he was trained by him.
Devil Killer
It tells that Tang Yongqiang lives with his wife and children in a village house in the New Territories. Although his wife has a job, Tang Yongqiang is unemployed and has no income. He lives on CSSA. The relationship between the two couples gradually faded, and his wife even went out of the wall. Tang Yi was angry and beat his wife. The wife left Tang and ran away with her lover. When two female social workers followed up the case of Tang’s troubled family, they discovered that Tang Zheng was holding their children at home and demanding to meet with his wife. In the end, LPG was detonated. The police searched evidence and gave confessions at the scene, and discovered the bodies of the victims of the missing girls in two recent cases. Everyone was terrified.
A cop, a blind psychologist, and a mysterious murderer are embroiled in a mental game copying thriller movies. As the suspects are being killed one after another, the case seems to be heading to a dead end. When the answer seems to be knocking at the door, as the murderer finally is exposed and killed, the unexpected is standing right in front of them...
Искатели приключений
Во времена великой опасности монахи из монастыря Дунь Хуан решили спрятать хранимую ими священную древнюю реликвию. Бесценное сокровище поместили в такое место, где никто никогда не смог бы его найти. Когда пришло время вернуть реликвию обратно в монастырь, монахи обратились за помощью к труппе акробатов, виртуозно владеющих своим искусством. Века спустя красавица Ин и ее брат Тонг — последние из рода великих акробатов, в руки которых попадает загадочный медальон, отправляются в древний монастырь, чтобы узнать его тайну.
Ghost in the Family
Hong Kong horror movie.
Секрет в моём супе
"There Is A Secret in My Soup" is based on infamous HK crime case called 'Hello Kitty Murder'.In 1999 three triad gangsters kidnapped,brutally tortured and beat a 23-year old woman named Fan Man-yee for one month until she died.Then they dismembered and cooked the body,threw most of it out with the trash,fed legs and arms to stray dogs and hid the skull inside the head of a giant-sized Hello Kitty doll.
Смертельная сеть
Инспектор Тед, отделившись от своих во время операции, становится свидетелем самоубийства молодой девушки. Не придав этому значения, вскоре он вспоминает об этом деле, когда на его территории случается еще несколько самоубийств. Как вскоре выясняется, все погибшие посещали один и тот же сайт.
Нуждаюсь в тебе
Энди — один из лучших менеджеров в одном из важнейших отделов преуспевающей фирмы, занимающейся компьютерными разработками. Он красив, отзывчив, умен и богат, при этом времени на личную жизнь у него практически не остается. Кинки — новенькая девушка в его отделе, совершенно неуклюжа и недотеписта, но ее отзывчивость и готовность протянуть руку помощи и прикрыть в сложной ситуации обращает на нее внимание Энди, решившего помочь ей разобраться с ее любовными проблемами.
A Game Of No Rule
A suspended alcoholic cop and a small-time street gang get mixed up with a powerful religious cult and vengeful cops.
Prostitute Killers
Yeung Tak Lai
Three men, fed up with prostitutes and their perceived role in breaking up happy marriages, decide to go out and hunt down as many prostitutes as they can find. When the police are unable to solve the case, the prostitutes themselves must band together to save themselves.
A Wicked Ghost
A group of friends decide to do a ritual to contact the spirit world, but things go bad and a spirit actually appears. One by one the group of friends die, one of them who is not affected by the spirit tries to uncover the truth behind the ghost. He is joined by his sister and a friend who is familiar with the occult. They soon find out that the ghost targets people from a certain village where 66 people died long ago. They desperately try to find a solution to appease the spirit.