Anirudh Agarwal


Journey Bombay to Goa
Lal wants to start his tourist bus service and enlists the help of his brother-in-law, Das, who takes him to Chor Bazar, and for two Lakh Rupees assembles a hideous-looking bus to transport passengers from Bombay to Goa. Selling his tickets at a discount of 40 percent, Lal becomes the Conductor, while Das is the driver. Their passengers consist of Vetti Kutti Anna and his two bar dancer daughters, Deepa and Lajjo; writer Aditya Chopra; a runaway couple, Abdul Karim Telgi and Husna Khekeda; a diabetic patient, Charandas amongst others. On the way they pick up an elderly male, Harley Davidson, and Dr. Kushal Bhardwaj, as well as India's cricket team, and a four-person Nautanki group. After letting some passengers, including the cricket team and Harley, alight, they subsequently find Harley dying after meeting with an accident. Before dying, Harley tells them that 20 years ago he had robbed a fortune in diamonds and jewelry which he has hidden in Madgaon, and hands them a map. The ...
Королева бандитов
Babu Gujjar
Эта действительная история, основанная на дневниках, написанных в тюрьме Фулан Деви — «Богиней бандитов», начинается летом 1968 года в Индии. В 11 лет родители одной из низших каст продали ее замуж. Не выдержав тяжелой работы, «любви» и побоев мужа, она бежала...
Книга джунглей
Выросший в джунглях среди диких животных Маугли влюбляется в Кэтлин, дочку полковника Джефри Брайдона, с которой он был знаком еще до того, как потерялся в джунглях. Но подлый жених Кэтлин, капитан Бун, получив от неё отказ, похищает её, чтобы заставить Маугли привести его к сокровищам затерянного обезьяньего города.
Bandh Darwaza
Unable to conceive, Thakurain Lajjo enlists the help of her maid, Mahua, and approaches a demon named Nevla, who assures her that she will indeed give birth but if it's a daughter, then she must surrender her to him, to which she agrees. Shortly thereafter, she gives birth to a daughter, Kamya, but refuses to surrender it. Mahua poisons her, abducts Kamya, and takes her to Nevla, but Thakur Pratap Singh intervenes just in time, banishes the former to a coffin in a cavern, and rescues his daughter. 18 years later, Kamya herself will be compelled to approach and resurrect Nevla in order to win the love of Kumar - who she is obsessed with - and will do anything to make him her's forever.
Каран и Дара мстят бандитам за погибших родителей, заодно завоевывая сердца местных деревенских красавиц.
Pratap's Henchmen
Офицеру индийской спецслужбы Авинашу удается получить видеопленку с доказательствами заговора иностранных террористов против Индии. Но завладеть этой пленкой хотят и многие другие. В схватке с ними Авинаш получает ранение и теряет память. Вспомнить о том, где спрятана пленка и предотвратить готовящуюся диверсию Авинашу помогает его любимая девушка.
3D Saamri
Dharmesh Saxena 'Saamri'
In a small town a wealthy aged male named Dharmesh Saxena, known for his worship of Devi Maa Kaali, and magic, is called "Saamri". Dharmesh knows that his end is near, he summons his lawyer and wills his entire estate to his niece, Anju Trivedi. But when Mama Taklifchand, Dharmesh's step-brother, finds this out, he, together with a gorgeous young woman, Maria, a hotel owner, Khanna, professor Chatterjee, and others, kill Dharmesh, throw his body in the river, and when the body is found, inform the police and the public that Dharmesh killed himself. With the case closed, Taklifchand & the others must find ways and means to kill Anju and keep the wealth and estate for themselves. Before they could carry out their plan - one by one they start dying horrible deaths. Looks like Saamri has arisen from the grave to hunt down his killers, and there is no one who can even dare to even think of stopping him.
Purana Mandir
Suman lives a wealthy lifestyle along with her widower dad, Thakur Ranvir Singh, and an unmarried aunt, Damyanti, in a palatial house in Bombay. They are direct descendants of Raja Hariman Singh of Bijapur. When Ranvir finds out that Suman is in love with a middle-classed male, Sanjay, he expresses displeasure and forbids her to ever see him again. When she persists, he tells her that there is a curse on the entire family - a curse that was inflicted 200 years ago by a blood-thirsty, flesh-eating demon named Samri.