Silvio Orlando

Silvio Orlando

Рождение : 1957-06-30, Naples, Italy


Silvio Orlando (born 30 June 1957) is an Italian actor. Orlando was born in Naples. He worked with numerous Italian directors such as Nanni Moretti, Daniele Luchetti, Carlo Mazzacurati, Gabriele Salvatores and others. He also took part to several TV series. Orlando in 1988 directed two theatre works written by Peppino De Filippo: Don Rafelo 'o trumbone and Cupido scherza e spazza. In 2008 he was protagonist of Roberto Paci Dalò's play L'assedio delle ceneri. Description above from the Wikipedia article Silvio Orlando, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Silvio Orlando
Silvio Orlando
Silvio Orlando


Un altro ferragosto
Sandro Molino
Altiero Molino is a twenty-six-year-old digital entrepreneur who’s returning to Ventotene with his model husband in order to gather his old friends together around his ailing father so as to treat him to one last holiday in this place which is so special to him. He didn’t expect to find the island all abuzz with Sabry Mazzalupi’s marriage to her partner Cesare. This young woman, who’s the awkward daughter of Roman shopkeeper Ruggero, has become an online celebrity and her wedding is a global event attracting the media as well as mysterious emissaries from the new political regime. These two tribes of vacationers, two seemingly irreconcilable sides of Italy, are destined to come together during the Ferragosto holiday for an ultimate showdown.
Il sol dell'avvenire
Дождя в Риме не было уже 3 года. Правила и обычаи меняются, пока группа взаимосвязанных персонажей решает проблему нехватки воды.
Спрятанный мальчик
Gabriele Santoro
Гуманистическая драма о спасительной дружбе взрослого и ребёнка, побуждающая к серьёзному размышлению о жертвах рождения в мафиозной структуре.
Pupi Avati, la tavola racconta
Carmine Lagidia
Последние остатки тюрьмы, охранники и несколько сокамерников ждут своей передачи, и постепенно правила кажутся все менее и менее понятными, а ожидающие их люди становятся новым хрупким сообществом.
Эцио Боссо. Что останется после нас
Sè stesso
Пронзительное посвящение памяти гениального композитора, трансцендентальное путешествие в его уникальный духовный мир.
Порочная связь
Aldo anziano
Когда Альдо и Ванда были молодыми, их жизнь напоминала сказку: Неаполь, море, любовь и клятва быть вместе навсегда. Но после рождения детей все меняется. Пытаясь вернуть утраченную радость, Альдо заводит страстные отношения на стороне, а затем уходит из дома. Однако его связь с семьей оказывается гораздо прочнее, чем он предполагал.
Большая афера в маленьком городе
Domenico Bonocore
Для жителей маленького городка, затерянного в Доломитовых Альпах, открытие фабрики — надежда на спасение от тотальной безработицы. Но чтобы фабрика прошла аттестацию, в ее штате должен быть врач. Волей случая оказавшийся в этой глуши эстетический хирург из Милана оказывается единственным кандидатом… Сможет ли рафинированный доктор, привыкший к роскошной жизни и клиентам совсем другого уровня, вынести отсутствие вайфая и суши-баров? Местным придется проявить изобретательность, доказав гостю — он оказался в лучшем месте на земле.
La sedia della felicità
Art dealer on TV
Dino craft practice tattoos, Bruna is a beautician; their studies are facing each other. They learn of a mysterious treasure hidden in a chair that belonged to a woman now dead.
Замок в Италии
The Italian Mayor
Семья Луизы владеет замком в Италии. У них есть слуги и подлинник Брейгеля, но совершенно нет денег на содержание этого богатства, поэтому и с картиной, и с самим замком вскоре придется расстаться. Кроме того, брат Луизы тяжело болен, а она сама одержима идеей завести ребенка. Роман с юным актером Натаном добавляет неразберихи в беспорядочную жизнь Луизы. Сам же Натан, как и Луиза много лет назад, сомневается, что его успешная актерская деятельность — это его призвание. Они похожи на двух тонущих людей, которые цепляются друг за друга, чтобы спасти свою жизнь.
The Human Factor
Adriano Monaco
A world-weary, widowed police inspector has to break his vow of self-isolation and get back on the field after his teen daughter is arrested for the possession of a gun tied to a much-publicized murder.
Zinì e Amì
Il delitto di Via Poma
Inspector Montella
Rome, August 7, 1990. 20-year-old Simonetta Cesaroni is killed with 29 stab wounds in her workplace in broad daylight.
Missione di pace
La Passione
Gianni Dubois
To avoid being sued, a film director reluctantly agrees to set up and direct the Good Friday celebrations in a small Tuscan town.
Genitori & figli:) - Agitare bene prima dell'uso
Мечта по-итальянски
Carabinieri colonel
На фоне зарождения протестного студенческого движения в Италии в связи с такими мировыми потрясениями как война во Вьетнаме, убийство Кеннеди, Мартина Лютера Кинга, смерть Че Гевары, разворачивается любовная история. Ее главные герои — двое молодых людей — харизматичный идейный вдохновитель протестного движения в римском университете, симпатичный полицейский, мечтающий стать актером, и студентка из хорошей благополучной семьи.
Ex is a 2009 film directed and co-written by Fausto Brizzi and interpreted by a rich and large cast of characters. The film, produced by Italian International Film, in co-production with the French company and Mes Films in collaboration with RAI Cinema. It was released February 6, 2009 in Italian cinema and has been recognized as "national cultural interest" by the Directorate General for Cinema of the Ministry of Heritage and Culture.
The Germans' Factory
Giovanna's Father
Michele Casali
Michele Casali is a middle-class professor in Fascist Italy who teaches at the same high school attended by his only daughter, Giovanna. A shy and sensitive girl, her insecurities are only magnified by Michele's overprotectiveness—reaching a point of no return.
Тихий хаос
Пьетро Паладини - успешный бизнесмен. И у него есть жена и десятилетняя дочь. Но однажды в его жизни случилось два чрезвычайных происшествия...
Il diario del caimano
The filmmaker's diary of the making of "Il caimano" and the political events that led up to it.
The Caiman
Bruno Bonomo
A skewering of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
After Midnight
The magical Mole Antonelliana (the cavernous Museum of Cinema in Turin, Italy) is the setting for a very unlikely love story. One fateful evening the museum's timid night watchman, comes to the aid of an enchanting young fast-food cook on the run from the police. The museum's dreamy kingdom of silent movie characters becomes a sanctuary for her as she awaits rescue by her devilish boyfriend.
After Midnight
Narrator (voice)
The magical Mole Antonelliana (the cavernous Museum of Cinema in Turin, Italy) is the setting for a very unlikely love story. One fateful evening the museum's timid night watchman, comes to the aid of an enchanting young fast-food cook on the run from the police. The museum's dreamy kingdom of silent movie characters becomes a sanctuary for her as she awaits rescue by her devilish boyfriend.
Peppino (voice)
It's Christmas Eve in Naples. Little Rocco feels increasingly jealous due to the imminent birth of a baby brother. Three bungling devils sent by Satan promise him that if he'll stop Jesus from being born—entering the Nativity scene his father built by the magic word "opopomoz" and altering the past—his brother won't be born either.
Il posto dell'anima
Three workers of a tire factory, in southern Italy, lead the struggle against the American company owner of the factory who wants to close the Italian branch in which they work.
Il grido d'angoscia dell'uccello predatore (20 tagli d'Aprile)
A selection of deleted scenes from Nanni Moretti's 1998 film "Aprile".
Битва за Эль-Аламейн
il Generale
23 октября 1942 года близ железнодорожной станции Эль-Аламейн (Египет) произошло сражение между итало-германскими силами и британской 8-й армией под командованием генерала Монтгомери. Исход битвы был настолько очевиден (британцы имели двукратный перевес в артиллерии, танках и авиации), что немецкие войска ретировались практически немедленно (через три дня Роммель был уже в Берлине). Совсем другая участь ждала итальянцев: плохо экипированные и вооруженные, но верные приказу, они дрались практически голыми руками против хорошо организованной британской военной машины и погибали тысячами. Когда наконец британцы убедили итальянцев прекратить бессмысленное сопротивление, то в знак уважения перед героизмом противника им позволили сдаться с оружием в руках.
Медвежий поцелуй
Маленького медвежонка, родившегося в сибирской тайге, охотники сдали в питерский зоопарк. Международной цирковой труппе, выступавшей в Санкт-Петербурге, понадобились дикие звери, и воздушная гимнастка Кармен вместе с мужем и дочкой Лолой пришла в зоопарк. Кармен никого там не выбрала, а Лола увидела одинокого медвежонка и влюбилась в него. Кармен вскоре, устав от тягот кочевой жизни, сбежала из труппы, на прощание рассказав Лоле, что хоть и любит девочку как дочь, но матерью ей не является. Лола осталась с циркачами, а вместе с ней — и медвежонок, получивший русское имя Миша. Он переезжал в цирковом фургоне из страны в страну (Россия, Швеция, Германия, Испания…) и становился все крупнее и крепче. А однажды Лола проснулась и увидела в клетке не медведя, а молодого парня, который признался, что он и есть тот самый Миша.
Il consiglio d'Egitto
Light of My Eyes
Saverio Donati
Antonio is a fallen angel, a rootless chauffeur in Rome, who relates only to the lonely heroes in the science fiction novels he grew up with. Only through a chance meeting with Maria, a woman struggling to hold onto her daughter and her business, does he discover a hope that's been in his detached existence.
Комната сына
Oscar - a Patient
История психоаналитика и его семейства, которые переживают глубокую эмоциональную травму после гибели сына во время подводного плавания.
I Prefer the Sound of the Sea
This is the story of Rosario and Matteo, two man from Southern Italy. Rosario is helped by Luigi to settle in the north. Luigi wants to give Rosario a chance to redeem himself and offer him, at the same time, an opportunity to confront his beliefs with the ones of his son Matteo. Rosario lives in a "commune" and Matteo in a beautiful, comfortable house. They're both introverted and shy and find a common ground: they meet, go out together, become friends and show each other a completely different way of living their lives as teenagers.
Not of this World
The rumpled owner of a dry-cleaning firm joins forces with a nun to care for an abandoned baby.
Polvere di Napoli
Ciriaco / Ciarli
Nanni Moretti takes another look at the ebbs and flows of his life in April 1996, as he becomes a father for the first time and seems unable to focus on his documentary about the upcoming national elections.
Children of Hannibal
Unemployed Domenico robs a bank, but is forced to take a hostage when things go wrong. The hostage, Tommaso, is a man who hates his wife and job, and who was already planning to run away with his gay cop lover, so this seems to him like a good opportunity to disappear and start over again: the kidnapped becomes the kidnapper, and things get even more complicated when they're reached by Rita, Tommaso's daughter.
Auguri professore
Vincenzo Lipari
Professor Lipari teaches in a public school and is in a full-on existential crisis. He has no faith in himself and in the possibility of changing the world for the better. At school, a former student of his who is also a teacher will change his attitude.
Indian concierge
2005 год. Компания «Окосама Старр» собирается выпустить к Рождеству новую виртуальную игру «Нирвана», в которой возможно всё. Но игра дает сбои. Создатель «Нирваны» программист Джими (Кристофер Ламберт) решает уничтожить игру. Но чтобы стереть игру, талантливому программисту и его друзьям придется проникнуть в тщательно охраняемое здание корпорации, где хранится оригинал игры…
We Free Kings
Three tumblers wander throughout Italy with their show. A priest asks them to perform the Three Kings in a Nativity play, in a village where there are no children. That night a comet runs across the sky, so the three decide to follow it to search for the new Messiah.
(segment "Arrivano i sandali")
A collective cinematic project to promote tolerance and the value of diversity.
Vesna Goes Fast
Czech immigrant Vesna arrives in Italy and is forced into casual prostitution by poverty. The encounter with a kind construction worker could help change her situation.
August Vacation
Sandro Molino
During an August vacation on the island of Ventotene, two groups of Italians with diametrically opposed political views and social backgrounds find themselves living together as neighbors. An incident concerning an African immigrant triggers a series of confrontations that reveal hidden secrets, desires, and grudges.
Bits & Pieces
Dive into the Eternal City – see Rome like you’ve never seen it before. Storefront robberies, bizarre murders, career dreamers, and cameos from Italy's foremost directors and actors feature in this star-studded omnibus tale about life and love.
La mia generazione
The Captain
Italy, early 80's. A political terrorist is being transferred northward from Sicily for a conjugal visit; during the journey, a police captain tries to make him cooperate.
La scuola
prof. Vivaldi
In a high school in the outskirts of Rome, it's the last day before the summer holidays. A literature teacher reminisces the past year and wonders what will become of the students he cared for as if they were his children.
L'unico paese al mondo
Luciano Sandulli / Stalker
A collective short film made of nine segments characterized by a critical and pessimistic attitude towards the future of Italy in the wake of the political rise of Silvio Berlusconi ahead of the 1994 general elections.
Scream for Help
During a hot Sunday afternoon in a small Southern Italian town, a school serving as a polling place is occupied by a group of three locals and an Eritrean immigrant, all unemployed, desperate and armed.
Arriva la bufera
Mario Solitudine
Depressed magistrate Damiano Fortezza relocates from Milan to a small town in Campania, where the three Fontana sisters, owners of a chain of incinerators, dominate. The youngest, Eugenia, is about to marry a well-known crook Fortezza has to prosecute. However, he ends up falling in love with Eugenia and questioning the priorities of his job.
Un'altra vita
Saverio, a dentist, comes out as naive as usual while he falls in love with Alia, a Russian immigrant he met in Rome. He must now deal with issues a guy like him would never have thought to come across.
The Yes Man
Luciano Sandulli
Cesare Botero, an ambitious and corrupt young minister, hires a new spokesman, honest and polite high school professor Luciano Sandulli.
Matilda is an unlucky girl: her boyfriends keep dying in strange accidents. The last of them, Torquato, a shy filing clerk, is a little afraid of this situation and doesn't know how to continue the relationship.
La settimana della sfinge
Crossword-solving waitress Gloria falls for a womanizing TV repairman.
Palombella Rossa
Coach Mario
Michele is a Communist MP who loses his memory in a car crash—although nobody seems to notice it. During a water polo match ahead of election day, he starts to remember his past life, revealing the picture of a man whose personal and political identity crisis mirrors the one of Italian communism.
Kamikazen (Ultima notte a Milano)
Antonio Minichino
A group of comedians are trying to be successful on stage. One night an important television network organises a public variety show to sort out some performers for their programs. Every one of them will try their hardest, but just a few will be chosen.