A Los Angeles radio-station manager's girlfriend shows his teenage daughter how to be sexy.
Jennifer (as Kerry Brennan)
A squad of Libyan terrorists infiltrate the city of Kokomo, Indiana, with the goal of car bombing a nuclear power plant. While attempting to escape local law enforcement, a massive car chase ensues, terrorizing the entire town before the terrorists end up at the local high school and take the detention class hostage. Will they escape? Will the crafty delinquents foil their plans? Will Chuck Connors step more than two feet away from his car? Watch and find out!
К 2019 году излюбленным развлечением для жителей Америки, превратившейся в полувоенное государство, стало садистское телешоу «Бегущий человек», участники которого — невинные жертвы — не имели ни единого шанса на выживание.
Heather Morris (as Kerry Brennan)
A teenage boy takes a job as a counselor at a summer camp. He finds that the camp is run like a military training camp, and he resolves to turn it into Party Central.