Seishi Yokomizo

Seishi Yokomizo

Рождение : 1902-05-24, Kobe, Hyōgo, Japan

Смерть : 1981-12-28


Japanese novelist.


Seishi Yokomizo


金田一耕助、戸惑う 蝙蝠と蛞蝓
The Series, Yokomizo Seishi Short Stories is an NHK BS Premiere television drama series. It is based entirely on Yokomizo Seishi's mystery novels. In principle, the series is based on short stories, but some of the longer stories have been abridged and adapted into short stories.The first three series were broadcast in November 2016, and nine films from three series were broadcast by February 2022.
金田一耕助、戸惑う 女怪
The Series, Yokomizo Seishi Short Stories is an NHK BS Premiere television drama series. It is based entirely on Yokomizo Seishi's mystery novels. In principle, the series is based on short stories, but some of the longer stories have been abridged and adapted into short stories.The first three series were broadcast in November 2016, and nine films from three series were broadcast by February 2022.
金田一耕助、戸惑う 女の決闘
The Series, Yokomizo Seishi Short Stories is an NHK BS Premiere television drama series. It is based entirely on Yokomizo Seishi's mystery novels. In principle, the series is based on short stories, but some of the longer stories have been abridged and adapted into short stories.The first three series were broadcast in November 2016, and nine films from three series were broadcast by February 2022.
Prison Gate Island
Original Story
In 1946, on a fictional island called Gokumon-tou, located in the Inner Sea of Seto, the famous detective Kindaichi intended to pass his convalescence after the invitation of his war buddy Kitou Chimata, the successor son of the powerful clan of the Kitou Family. But Kindaichi arrives alone, bringing the bad news of Chimata's death. However, the truth is that Kindaichi is not on the island to recover. Before Chimata died, she uttered the words: "My sisters will be killed!" Indeed, as the three sisters are murdered one by one in horrible and strange ways, Kindaichi desperately tries to find the culprit and in the process discovers the intrigues of the family, secrets, island mentality, discrimination, and eccentricities, With the backdrop of the turbulent postwar period.
Kindachi Kosuke: The Queen Bee
Original Story
The movie is part of the Kindaichi TV movie series. Kindaichi is played by actor Goro Inagaki. The character's grandfather began with the written word. Kousuke Kindaichi started life in the novels of Seishi Yokomizo, written and set in post-war Japan. Inspired by Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie, Kindaichi is still very much a unique character, giving the Japanese their very own literary hero-detective. Young Hajime Kindaichi is a young man with bad dandruff and worse dress-sense (decades before Columbo), who wears a trademark, scruffy sunhat. He also happens to be better than the police at deductive reasoning. Having gained publicity for solving a high-profile murder case, the detectives allow him to work with them again. This story is slimmer than the twisty plots of Inugami and Village, but is graced by the presence of Chiaki Kuriyama (Battle Royale, Kill Bill Vol. 1, The Great Yokai War) in the title role.
Hakuro no Shibijin
Original Story
The wife of a famous resident of Kamakura awakens to carnal passion . . . And when her blood cools down it's because she's been murdered!
Meirosou no sangeki
Original Story
The 8-Tomb Village
Original Story
A band of samurai warriors places a curse on a family fortune thus frustrating the heir 4 centuries later.
In the Cellar
Original Story
The mysterious relationship between a breast-sick sister who lives in a warehouse and the younger brother who longs for her.
Island of the Evil Spirits
Famous detective Kosuke Kindaichi follows a dying man's words to an enigmatic island, where he meets beautiful twin sisters and tragic events unfold.
A light-hearted portrayal of three strange days in the life of a high school girl who is told she will die in three days. The best entertainment of student films, which became a legend. Many students aspired to film after seeing this film and many others gave up directing at the time.
The Adventures of Kosuke Kindaichi
Obayashi’s take on the famous Kosuke Kindaichi series, made popular partly thanks to the numerous movie-adaptions by Kon Ichikawa, the most known being The Inugami Family. Kosuke Kindaichi is the most famous detective in Japan. Kindaichi gets a new case to figure out who has beheaded a valuable statue and made off with its head.
The Adventures of Kosuke Kindaichi
Obayashi’s take on the famous Kosuke Kindaichi series, made popular partly thanks to the numerous movie-adaptions by Kon Ichikawa, the most known being The Inugami Family. Kosuke Kindaichi is the most famous detective in Japan. Kindaichi gets a new case to figure out who has beheaded a valuable statue and made off with its head.
Дом повешенной на Больничном Спуске
Детектив Киндаити решил уехать за границу, ему осталось только сделать фото и оформить паспорт. Приехав в родные места, он становится невольным свидетелем нескольких убийств, которые непонятным образом связаны с фотостудией и заброшенным домом семьи Хогэн, которая владеет местной больницей.
Дом повешенной на Больничном Спуске
Детектив Киндаити решил уехать за границу, ему осталось только сделать фото и оформить паспорт. Приехав в родные места, он становится невольным свидетелем нескольких убийств, которые непонятным образом связаны с фотостудией и заброшенным домом семьи Хогэн, которая владеет местной больницей.
Devil's Flute
Hodgepodge stand proprietor
Famous detective Kindaichi solves a series of mysterious murders in a wealthy family. An excellent blend of intrigue and betrayal, set against the backdrop of wealth, this film is loaded with twists and turns and surprises at every corner.
Devil's Flute
Famous detective Kindaichi solves a series of mysterious murders in a wealthy family. An excellent blend of intrigue and betrayal, set against the backdrop of wealth, this film is loaded with twists and turns and surprises at every corner.
Пчелиная матка
Очередная история по детективу Сэйси Ёкомидзо. Коскэ Киндаити расследует серию убийств, связанную с событиями произошедшими в деревне Гэккин на полуострове Идзу за 19 лет до описываемого времени. Как всегда в действие вплетены многочисленные япоские традиции: игра на лунной гитаре, театр кабуки и чайная церемония во время любования кленами.
Деревня восьми могил
Четыре века назад, жители деревни убили восьмерых самураев-мятежников, которым поначалу они помогли скрыться от гнева князя Мори. Перед смертью, один из самураев проклял их. Страшные события произошли в деревне, которую с тех пор стали называть деревней Восьми могил. 400 лет спустя, в деревню приезжает новый наследник семьи Тадзими. Жители полагают, что проклятие самурая и приезд наследника дали начало цепочке кровавых событий. Нанятый адвокатом Сува, в деревню Восьми могил приезжает Киндаичи Коске, частный детектив...
Остров Гокумон
Япония, 1946 год. По поручению друга частный детектив Киндаити отправляется на небольшой остров Гокумон (что значит «тюремные ворота»), чтобы передать влиятельному семейству Кито известие о смерти сына-наследника. Чувствуя приближение собственной кончины, тот был уверен, что трём его младшим сёстрам грозит смертельная опасность. Киндаити решает провести на острове несколько дней, и в первую же ночь происходит убийство одной из сестёр - девушку находят повешенной на дереве вверх ногами.
Дьявольская считалочка
Инспектор Исокава нанимает частного детектива Киндаити для расследования убийства, произошедшего в глухой деревне 20 лет назад. Но им приходится искать человека, совершившего несколько новых убийств - одну за другой в деревне убивают молодых женщин. Как выясняется позже, убийства происходят согласно старой детской песенке, которую поют, играя с мячом.
Клан Инугами
Nasu Hotel Owner
Частный детектив Киндаити приглашен, чтобы предотвратить трагедию в семье, связанную с разделом огромного наследства семьи Инугами. Сыщик проявляет удивительную находчивость, но его усилия не могут предотвратить убийств, которые следуют одно за другим.
Убийство в старинной усадьбе
Коскэ Киндаити распутывает дело об убийстве супругов, которых неизвестный трёхпалый мужчина зарубил в свадебную ночь.
Devil's Nursery Rhyme
Original Story
1961 Toei adaptation of Yokomizo's novel.
Casebooks of Dandy Sashichi: Naked Princess and Mysterious Bear Man
This time around, Sashichi is investigating a case of serial murders believed to be perpetrated by a giant bear.
人形佐七捕物帖 鮮血の乳房
Sashichi investigates the mysterious murders of four beauties, all of whom were stabbed in the chest.
The Fiery Magistrate
Original Story
Film adaption by Kenji Misumi
Three-Headed Tower
Original Story
Newly graduated Miyamoto Otone is to inherit a fortune from a distant relative on the condition that she marries Takato Shunsaku, a man she has never heard of. The lawyers haven't located Shunsaku yet, allowing Otone to think about whether she accepts the conditions of the will. One month later after, Takato Shunsaku is found. Murdered. At the birthday party of Otone's uncle. With Shunsaku dead and thus making it impossible for Otone to marry him, the inheritence is to split amongst all (living) family members. And yes, as always, that means that the potential successors get killed off one by one. But Kosuke Kindaichi is on the trail...
The Vampire Moth
Original Story
The story of a professional nude model stalked by a bizarre, unknown man wearing a hideous mask.
Casebooks of Dandy Sashichi: Blind Wolf
In this movie, Sashichi tries to catch a serial killer who kills his victims with shurikens.
Ghost Man
Original Story
A ghost man with his face hidden entirely by bandages is killing beautiful nude models. Detective Kindaichi investigates.
犬神家の謎 悪魔は踊る
Early adaptation of the book "The Inugami Clan", featuring the detective Kōsuke Kindaichi.
Island of Horrors
Kindaichi challenges the mystery of an incident in which three sisters were killed one after the other according to an ancient tradition on an isolated island in the Seto Inland Sea. Kosuke Kindaichi received a will from his friend Kito, which said, "Go to Gokumon Island to save my three younger sisters," and Kosuke went to Gokumon Island. Upon arriving at the residence of Quito, there were three beautiful sisters, a crazy father, a cousin of Sanae, and Kosuke plunged into a strange atmosphere. The film adaptation of the masterpiece novel of the same name by Seishi Yokomizo. Kyozo Kataoka plays Detective Kosuke Kindaichi, and Ryutaro Otomo plays Inspector Isokawa, who can be called Kindaichi's best partner.
Three-Fingered Detective
Original Story