Manlio Camastro


Caligula's Slaves
Roman emperor Caligula leaves the last days of glory amidst orgies of food and sex. During a show by two nude slaves, the emperor is particularly attracted to one of them, Lysia, ignoring that she had been planted close to him with orders to murder him. Only, the young man makes her feel for him, passion and motherly love, and she'll protect him rather then fulfill her mission. Drama ensues.
Ring of Darkness
Once a Satanist who surrendered her soul and body to the devil himself, Carlotta Rhodes begins to regret her tryst with Lucifer when her teenage daughter, Daria, starts showing the evil influence of dear old Dad. Convinced that she can stop the devil's power on earth, Carlotta calls upon an exorcist for help.
Yeti: The Giant of the 20th Century
Professor Wassermann is asked by industry magnate Morgan Hunnicut to lead an expedition to study the giant Yeti creature found frozen in a large ice block on Newfoundland's coast. The professor does not know that Hunnicut intends to use the prehistoric creature as a trademark of its multinational industrial group. A very big mistake.
Liebes Lager
Considered lost for many years, this Italian Nazi exploitation flick was rediscovered some time in the 1990's.
Love Sacrifice
First Assistant Director
Leonidas, of noble lineage but poor, serves in the house of Count Aristide Of the Fava Dongo, waiting patiently for his death to arrive. He dies at last, but rumors reveal that, on his deathbed, the Count has decided to leave everything to Marco (Claudio Ercoli), his illegitimate and retarded son who secretly grew up in a boarding school. In the meantime, the whole family of Leonida moves to the luxurious estate as for certainly no one wants to miss out on this wealth opportunity...
Оружие Господне
Банда бесчинствующих подонков под предводительством редкостного негодяя Сэма Клейтона нарушает покой мирного городка Джуно. В качестве развлечения члены шайки совершают убийство. Единственный смельчак, отважившийся привлечь шайку к правосудию – это пастор Джон, за что и поплатился жизнью. Юный воспитанник священника Джонни отправляется на поиски человека по имени Льюис, по слухам, способного вернуть в город мир и спасти его мать, попавшую в лапы к бандитам. Какого же было удивление Джонни, когда, добравшись до границы с Мексикой, мальчик находит героя, как две капли воды похожего на покойного священника...
Эммануэль и Француаза, сестрички
Production Manager
Emanuelle is out to avenge her sister, who committed suicide after escaping from her sadistic lover Carlo. So she chains Carlo up in her basement, drugs him, and forces him to watch her having sex. As Carlo begins to hallucinate all kinds of bloody horrors and cannibalistic doings, he decides he has to break free and kill Emanuelle.
Le amorose notti di Ali Baba
Lady Dynamite
Donna Costanza is married to a New Jersey mafia boss. During their 10 year wedding anniversary party he is shot and killed. His dying words to her are "Giarratana from Palermo". Costanza takes a trip to Palermo in order to avenge the death of her husband. Her target is Don Giarratana, a dangerous and influential Italian politician.
Who Killed the Prosecutor and Why?
Assistant Editor
Carlo, a young photographer, is making love with his girlfriend at the beach when he witnesses a murder being feebly staged to look like a car accident. Carlo takes incriminating shots of the murderers (the victim turns out to be the local public prosecutor) and attempts to sell them to various interested parties, including a gangster and a newspaper owner. One of the murderers' accomplices, a lowlife criminal, is gunned down by a black-gloved assassin, while another is stabbed to death...
Чёрный корсар
Assistant Editor
Испанский наместник в строжайшей тайне готовит отправку большой партии золота в Европу. Однако слухи об этом достигают ушей морских разбойников. Капитан пиратского судна Блэки (красавец, джентльмен, без труда соблазняющий самых неприступных женщин, владеющий шпагой как мушкетер) предлагает своим «коллегам» объединить силы и захватить несметные богатства. Но другие капитаны, руководствуясь пиратским законом «каждый за себя и дьявол за всех», отказываются от сотрудничества и, мало того, становятся безжалостными врагами-соперниками Блэки в погоне за бесценным грузом…