Tsai Hung

Tsai Hung

Рождение : 1942-12-29, Taipei, Taiwan


Born on December 29, 1942, Tsai is a Taiwanese actor renowned in the local martial arts and action cinema. He signed with Shaw Brothers in the mid-1970s and starred in his most recognized work, The Condemned, as the second leading man. He had also appeared in various Chang Cheh's classics like Shaolin Temple, Chinatown Kid and The Brave Archer.


Tsai Hung
Tsai Hung


Hoping to find their uncle in the big city, siblings Siu-Tong and Chee-Loy end up offending the local gangsters and attracting the drug traffickers. As if luck would have it, they are now the Interpol's best friends, as the police wants their assistance in trapping the bad guys at a triad banquet gathering…
Picking Up Girls
The misadventures of a family of sex maniacs.
Brothers Fay and Fong arrive in Shanghai dreaming of a future. They end up in the Horng Men gang, and Fong is sentenced to prison while his brother rises through the ranks. On an undercover mission in rival gang, Fay is killed and his brother seeks revenge.
Sex Revenge
Pong not only has lots of past and present girlfriends, but lots of triad type buddies that are up to no good.
Fatal Love
Note : Not to be confused with the movie of the same name which stars Michael Wong and Ellen Chan. May Lin mourns her husband, who was killed by gangsters after she and he had an argument about money. May swears revenge, then has plastic surgery, afterward assuming a new identity as Donna, a nightclub dancer and stripper.
Pink Panther
A gang of female bikers travel the streets of Hong Kong dishing out justice to the various misogynistic men who beat, abuse or rape women.
Lady Killer
Uncle Lo
Taiwanese action/crime flick starring Alexander Lo Rei
Lady Killer
Taiwanese action/crime flick starring Alexander Lo Rei
Heroes in Jail
1992 film
Lady Killer
1992 film
Pink Thief
Cha Lung
A group of young people are helped to illegally immigrate from China to Hong Kong by a local gang, but when they arrive they are immediately abused by the gang and paid little for the tasks they are given. Struggling to survive, the group turn to petty crime to make ends meet. When one of the group accidentally picks the pocket of a chief detective, he decides to use the group of desperate immigrants to help him infiltrate their gang.
The Angry Young Man
University students in Taipei come under pressure when they are bullied by thugs and forced to enter a fight to the death karate tournament, where super kicker Hwang Jang Lee is the final opponent.
Night of the Assassins
The swords never stop flying in this action-packed old school hit! Master Wu (Ko Keung from "Fatal Flying Guillotines"), after refusing to help the king continue his war, fights off a regiment of guards attempting to take him by force. Unfortunately, he cannot save his brother, but he can get revenge! Master Wu embarks on his journey for revenge and is joined by David Chiang ("Slice Of Death", "Challenge Of The Shaolin Masters"). Ninjas, gap-toothed kings, and a sword-wielding army are just a few of the obstacles Master Wu must overcome on his revenge quest.
The Leg Fighters
Ding Dong
When Pan, a South China martial artist is defeated and killed by Tan, a North China challenger in a legfighter duel, Pan's younger brother Pak vows to crush Tan with his own unique style of ferocious footwork.
The Lost Kung Fu Secrets
General Tieh
The morale of the army is low as the countess sets out to overthrow the enemy army..
Trouble Maker Coming
White haired master
Four grotesque masters of Kung Fu are destined to fight each other. Two only wish good for their people. The other two want to become the only two living masters. Thus, they hire and train an assassin to murder the others.
One Foot Crane
Chu Chung San
As a child, Fong Lin I witnesses the murder of her lawman father at the hand of 4 outlaws. She devotes her life to Martial Arts, with the aim of taking revenge years later.
Shaolin Devil and Shaolin Angel
Yellow headband
When a Shaolin warlord is murdered the Emperor must discover where the evil lies amongst the warlords. Calling upon a young commander, he sends him on a quest to avenge the warlords death.
Dual Flying Kicks
A corrupt mayor of a town in Szechuan province allies himself with a group of bandits to gain control of the region by cutting off all supply routes to the town. Two police men both expert kickers are deployed to put an end to the mayors evil plot.
Храбрый лучник 2
Flying Bat
Первая часть закончилась на том, что Куо женился на дочери великого мастера Хуанга. Однако попытка уехать с острова Хуанга не увенчалась успехом — враги Куо ранили его учителя. Раненный, тот завещает Куо и его жене принять на время его пост вождя клана нищих…
The 72 Desperate Rebels
This movie has a sword eating lama, a bell trap formation with big bell wielding belles, people dressed in multi-color ku klux klan outfits and Chen Sing.Set in the Ming Dynasty, an infamous pirate finds 72 martial arts experts from all over China to help him battle the imperial government. Includes breathtaking kung fu fighting and plenty of ninja action.
Return of the Kung Fu Dragon
The complicated story involves the military conquest of a peaceful island-nation by an evil despot and his sorcerer ally. His victory leaves the island's three heroic protectors dead, but, their young children are hidden away to grow to adulthood with different identities, unaware of their heritage, in hope that, in time, they might challenge and defeat the evil ruler. The charming Polly Kuan stars as one of these children who has been adopted by the conquerer himself, initially as an insult to the defeated hero, later as his protégé.
Парень из китайского квартала
н Тунг — обычный деревенский парнишка, впервые попадающий в Гонконг, где его устраивает у себя дедушка. Тунг отлично владеет кунгфу, но это ему не помогает, а лишь провоцирует неприятности — парень переходит дорогу местным бандитам и вынужден бежать в США. Но и на новом месте Тунг не может избавиться от старых проблем.
Храбрый лучник
Flying Bat (1st Weird 7)
После нападения правительственных войск сыновей двух повстанцев забирают к себе разные люди с условием, что через 18 лет парни встретятся и померятся силами. Одного начинает обучать могущественный монах, а второго семеро странствующих бандитов. Проходит 18 лет, второй из ребят приезжает в город, где должна состояться дуэль, но его кунгфу все еще оставляет желать лучшего…
Храм Шаолинь
Qing General
Действие происходит в Шаолине — этом монастыре-легенде, где с древних времен молодые люди учились всевозможным боевым искусствам. Двое юношей по окончании курса Шаолиня решают оставить свой монастырь, чтобы найти тех, кто много лет назад убил их отцов. Когда, выполнив свою миссию, они вернулись, то узнали, что Шаолинь — их второй дом — осажден неприятельскими войсками и вот-вот будет взят.
The Beauty with Two Faces
Вечная слава
Трогательная и захватывающая военная драма, описывающая героические деяния генерала Чанг Цу-чунга (Chang Tsu-chung), которого высоко ценили и даже называли «Китайским Марсом», и его японского противника - генерала Итагаки (Itagaki) во время китайско-японской войны.
The Shaolin Avengers
Feng Daode
Heroism and romance combine in an action-packed martial arts story. When the Shaolin are betrayed by White-Browed Hermit, hotheaded warrior-hero Fong Sai Yuk vows revenge.
The Condemned
Feng Dagang
Chiang plays a righteous character who helps an unjustly imprisoned swordsman accused of stealing. Together they break out of prison and serve notice to all the evil men in their lives that a new deadly duo is in town.
Super Dragon
Kung Fu idol, John Chang, stars as an escort and Kung Fu master. He meets his match when he comes up against a masked raider who wants his loot.
China Armed Escort
An emperor assigns his two superintendents Lung & Hu to wipe out the heads of the famous Justice Escort Service whom he sees as a threat to him in achieving total reign over the land.
The Fantastic Magic Baby
Ju Ling God fighter
In The Fantastic Magic Baby, director Chang Cheh weaves a wild and woolly yarn about how the legendary Monkey King and Goddess of Mercy battle and defeat the child god Hung Hai-erh then point him down the road to righteousness.
The Death Player
Chan Biu (Tsai Hung) is a crook who decides to rob from his own business. Smugglers, via a boat, smuggle in some items (concealed in a bag), he robs the recipient before agreeing with his collaborators to split up and share the loot at a derelict town.
Goodbye Bruce Lee: His Last Game of Death
Nunchaku fighter
A young man (Bruce Li) unwittingly gets wrapped up in a money scam. When he refuses to give the cash back, the bad guys kidnap his girlfriend and hold her hostage in the Tower Of Death. Once there, he is given two options. Watch his girlfriend get thrown off the top or fight various martial artists on 7 different levels to win his girlfriend back.
The Chinese Caper
An American ex-patriot is on the run from the law. There's no place to run or hide. His only hope is a girl with strong ties to the Chinese Mafia. It's kill or be killed as danger and death lurk behind every corner and in China, there are a thousand ways to die.
Пять мастеров Шаолиня
Pao Yu-Lung, Flying Axe
После сожжения храма Шаолинь пятеро выживших старших послушников сбегают от маньчжуров и, разойдясь в разные стороны, договариваются пройти по стране в поисках патриотов, готовых сражаться с режимом. Однако старые враги шаолиньцев и предавший их Ма Фу Йи начали разыскивать их с удвоенной силой…
Blood Revenge
Chaozhou police constable Chiang and his wife are brutally killed by five escaped convicts whom he brought to justice three years ago. Their daughter Feng (Lu Hsiao Hui) is lucky to escape, and she sets out to avenge the murder of her parents. With the aid of martial arts expert Chuan (famous action star Philip Ko), Feng tracks down the thugs one by one and kills them with her "8-Step Successive Killing Kicks" kung fu.
The Empress Dowager flees when the allied forces descend upon the capital. During an attack by bandits, her jewels are lost in the mountains. Ten years later, a local villager finds the treasure. When news of the found jewels spreads, a group of bandits descends upon the town hoping to find the treasure, but first they’ll have to deal with the villager’s daughter, Tigress (Pei-Pei Cheng), who is quite dangerous due to her amazing fighting skills.
The Tongfather
Japanese killed in sauna
The violent tale of an undercover agent's mission to topple a Chinese opium ring that is headed by a ruthless kingpin known only as "The Tongfather."
The Brave Lion
Wang Hsing
During Japan's invasion of China in World War II, two disgraced Japanese soldiers are given a second chance. Facing execution for various infractions, the two men are offered a reprieve if they take a special assignment. Since they can speak Chinese and know the territory, the men are assigned to the task of running a Chinese labor camp the Japanese operate in occupied territory. After the men take over, they work the prisoner's so hard the labor force rises up in revolt of their treatment.
Flight Man
Flight Man takes place in Taiwan in 1933, when the country was under Japanese occupation after the First Sino-Japanese War. The Taiwanese people have signed a petition to have the Japanese establish a Taiwan council, but instead this merely provokes the Japanese police to hunt down and round up everyone who signed the petition.
The Screaming Tiger
Japanese thug
Rare was the film in 1973 that incorporated the star's name in the title. One of the few such films was Screaming Ninja, aka Wang Yu, King of Boxing. The story is set in China in the early 1900x. Essentially playing an extension of himself, action-star Wang-Yu spends much of the time defending himself against evil martial-arts masters. He also tries to make sense of a tragic incident in his past.
Beach of the War Gods
Japanese Soldier
A sort of re-telling of Kurosawa’s “Seven Samurai”. This time the protagonists are a group of Chinese villagers who must band together to recruit outside help to defend themselves against marauding Japanese pirates demanding protection money. Set in year 1556, it’s supposedly based on true events occurring during the twilight of the Ming Dynasty.
The Big Fellow
Boss Pai Liang
Charles Heung does battle with ruthless triads during the early years of the republic
White Butterfly Killer
A girl who witnesses the brutal murder of her grandfather plots revenge on the killers who are involved in an opium smuggling ring. Unbeknownst to them, she becomes "The White Butterfly Killer," unleashing her deadly kung fu power.
Расхитители императорских гробниц
Китай, конец XIX века. Шайка разбойников приходит в дом помещика, требуя выдать им старушку Ван, когда-то бывшую нянькой детей хозяина, чтобы завладеть секретом из ее прошлого. Но на помощь старушке приходит дочь помещика, вместе с подругами сумевшая дать достойный отпор разбойникам.
The Big Fight
This film is set during the Japanese occupation of China circa WWII. In it, the Japanese occupiers (and the Chinese Quislings who work for them) are portrayed as total monsters who kill children and rape all women. The heroes are resistance fighters who oppose the occupation.
Однорукий боксер
Karate Fighter (broken arm)
Члены банды «Крюка» настолько распоясались, что стали нагло задирать горожан. Остановить мерзавцев решает Тен Лун — лучшей ученик школы мастера Хан Туи. В результате потасовка вылилась в противостояние двух школ кун-фу. Школа мастера Хан Туи побеждают школу мастера Чао. Но мастер Чао, давно вставший на бандитский путь, клянется отомстить. Для этого он нанимает лучших бойцов: тайские боксеры, каратисты с Окинавы, тибетские ламы, индийский йога, эксперты по дзюдо и тхэквандо. Наемники с легкостью перебивают учеников школы Хан Туи. Чудом оставшегося в живых, но с одной рукой, Тен Луна подбирает врач с дочерью…
The Story of Daisy
Part of Golden Horse's 100 Greatest Chinese-Language Films.
Triangular Duel
Kon Loong, a rickshaw boy, learns kung-fu from master Auyang Tin-Kin, for three years of practice. Kon Loong is recognized as the best among all the students. One day, when the master is out for a journey, another fighting association sends a challenge to the school, and Kon Loong accepts it. He goes with four other brothers, but they are badly defeated by their opponents, who hired the help of a Japanese karate fighter. When the master returns, he will have to save the school's honour, in a duel against the two other schools.
Shadow Girl
Ho Kung-Mou (Four Terrors)
The director Hsin Chi is a Taiwanese, and is famous for the Taiwanese-speaking movies. This movie was his first movie shot for Hong Kong company, Shaw Brothers.
Mission Impossible
Earth's nemesis
A swordplay flick that takes on a ghostly feeling later on the film.
A Story of Lou Po-Wen
Tsu Hong Wu is a highly fictionalized fantasy retelling of the early years of Zhu Yuanzhang’s life that was obviously geared toward younger audiences. The tale actually begins in Heaven, where the various gods are busy paving the way for a new emperor. The very basic facts of Zhu Yuanzhang’s life are ostensibly correct, but it takes a rather unexpected turn into traditional giant monster territory, with a Taoist priest summoning a gigantic red-haired ogre (amusingly referred to as ‘superman’ in the subtitles) to destroy our heroes, who are in turn rescued when a golden dragon (the animal manifestation of one of the deities from earlier in the film) rises from the ocean to do battle with said ogre
The Evil Karate
The setting is the underground lair of Devil's Gate, home to the ruthless and extremely powerful King Hades Yen (O Yau Man). Yen instructs the '7 Monsters Of Poison' to find Lo Tien Hung who apparently has a secret Jade Pendant. This Jade Pendant bears markings as to the whereabouts of a manuscript which yields great powers to the person who manages to get hold of it. The 'Monsters 7' have 10 days to find Lo Tien Hung or face the wrath of Yen...
Thunderstorm Sword
A swordsman and swordswoman fight to protect Lady Liu who is trying to return to power. She's traveling in a coffin, the heroes can only hope they all aren't sent home in one.
The Seisure Soul Sword of a Blind Girl
Cheung Ching Ching is superb, as usual, playing a blind girl who learns martial arts from an old master and who takes revenge on the Red Devil who murdered her entire family. Brilliant sword film as you'd expect from master auteur Joseph Kuo. —Wu Tang Collection