Silvio Fraschetti


Ho ammazzato Berlusconi
Pierino torna a scuola
Director of Photography
Had come of age and unemployed, Peter decides to go back to school to take the elementary school. However, his academic performance continues to be poor so much so that his grandmother to play for the votes of a report card to the football pools coupon. The grandmother with the votes of Peter will win, using the amount paid to renew their tavern, without giving any money to his nephew, who will retaliate by closing all his family in the bathrooms of the new restaurant. Eventually Peter was rejected despite the efforts of his teachers, but Peter does not seem to be over: receives, in fact, a visit to Camazzo, her neighbor and Head of the third class of the Navy, which gives him an envelope containing the fateful "call to Arms".
The Guy From the Stands
Director of Photography
Nino establishes a club of supporters of Naples, fighting against the violence in the stadiums. But the Camorra hinders its project.
Top Model
Nadine is a breathtaking and astonishingly sensual fashion photographer who gets lured into accepting a lingerie photo-shoot in the villa of the mysterious Victor Schneider. After the models and the crew leave the villa, only Nadine and Victor stay behind. As the night shrouds the villa with its thick shadows, Victor offers Nadine a weird proposal. Would she dare to put her own life at stake in a chess game? If he wins, she loses every right over her body and life. If Nadine does, Victor will kill himself. Thus begins a long night of sex, lust, desire, fear and. death.
Сто дней в Палермо
Director of Photography
В конце 70-х - начале 80-х годов многочисленные убийства государственных чиновников в Сицилии потрясли всю Италию. Еще никогда с такой наглостью мафия не демонстрировала свою силу перед лицом бездействующей власти. Честного и принципиального генерала Карло Делакьеза назначают префектом в Палермо, где он будет бороться с сицилийской преступностью...
I ragazzi della periferia sud
The existence of which is condemned almost all young people born and brought up to the edges of large cities, in a corrupt because of despair and misery that leads to drugs, murder, and prostitution.
I figli... so' pezzi 'e core
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Francesco Improta is an honest fruit and vegetable peddler who lives with his elderly mother Assunta and daughter Fiorella. His wife Lucia left home two years earlier, as, in order to help the family, she did not hesitate to give herself to the boss Peppino Ascalone, with whom she is now forced to live together.
The Mafia Triangle
Director of Photography
A Neapolitan camorra boss has retired from business but when his wife gets killed he gets back into action, and goes to the States to get his revenge.
Зверь из космоса
Director of Photography
В далеком будущем большая интернациональная группа астронавтов отправляются на далекую планету. Астронавта-девушку Сандру постоянно преследуют видения, где она совокупляется со страшным животным на фоне дикой неземной природы. Группа смельчаков наконец достигают этой планеты и отправляются на поиски контакта с внеземной цивилизацией...
Чужой 2: На Земле
Director of Photography
Модуль с астронавтами, после неудачной экспедиции на орбиту, приземляется в океане, но спасатели находят лишь обезображенные трупы и существ, сделавших это. Группа спелеологов борется с монстрами в подземных пещерах, надеясь на спасение и возвращение на поверхность…
La tua vita per mio figlio
Director of Photography
Eurocrime/Poliziotteschi movie from 1980
Star Odyssey
Director of Photography
Earth is attacked by an intergalactic villain and his army of robotic androids.
Lo scugnizzo
The New Godfathers
Director of Photography
A revolution in Iran halts a heroin shipment, but an alliance of crime families is set on getting it to the US. They decide to run the drug through an unsuspecting network of good-natured, local smugglers in Naples, while an international anti-narcotics agent rushes to shut their operation down. Betrayals and divided loyalties lead to a final, bloody confrontation in America.
Naples... Serenade Caliber 9
Director of Photography
Don Salvatore Savastano, a boss involved in the smuggling of contraband cigarettes, is forced to watch four masked robbers kill his wife and his only son in a restaurant where he and his family are celebrating the young boy's first Holy Communion. From that moment on Don Salvatore has no other purpose in life but to get his revenge on the four assassins.
The War of the Robots
Director of Photography
An alien civilization, which facing eminent extinction, kidnaps two famous genetic scientists from Earth. A troop of soldiers is dispatched to combat the humanoid robots and rescue the victims.
Battle of the Stars
Director of Photography
An alien vessel manages to break the earth defense systems. Captain Layton is sent to investigate and find the invaders. Together with friends from the planet Ganymed he discovers the enemies in a hidden underground city on earth.
L'ultimo guappo
Director of Photography
Eurocrime/Poliziotteschi movie from 1978
War of the Planets
Director of Photography
A strange signal arrives on the Earth disturbing all communications, while an UFO appears above the Antarctic sea. Captain Alex Hamilton is sent with his spaceship and crew to the space outside the Solar System to find the origin of that signal. They reach an unknown planet where a giant robot enslaved a whole population of humanoids by taking their psychic energies.
Blood and Bullets
Director of Photography
A deadly manhunt takes three people through the sordid streets of the Philadelphia underworld, in search of killers and the truth, where every clue brings new questions.
Frittata all'italiana
Il torcinaso
Director of Photography
The Long Arm of the Godfather
A treacherous low-level mafioso greedily rips off a shipment of arms from his powerful godfather and tries to sell them to an especially dubious group of Arabs
Per amore o per forza
I due maggiolini più matti del mondo
Director of Photography
Two Sicilian shopowners who live in Rome pick up some beatnik hitchhikers and the group gate-crashes their seaside villa. In the meantime the two men's wives smell something fishy going on and go to the villa themselves. To make things worse the place is also invaded by three prison fugitives who terrorize the lot.
Ночь змей
Группа жителей небольшого мексиканского посёлка решает убить сироту Мануэля и поделить между собой его наследство. Для совершения преступления они делегируют местного пьянчугу Люка, но в том просыпается совесть, и он встаёт на защиту Мануэля.
Camera Operator
Итальянский вельможа Франческо Сенчи был настолько жесток, что даже его близкие родственники решают расправиться с ним. Олимпио, слуга Сенчи, влюблен в его дочь, прекрасную Беатриче. Ради нее он готов на любые жертвы. Олимипио нанимает известного бандита Каталоно, и они вдвоем убивают Сенчи, имитируя несчастный случай. За расследование этого дела берется святая инквизиция...
Camera Operator
Вторая Мировая война 1942 год. Командование приказывает сержанту Салливану создать группу коммандос из солдат итальянского происхождения. Задание коммандос, проникнуть на базу снабжения в Северной Африке в расположение итальянцев-союзников фашистов и удерживать его до подхода основных сил американского батальона...
Дни ярости
Camera Operator
Простодушный уборщик из маленького городка, знакомится с харизматическим бандитом, становится его учеником и помощником, великолепным стрелком. Но бандит вскорости свою нехорошую сущность делает явной, и его протеже вынужден вспомнить, что он добрый и положительный, а потому вступить с наставником в борьбу.
The Handsome, The Ugly, And The Stupid
Camera Operator
Two POWs learn of a treasure of gold hidden in a cemetery, and escape from their POW camp to look for it.
Как я научился любить женщин
Camera Operator
Роберто Монти, привлекательный молодой человек, пытается познать тайну женщины. От жены директора пансиона, где он получает свой первый опыт, до актрисы кино, пока, наконец, не найдет ту, которую искал всю жизнь...
The Hired Killer
Camera Operator
Hit-man Clint Harris has one more job to do before he can retire. The corporation which hires him demands that Harris "erase" an ex-employee who has become a snitch for the police. At first Harris refuses but when his own brother is assassinated he accepts the job.
Горькая жизнь
Camera Operator
На шахте, где провинциальный интеллектуал Лучано Бьянки отвечает за "культурный сектор", происходит авария с многочисленными жертвами. Лучано лишается работы, расстаётся на время с семьёй и, вынашивая план мести руководству угледобывающей компании, переезжает в Милан. Милан - символ экономического роста и обеспеченности, характерных для Италии 60-х годов, и жизнь Лучано резко меняется: он находит новую работу и влюбляется в Анну, молодую "левую" журналистку.
The Little Nuns
Camera Operator
Two nuns come to Rome to protest to an airline about its jet planes which have been flying over their convent school, disrupting teaching of the little orphans who study there and damaging the ancient fresco of their patron saint through sound vibrations.
The Hours of Love
Camera Operator
Gianni and Marietta get along wonderfully as lovers, but not as a couple. Despite being married, they agree to become lovers again.
Pugni, pupe e marinai
Camera Operator
Three sailors are sent to an island by their commander to steal a boat, but they are sunk by an enemy ship. Saved from the shipwreck by a fishing boat, they have to get back to the island before their commander knows about their adventure.
I soliti rapinatori a Milano
Camera Operator
Prepotenti più di prima
Assistant Camera
Returning from his honeymoon, Marcella finds out she is pregnant. The to-be grandparents fight on where the baby will be born and on his name. The parents of the baby, tired of those fights, run away to Milan.
The Italians They Are Crazy
Assistant Camera
In a German prison camp, some Italian prisoners bet with the commander that they will be able to build a church in two hours.
Подвиги Геракла
Assistant Camera
Вольная экранизация древнегреческого мифа, в котором рассказывается о походе аргонавтов за золотым руном.
Una parigina a Roma
Assistant Camera
Riccardo, a brilliant pianist studying in Rome, falls in love with Germaine, a young and pretty French tourist.