Sabine Mamou


La mère (archive footage)
A real estate agent from Paris arrives in Los Angeles to settle his late mother's estate, but a found photograph sends him on an impromptu journey to Mexico to find a woman named Lola.
My Life on Ice
Etienne is crazy about ice skating and videoing his daily life with a digital camera. He records his mother, friends, and geography teacher. Initially his intention is to setup a date between his mother and his teacher, however, he starts to realize that he is infatuated with the teacher himself.
Quartier Lacan
A documentary about Jacques Lacan and his influence on the main tendencies of modern psychoanalysis. It begins with a series of interviews with psychoanalysts who knew Lacan, and then presents an overview of Lacanian theory and practice that explores what actually happens in psychoanalysis.
Nathalie and Louise are friends from childhood. While studying drama at University Louise becomes hopelessly obsessed with her friend. Jealous of the male friends she has she breaks up the friendship, followed by a suicide attempt. Later, Louise marries, but finds time to see the, by now quite accomplished actress, Nathalie. They fight through the years, La Repetition following them as their friendship comes together and breaks up frequently, while never actually reaching anything that can be called a climax.
39 years old Jacques Monot is tired from the same vacation he and his family have every year so he decides to buy a boat.
Sobibor, October 14, 1943, 4 p.m.
A Claude Lanzmann documentary about one uprising by Jews in a Nazi-run concentration camp taken from his Shoah interviews.
Приключения Феликса
Феликс — ВИЧ-инфицированный гей, которого только что уволили с работы. Несмотря на это у него позитивный взгляд на жизнь, он с оптимизмом смотрит в будущее. Парень живёт на севере Франции со своим бойфрендом. В шкафу среди старых фотографий он находит письма отца, которого никогда не видел и решает навестить его. С рюкзаком за плечами Феликс отправляется в путешествие автостопом на юг Франции, в Марсель. Весна — это время надежд, природа просыпается и расцветает. А Феликса ждут новые встречи с интересными и уникальными людьми.
A Visitor from the Living
An interview with a WWII Red Cross official who wrote a glowing report on a Jewish ghetto-cum-death camp.
The New Eve
Camille is an emancipated 30-something woman who has no desire to settle down and have a family, preferring to coast along on a succession of ephemeral relationships and one-night stands. However, her lifestyle fails to satisfy her fully, and in a moment of depression she runs into a complete stranger, Alexis, whom she instantly falls in love with. Alexis, alas, is married, with two children, and works for the Socialist Party. None of this is going to deter Camille though…
The ideologies underlying the foundation of modern Israel are explored in this documentary, the third of a trilogy (created over a twenty year span) exploring the Jewish experience. The two earlier documentaries, "Porquoi Israel," and "Shoah," have had great effect on the ways documentaries are produced. "Tsahal" zeroes in on the crucial role of the military in Israeli society and politics. The film uses many in-depth interviews to present the many feelings and thoughts about the Israeli military.
Fight for Us
Set during the post-Marcos regime in a remote village of Dolores, chronicles the life of Jimmy Cordero, a political prisoner who have just been freed from prison after the decline of the Marcos dictatorship. From his revolutionary past, he got himself into human rights activism following his prison release. He and his wife’s brother once conducted a fact-finding mission to Dolores only to find out the terror brought about to its residents by the Orapronobis, a government backed anti-communist paramilitary troop deployed in the town of Dolores.
Вертящийся столик
On a winter night, the author of "The King and the Mockingbird" is visited by the cartoon characters he created in his studio. Along with a little clown, he screens a selection of his favorite shorts
Три билета на 26-ое
Стареющий актер приезжает в город своей юности, где собирается представить публике новый спектакль, рассказывающий о его жизни. В толпе фанатов он не замечает юную поклонницу Марион, девушку с голубыми глазами. Чтобы достать три билета на 26 число для себя и своих подружек Марион, решает добраться до своего кумира и признаться ему в вечной любви. Она и не подозревает, как этот поступок изменит ее жизнь...
The Day You Love Me
Two communist lovers prepare to move to the Ukraine and work on a collective farm. Meanwhile, a celebrated pop singer visits their small town, and secrets are revealed.
Orpheus is a rock star who composes love songs for Eurydice, who designs his album covers. As he wrestles with his additional love for Calaïs, his sound engineer, Orpheus finds that Eurydice had died of a drug overdose, so he descends into the Underworld to try and make a deal with Hades.
Sound Editor
Клод Ланцманн снял этот документальный фильм о Холокосте продолжительностью девять с половиной часов, не используя ни одного кадра архивных материалов. Он беседует с оставшимися в живых, свидетелями и бывшими нацистами (которых он снимал тайно, поскольку они соглашались давать интервью только по аудиозаписи). Его стиль интервьюирования, когда он узнает мельчайшие подробности, помогает сложить эти подробности, чтобы дать ужасающий портрет событий нацистского геноцида. Он также показывает или вернее позволяет некоторым из своих подданных показать, что антисемитизм, который привел к гибели 6 миллионов евреев во время Холокоста, все еще жив во многих людях, которые все еще живут в Германии, Польше и других странах.
Seven Rooms, Kitchen, Bathroom, for Sale
An unusual visit to a large, empty apartment. But is it empty or not? Maybe a family has lived there or is going to live there. Maybe a young girl is going to escape from there. Maybe some of the old-timers who lived there never left. The walls themselves tell the stories of the time passing by. - Fandor
A Room in Town
Set against the backdrop of an increasingly violent strike, a worker falls in love with the middle-class daughter of his landlady.
After separating from the father of her son, a young French woman tries to find lodging and a fresh start in L.A. for herself and her son.
Emilie Cooper
After separating from the father of her son, a young French woman tries to find lodging and a fresh start in L.A. for herself and her son.
Mur Murs
Venturing from Venice Beach to Watts, Varda looks at the murals of LA as backdrop to and mirror of the city’s many cultures. She casts a curious eye on graffiti and photorealism, roller disco & gang violence, evangelical Christians, Hare Krishnas, artists, angels and ordinary Angelenos.
Mur Murs
Venturing from Venice Beach to Watts, Varda looks at the murals of LA as backdrop to and mirror of the city’s many cultures. She casts a curious eye on graffiti and photorealism, roller disco & gang violence, evangelical Christians, Hare Krishnas, artists, angels and ordinary Angelenos.
Trop au lit pour être honnête
L'autre France
Social drama about Algerian immigrant workers who came searching for work in France.
The Pleasure of Love in Iran
Made at a time when Iran had a seemingly revolving door for incoming European directors and bottomless funding for their projects, Plaisir d'amour en Iran is a short, sort of love story between a handsome Iranian (Ali Raffi) and a visiting French woman (Valérie Mairesse). The film was shot at the Shah Masjed in romantic Esfehan.