A single mother in New Mexico senses her own death in the hands of a mysterious stalker.
An up-and-coming heavyweight fighter, George Wilson, arrives in Vulcan City, a small mid-western town over-run by racketeers, to fight a heavily-favored Frankie Sebastian. George arrives but his manager Dolan is nowhere to be found. But Ma and Pa Karlsen, owners of Karlsen's Kozy Kottages motel and restaurant take him under their wing. He meets Miss Gormley who is also there to meet the no-show manager who is blackmailing her brother. Dolan still hasn't arrived by the date of the fight but, to the surprise of sports-promoters Tom Healy and Dominic Guido, George shows up and wins the fight. This wins him the friendship of trainer Al Muntz and the enmity of Willie Foltis, a punchy ex-fighter and a Healy henchman. This leads George to a fight with "Soldier" Freeman, whose manager Scotty Cameron has made arrangements for the favored-Freeman to take a dive, so he and Healy and Guido can clean up betting on the underdog. But Honest George has other plans.
An up-and-coming heavyweight fighter, George Wilson, arrives in Vulcan City, a small mid-western town over-run by racketeers, to fight a heavily-favored Frankie Sebastian. George arrives but his manager Dolan is nowhere to be found. But Ma and Pa Karlsen, owners of Karlsen's Kozy Kottages motel and restaurant take him under their wing. He meets Miss Gormley who is also there to meet the no-show manager who is blackmailing her brother. Dolan still hasn't arrived by the date of the fight but, to the surprise of sports-promoters Tom Healy and Dominic Guido, George shows up and wins the fight. This wins him the friendship of trainer Al Muntz and the enmity of Willie Foltis, a punchy ex-fighter and a Healy henchman. This leads George to a fight with "Soldier" Freeman, whose manager Scotty Cameron has made arrangements for the favored-Freeman to take a dive, so he and Healy and Guido can clean up betting on the underdog. But Honest George has other plans.
Associate Producer
A woman raises mink to get the coat she's always wanted.
A woman raises mink to get the coat she's always wanted.
Mirian Wilkins, the teenage daughter of Senator Wilkins, starts a Society for the Rehabilitation of Criminals and, without the approval or knowledge of her father, elects him to the position of honorary president. When the family's new gardener, Baxter, turns out to be a notorious ex-convict who was sentenced to prison by Senator Wilkins when he was a judge, Wilkins considers firing him until his daughter points out that would be an unwise decision considering the position her father held on society.
Two undercover agents infiltrate a drug-smuggling ring in Mexico, thee find them selves falling in love with each other. Neither is aware of the other's identity As they decide to make a run for the border.
Эдди, скромному художнику-декоратору, поручено оформить очередную выставку. Привычная для него работа так и прошла бы незамеченной, если бы он не поцеловал статую Венеры. И статуя ожила!
Оукли — мэр Нью-Йорка баллотируется на переизбрание. "Босс" Твид отвечает за его избирательную кампанию, и имеет фактически полный контроль над мэром. Он вовлечен во все виды незаконных действий и сильно обеспокоен статьями молодого репортера из "Нью-Йорк Таймс" по имени Джон Мэттьюс. Чтобы выиграть предвыборную гонку "Босс" решает покупать голоса избирателей — преступников и иммигрантов. Рози Мур и ее отец Тимоти прибывает в Америку из Ирландии. Девушка мечтает стать оперной певицей. Как только они сходят с теплохода, один из служащих "Босса" покупает их голоса по два доллара за голос, и они попадают в офис "Босса". Тимоти предлагают работу смотрителя парка, а девушке — перспективу стать певицей. Они с радостью соглашаются и не подозревают, что становятся марионетками в грязной игре "Босса" по растрате казенных денег…
A small-town girl tells a small fib to a wealthy businessman; complications ensue.
A wife decides to take revenge when she learns her husband has been unfaithful.
Lou Costello plays a country bumpkin vacuum-cleaner salesman, working for the company run by the crooked Bud Abbott. To try to keep him under his thumb, Abbott convinces Costello that he's a crackerjack salesman. This comedy is somewhat like "The Time of Their Lives," in that Abbott and Costello don't have much screen time together and there are very few vaudeville bits woven into the plot.
In this musical comedy, a young singer becomes so desperate to appear on Broadway that she goes to a prominent producer and tells him that she is the daughter who resulted from his day-long marriage to a young woman he knew years ago. The producer is delighted and soon puts his daughter up on stage. The trouble begins when the girl's "mother" suddenly pays a call. For her own reasons, the woman decides to play along with the girl's ruse. Fortunately, by the story's end, the truth is revealed, all differences are reconciled and happiness ensues.
Мистеру Эйкину накануне свадьбы открываются интересные подробности прошлого его невесты, мисс Сьюзан Даррел. Ее бывшие поклонники рассказывают мистеру Эйкину непохожие друг на друга истории о совершенно разной Сьюзан. Какая же из этих Сьюзан настоящая?
A star hockey player with the Wildcats is barred from Hockey for hitting a referee. Through the actions of Chris, Don is able to get a job with Buzz Fletcher's ice-show as the novelty act.
Мошенник Джек, скрываясь от полиции, сбегает из Сиэтла в городок Малемут, в Юконе. Здесь он всем известен, как "Честный" Джон Калхун, уважаемый член общества и владелец салуна. Он собирается открыть банк, чтобы в дальнейшем, прихватив деньги, сбежать. Приезд в город труппы варьете с примой Белль Де Валь, бывшей возлюбленной Джона, вносит некоторые коррективы в его планы...
Мошенник Джек, скрываясь от полиции, сбегает из Сиэтла в городок Малемут, в Юконе. Здесь он всем известен, как "Честный" Джон Калхун, уважаемый член общества и владелец салуна. Он собирается открыть банк, чтобы в дальнейшем, прихватив деньги, сбежать. Приезд в город труппы варьете с примой Белль Де Валь, бывшей возлюбленной Джона, вносит некоторые коррективы в его планы...
Reenactments of actual USO experiences of its female stars entertaining troops overseas.
Flagwaving story of a new American destroyer, the JOHN PAUL JONES, from the day her keel is laid, to what was very nearly her last voyage. Among the crew, is Steve Boleslavski, a shipyard welder that helped build her, who reenlists, with his old rank of Chief bosuns mate. After failing her sea trials, she is assigned to the mail run, until caught up in a disparate battle with a Japanese sub. After getting torpedoed, and on the verge of sinking, the Captain, and crew hatch a plan to try and save the ship, and destroy the sub.
A city girl on a bus tour of the West encounters a handsome rodeo cowboy who helps her forget her city suitors.
В семействе Акунио дочери выходят замуж по старшинству, очередь за Марией. А та ждет прекрасного принца и не замечает никого. Любящий отец решил разбудить её чувства необычным способом: сам еженедельно пишет дочери анонимные любовные письма и отправляет вместе с букетами орхидей. О, ужас! Дочь неверно понимает источник ухаживаний и влюбляется в нищего танцора. Папаша в ярости.
Gangsters, nightclubs and the Roaring '20s.
Андре и Джейн поженились и отправились в медовый месяц. И все бы ничего, да только Джейн, демонстрируя прогрессивные взгляды на институт брака, требует не просто раздельных кроватей, а отдельных апартаментов! С чем Андре мириться, конечно же, не собирается.
Провинциальная Америка. Отец семейства поглощен работой над книгой «О вкусной и здоровой пище». Старшая дочь Сильвия стремится стать актрисой. Младшая дочь Нэнси — неугомонный подросток, а средняя дочь Джейн сыта по горло своей ролью местной «хорошей девочки».
Ее друг Дон Уэбб больше интересуется автомобилем, чем ею и это обстоятельство расстраивает Джейн. Однажды в их доме появляется коллега отца — молодой ученый Ричард Калверт. Джейн поручается сопровождать гостя и надо же такому случится, чтобы заглохла машина Джейн. В конечном результате молодая девушка провела ночь в квартире незнакомого мужчины, а затем вернулась в родной дом в чужой пижаме.
По городку поползли недобрые слухи, что «хорошая девочка» помолвлена с Ричардом. Чтобы прекратить сплетни Ричард и Джейн симулировали сначала влюбленность, а затем «ссору». Дон тем временем поступил на военную службу. Влюбленная в него Джейн примчалась к солдату в часть, где бывший автомеханик признался девушке в любви.
Ad man Stephen Dexter asks his secretary Kendall to marry him as a loophole in order to protect his finances during an important business deal. Once the deal is completed, he asks Kendall for a divorce and is dismayed when she refuses.
Ad man Stephen Dexter asks his secretary Kendall to marry him as a loophole in order to protect his finances during an important business deal. Once the deal is completed, he asks Kendall for a divorce and is dismayed when she refuses.
An aspiring actress is offered the lead in a major new play, but discovers that her mother, a more seasoned performer, expects the same part. The situation is further complicated when they both become involved with the same man.
История Джеймса Смита и жителей Пенсильвании, после окончания англо-французской войны оказавшихся под угрозой нападений индейцев, официально считавшихся мирными. Для того, чтобы лишить индейцев оружия и припасов, гражданам приходится идти на конфликт с британской короной.
This classic family drama stars Shirley Temple as young orphan Susannah Sheldon, the sole survivor of a brutal Indian attack who's befriended by Canadian Mountie Angus Montague (Randolph Scott) and his girlfriend, Vicky (Margaret Lockwood). The couple takes Susannah under their wing and soon learn that having a precocious child around can come in handy; when the Indians return, the girl uses her charm to broker peace.Shirley is the orphaned survivor of an Indian attack in the Canadian West. A Mountie and his girlfriend take her in...
Promoters set up a radio contest to find the average American and use him to sell food, apparel and notions. All goes well until he falls in love with a girl who upsets things.
Broke Gordon Miller tries to land a backer for his new play while he has to deal with with the hotel manager trying to evict him and his cast.
Три сестры Чартерс получают небольшое наследство и переезжают из Канзаса в Калифорнию в поисках богатых мужей. Памела изображает из себя светскую львицу, а Мойра и Элизабет представляются её компаньонками. Вскоре у Памелы появляются два воздыхателя и она должна сделать выбор...
Manicurists Sally, Irene and Mary hope to be Broadway entertainers. When Mary inherits an old ferry boat, they turn it into a successful supper club.
When a wealthy Indian student endows the college so they can keep the football coach rumor has it the Indian has played professionally and can't be on the team.
A singer finds another heir (Gene Raymond) to marry, to avoid the one (Joe Penner) her mother found.
В ночь на 22 апреля 1901, на приеме в Белом Доме, президент Уильям МакКинли скрытно встречается с офицером морского флота Ричардом Перри, блестяще показавшего себя при битве под Манилой под началом адмирала Дьюи. Он отправляет его с секретной миссией, о которой будет знать только он и никто больше, поскольку по стране прокатилась волна дерзких банковских ограблений, а секретная служба ничего не может сделать. Преступники всегда оказываются на шаг впереди. Ричард должен найти выход на банду и попытаться проникнуть в нее. Став Джо Патриком Ричард в конце концов попадает в кафе «Капитолий» в городке Сент-Поле, где знакомится с очаровательной ночной певицей Лил.
Chin-Ching gets lost in Shanghai and is befriended by American playboy Tommy Randall. She falls asleep in his car which winds up on a ship headed for America. Susan Parker, also on the ship, marries Randall to give Chin-Ching a family.
Dimples Appleby lives with her pick-pocket grandfather in 19th century New York City. She entertains the crowds while he works his racket. A rich lady makes it possible for the girl to go legit.
An attorney falls for the woman he's representing on a murder charge.
A writer and an actress meet and marry without really knowing each other--they are even unaware that both bride and groom are equally famous. During the honeymoon, all hell breaks loose as a comedic war of the sexes leads inevitably to love.
У автомобильного магната Джеймса Бьюкенена есть невеста, которая совершенно его не любит, и совет директоров, который никогда к нему не прислушивается. Как-то раз, сидя в раздумье на скамейке в парке, он знакомится с безработной Джоан Хоуторн, прекрасной поварихой, которая как раз ищет себе партнера, чтобы устроиться на работу «парой» (дворецкий / повар) к изысканному гурману — бывшему бутлегеру Майку Россини. Ошеломленный таким предложением, Бьюкенен без лишних слов соглашается на роль дворецкого. Но ведь когда-нибудь обязательно настанет день расплаты…
Carol Corliss, a beautiful movie star so insecure about her celebrity that she goes around in disguise, meets a rugged outdoorsman who is unaffected by her star status.
An unlikely courtroom romance blooms between a flower-shop owner and her unscrupulous landlord's married attorney.
The Daring Young Man is hotshot-reporter Don McLane, played by James Dunn. Always on the prowl for a good story, McLane is persistently outscooped by his rival, sob sister Martha Allen (Mae Clarke). After several reels of double-crossing one another, hero and heroine give in to the inevitable and fall in love. But as Martha waits at the altar in her wedding gown, McLane is off on another crusade, this time getting himself arrested to expose corruption within the prison system.
Александр Петрович Москович Войда - русский эмигрант и владелец парижского кафе «Русс» решил удивить своих посетителей пригласив из Америки джаз бэнд. И не простой, а «индейский», как он думал - это будет оркестр краснокожих индейцев в перьях. К сожалению, русского подвело знание языка - и вместо индейцев он выписал бледнолицый диксиленд из штата Индиана «Индианцы из Обыша». Обругав артистов во главе с солистом Хаком Хэйнсом ресторатор, расторгнув контракт, скрылся восвояси. Ребята, решив не сдаваться, поселились у тетушки Джона Кента, звезды американского футбола, который отправился вместе с ними в гастрольный тур. Тетушкой оказывается Монни, которая является владельцем одного из самых престижных ателье женского платья под вывеской «Роберта». Именно в этом ателье произойдут судьбоносные встречи главных героев, которые, пройдя через все испытания и курьёзные ситуации, смогут найти любовь и обрести счастье...
Millionairess Dorothy Hunter is tired of finding out that her boyfriends love her for her money, and equally weary of losing eligible beaus who don't want to be considered fortune-hunters. That's why she trades identities with her secretary Sylvia before embarking on her next romance with Tony Travers. This causes numerous complications not only for Dorothy and Tony but for Sylvia, whose own husband Philip is not the most patient of men.
A polo-playing grandmother and her broke brood get back in the money with a Wall Street bet.
ZaSu Pitts and Slim Summerville meet when both are sold deeds to an abandoned ranch in the California desert. Their lonely lives become much more crowded when a drifter discovers gold on the property—though all he’s found is Slim’s missing filling. (adapted from MoMA capsule)
While breaking into a bank safe, a gangster overhears a bank employee singing and decides to put her in a Broadway revue
Когда Стэн и Олли, собираясь на конференцию, говорят своим женам о том, что собираются совершить лечебное путешествие, у них появляется шанс по достоинству оценить все прелести лжи и правды в семейных отношениях.
Когда Стэн и Олли, собираясь на конференцию, говорят своим женам о том, что собираются совершить лечебное путешествие, у них появляется шанс по достоинству оценить все прелести лжи и правды в семейных отношениях.
A young woman's ambitious boyfriend falls for a ditzy socialite.
A working girl shares her apartment with an artist, taking the place in shifts.
Radio singer Glory Eden is publicized as the ideal of American womanhood in order to sell the sponsor's product Ippsie-Wippsie Washcloths. In reality, Glory would like to at least sample booze, jazz, gambling, and men. When the strain of representing "purity" brings her to rebellion, the sponsor and his nutty henchmen pick her a public-relations "sweetheart" from fan mail, who turns out to be a hayseed.
Barbers Willy Nilly and Hercules Glub have opened a barbershop in an Indian reservation, where they have no customers. When suddenly a white man asks for a shave, several Indians of the Oopadoop nation also enter, hearing the usual barbershop banter about foreign debts, they force them to be ambassadors of their nation at the Peace conference in Geneva. Ammunition industry executive Winkelreid is scheming to prevent their mission becoming an success, but the vamp Dolores aboard the ship fails, falling in love with Nilly, and so does Fifi, the toughest person of the world in Paris, falling for Glub. Although Winkelreid is able to steal their secret papers, Nilly and Glub don't give up after being reminded by constant observation of their Indians and enter the Peace conference, which turns out to be a battlefield...
The setting is a farm. Kate Smith and Sally Blane play sisters; assorted relatives live with the sisters, but everyone at home, and in the whole town, depends on Kate to hold everything together. The power company wants to build a dam which will require flooding many of the farms; Kate is holding out; if Kate sells, everyone else will sell; if Kate refuses, the rest of the town will refuse as well. Randolph Scott meets Kate's beautiful sister, Sally Blane, at a dance. Randolph Scott, as it turns out, is an agent for the power company. Kate thinks he's just using Sally; Sally believes that he truly likes her. Randolph comes to the farm and appears to woo Kate. Kate remains unconvinced about selling out, but falls for Randolph.
Умирающий миллионер, окруженный толпой жадных наследников, придумывает способ употребить свои деньги с пользой: раздать случайным людям, выбранным наугад из телефонной книги. Однако не каждому из «счастливчиков», среди которых затюканный женой продавец, проститутка, мошенник, пара бывших цирковых артистов, приговорённый к смерти, клерк, легкомысленный вояка и пожилая дама, деньги пойдут впрок.
A pretty but virtuous small-town bank clerk is the victim of a vicious rumor from an unsuccessful suitor that she spent the night with a notorious womanizer.
Poster writes a gossip column for the Morning Gazette. He will write about anyone and everyone as long as he gets the credit. He gets most of his information from showgirl pal his gal, Peggy. Eventually Bill's reckless tattling gets him in deep trouble with friends and enemies, putting his career and life in jeopardy.
A newlywed discovers her husband is a cheating phony.
New York playboy Danny Churchill is sent to a small town in Arizona, where being sheriff is very dangerous, to keep away from girls, but he decides to open a dude ranch there. He asks his friend Slick, a professional gambler and his wife Kitty, to help him. Slick decides to go there in a cab, driven by shy Jimmy. Jimmy's younger sister Tessie also travels there. There Danny has fallen in love with Molly, but troubles arise for him when the local heavy decides that he doesn't like the ranch and announces running for sheriff. Danny and Slick got the idea that Jimmy would be the ideal candidate, especially because of the fact that the heavy has announced he would kill another sheriff. With some help Jimmy is elected, but Molly leaves Danny with a New York shyster for Mexico. Mitzi, Danny, Kitty, Patsy - Jimmy's sweetheart as well as Jimmy and Slick follow her to win her heart back for Danny, but they are followed by the local heavy and his friend.
After a quarrel at their 25th wedding anniversary, Joe and Aggie Bruno decide to divorce each other, and both leave for Reno. So do their daughters Prudence and Pansy, but they want to get their parents back together. Joe and Aggie, accidentally, are becoming clients at the same law-firm, Wattles and Swift, which is the biggest and most successful in town.
Сет Паркер приютил у себя Робби Тёрнера и защищает его от его жестокого отца, Руби. Когда тот исчезает, Сет намеревается воспитать Робби как собственного сына. Мстительный отец нападает на Мэри Люси, дочь соседского фермера, которая так же приняла участие в судьбе Робби. Дэвиду, приятелю Мэри, удаётся спасти её, а Руби сбегает вместе со своим сыном. Но ненадолго…
Set in a drugstore the boys take on to save a nice old lady from the clutches of the local charming crook.
A young couple, soon to wed, begin building their dreamhouse, but their interfering relatives cause no end of trouble. Comedy.
A young woman goes to New York and finds success in advertising thanks to her legs while her boyfriend spends the summer in Europe with his band.
An officer of the French Military is in love with a shop girl, but his aristocratic father wants him to marry in his class and convinces the girl that marriage would be a mistake. The officer goes off to war and she becomes an opera star.
Rollo and Lane just happen to be tossed off the train at White Beach where Robert Story -Air ace and writer- is supposed to stop. It is a case of mistaken identity as no one knows what Story looks like. So they get free room and meals at the Palm Inn and everything is going well until they want Story to fly in the race on Saturday. Rollo has never even be up in a plane, never mind fly one, so he must figure a way out. But the girls have everything bet on his winning the race. Written by Tony Fontana
A showgirl falls for a society boy but has to win over his family.
A young man falls into the clutches of a nightclub singer who corrupts him.
Bored with small town life, a woman leaves for the big city and winds up becoming the mistress of a ruthless businessman.
An older daughter invents a fiancé so that her father will allow her younger sister to marry. However, the lie comes back to haunt her.
An older daughter invents a fiancé so that her father will allow her younger sister to marry. However, the lie comes back to haunt her.
Moore plays the "dual" role of a French singer in America who was originally an American chorus girl in France to acquire a new persona.
A 1929 film directed by William A. Seiter.
Prisoners was released as a part-talking, part-silent feature. An Austrian showgirl working in a cabaret moonlights as a thief. When she is caught in the act, a young lawyer offers to defend her. Unfortunately, he loses the case, causing her to spend several months in jail. Fortunately, the two have fallen in love, and he promises to wait for her.
A flapper unwittingly falls for the boss' son.
A young woman impulsively marries a young playwright who whisks her away to New York promises her a role in his next production. Unfortunately the production is a disaster and her husband proclaims her unfit for the role. Rather then return home in defeat, she stays in New York and accidentally gets involved with some vicious gangsters.
Outcast is a 1928 silent film drama produced and distributed by First National Pictures. It was directed by William A. Seiter and stars Corinne Griffith, often considered one of the most beautiful women in film. This story had been filmed in 1917 as The World and the Woman with Jeanne Eagels. In 1922 a Paramount film of the same name with Elsie Ferguson reprising her stage role was released. Both films were based on a 1914 play, Outcast, by Hubert Henry Davies which starred Ferguson. The Seiter/Griffith film was an all silent with Vitaphone music and sound effects. In the sound era, the story was filmed once again as The Girl from 10th Avenue starring Bette Davis.
Happiness Ahead is a persumed lost 1928 silent film drama directed by William A. Seiter and starring Colleen Moore and then husband and wife Edmund Lowe and Lilyan Tashman.
Freddie, a rich young idler, meets Julia Harrington, a wealthy social service worker who runs a haven for reformed criminals. By telling her he is a hardened criminal, he is allowed to stay at the mission.
What must a man do in order to put an end to his bachelorhood? For George Finch, one of nature's white mice and probably the worst artist ever to put brush to canvas, there are many obstacles. Undoubtedly the greatest is his beloved Molly's fearsome stepmother, Mrs. Waddington, who has her eye on an eligible English lord for a son-in-law. Luckily, George has an ally in sharp-witted Hamilton Beamish, an old family friend of the Waddingtons, not to mention George's butler, Mullett, and his light-fingered girlfriend, Fanny, whose valuable skills are of particular interest to the would-be father-in-law.
A young man marries an actress, but meanwhile her uncle has signed a contract binding her to spinsterhood, many complications arise.
A young man fakes his identity to impress a girl.
Tom Eggett, with the help of his pals, Dick and Van, loses the last cent of his inheritance, is evicted from his apartment, and is rejected by Gwen, his fiancée. A codicil to his uncle's will, however, stipulates that he shall inherit the Eggett department store provided that he operate it for 3 months at a profit. Cyrus Crabb, manager of the store, is determined to gain possession of the business and arranges for the company's credit to be canceled during Tom's management, though Grace Gordon, a stenographer, has evidence of his perfidy.
Nat Alden, a promoter, has had bad luck on his deal and is broke. He meets an old army pal who is now a chauffeur of the businessman who threw the luckless Nat out of his office. Nat is on his way back to his small hometown, where he is believed to be a millionaire. To keep the belief alive he has his pal drive him there in the businessman's automobile. Complications arise quickly.
Honey Skinner is proud of her successful husband. When he tells her he's going to ask for a raise, she knows he'll get it. He asks his boss just as their big client announces he's not renewing his contract. He doesn't get the raise, but he's too embarrassed to tell his wife the truth. She starts making plans to spend that extra $10 a week; the first thing is a new dress suit for him and a new outfit for her so they can fit in at a swanky party. They're the hit of the party, and Honey is embraced by the 'smart set.' Meanwhile, business is bad and Skinner loses his job. The tailor is after him for payment on the suit, and Honey is still spending the salary he doesn't have.
Honey Skinner is proud of her successful husband. When he tells her he's going to ask for a raise, she knows he'll get it. He asks his boss just as their big client announces he's not renewing his contract. He doesn't get the raise, but he's too embarrassed to tell his wife the truth. She starts making plans to spend that extra $10 a week; the first thing is a new dress suit for him and a new outfit for her so they can fit in at a swanky party. They're the hit of the party, and Honey is embraced by the 'smart set.' Meanwhile, business is bad and Skinner loses his job. The tailor is after him for payment on the suit, and Honey is still spending the salary he doesn't have.
On the night before his wedding, a young man plays poker with friends. When the game is raided by the police, he escapes into a Turkish bath on ladies night, ending up disguised in drag and with difficult explanations to make.
A young man gets engaged to a business competitor's daughter.
A teenager with permissive parents gets too caught up in wild parties and the fast life.
Roxbury asks his friend Terry to assume his identity and go on vacation with his wife, Edith, and their daughter. When Terry falls in love with Edith's sister, a scandal erupts at the resort.
В вопросах воспитания юных Тодди и Бадж их родители Том и Хелен Лоренс неукоснительно следуют советам из книги «Как растить детей», которую написал брат Хелен, Гарри Бертон. Когда Гарри извещает Лоренсов, что планирует провести отпуск у них в гостях, они расценивают это как прекрасную возможность уехать на выходные и оставить девочек под присмотром Гарри — раз уж он такой эксперт по части воспитания детей. Они не знают, что Гарри на самом деле ничего не смыслит в вопросе и написал книгу лишь потому, что по мнению его издателя, такая тема хорошо продается.
Early film adaptation of a popular 19th century melodrama. The daughter of a wealthy man secretly marries a man below her station—one whom her father violently disapproves of. The father, in an excess of parental concern, separates the lovers by sending his daughter away so that she might forget her lover, unaware of their married state. During this time, she gives birth to a daughter. After some months, the young mother returns to her family manor and presents her father with his new granddaughter, which causes a most unfortunate scene. Unbeknownst to the young woman, her enraged father falsely accuses his son-in-law of theft and has him incarcerated in order to separate the lovers in an irrational attempt to force his daughter to forget this "unworthy" young man.
During the World War, Donald Allen is reported killed in action but is really a victim of amnesia. His French nurse, Suzanne, gives him a new identity, and they marry.
Wealthy playboy Grant Van Gore means to have his way with his beautiful maid, the innocent Hattie Lou. He swears his love to the naive girl, and in an act so heinous as to defy belief, has the captain of his yacht perform a fake marriage ceremony. He ruins poor Hattie Lou, and then abandons her ashore the very next morning. A year later, the destitute girl and her starving baby are wandering the streets. When she sees a newspaper headline announcing that Grant has drowned at sea, Hattie Lou hatches a desperate plan for survival. She will present herself to the wealthy Van Gore's, who cannot fail to provide for their late son's widow and child!
A wealthy minister in a mining town is something of an advocate for the miners' safety, but he doesn't really get involved in the issue. He is soon snapped out of that attitude, however, when his daughter is trapped underground in a mine explosion, along with the mine's owner.
Harry Elrod takes a job as a bellboy when he is disinherited by his uncle and fails in his efforts to elope with actress Kitty Clyde. He causes so much confusion that Uncle Elrod buys the hotel so that he may fire Harry. But Harry induces the other employees to strike until Uncle Elrod consents to Harry's marriage to Kitty.
Jane Coleridge and Peter Jamison are a pair of small town sweethearts. She's an old-fashioned girl and he's timid, but he manages to get up the nerve to propose and asks her to run away with him. Unfortunately, around the time Jane's supposed to meet him at the station her father dies and she has to take care of her brothers and sisters. Jamison believes she loves someone else and disappears for several years. When he finally returns, he has a three-year-old child in tow. But he explains that his wife has been unfaithful and he and Jane renew their romance. Then wife shows up and causes trouble by claiming that Jamison left her for Jane.
Doris May plays Fanchon Browne, a poor girl about to enter into a marriage of convenience with wealthy old Peter Armitage (Otis Harlan). When she falls in love with Armitage's handsome nephew Peter (Cullen Landis), Fanchon is in quite a quandary.
After graduating from college, rich girl Margery Carr decides to do some good in the world. Much to the chagrin of her father, she decides to open an office to help derelicts. For her secretary, she picks an ex-gangster named Bubbs out of the throng.
After graduating from college, rich girl Margery Carr decides to do some good in the world. Much to the chagrin of her father, she decides to open an office to help derelicts. For her secretary, she picks an ex-gangster named Bubbs out of the throng.
A detective pursues a woman suspected of spying for the Kaiser.
A short comedy
A short comedy
The Mail Carrier
Pierre and Baptiste, French-Canadian half-breed trappers, are enamored of Mary, the factor's daughter. Both men propose to the girl, both are refused. Baptiste, mad with jealous rage, abducts the girl and carries her off to a lonely cabin in the wilderness. She defies him, throws his proffered ring at him and is chained to the floor to change her mind.