Yoana Bukovska-Davidova

Yoana Bukovska-Davidova

Рождение : 1977-04-08, Sofia, Bulgaria


Yoanna Boukovska is an Bulgarian Actress.


Yoana Bukovska-Davidova


Financial upheaval forces a teenage deaf girl, 16-year-old Valmira, to leave her progressive Athens school and return to her father's struggling island; there, she is confronted by the danger of prejudice and intolerance – most shockingly her own.
Only Human
What is Man? “Homo” shows six faces, six phases in cleverly- connected, blackly comic episodes as desperate characters meet unwittingly in a modern metropole in the eternal search for the means to survive, and find some kind of love. The jobless graduate becomes a grave digger, the grieving widow a nun, the priests gamble and gangsters rule the courts. Only the lonely child may find some affection when hope springs eternal.
Экшн-триллер об охранниках торгового центра, ветеране с тяжелым прошлым и его проблемном напарнике, которые оказываются единственной преградой между бандой наемников и их невинной целью — юной свидетельницей политического убийства.
Жестокий ринг
Docteur Goldstein
Историческая драма, основанная на реальной истории Виктора Переса, который стал чемпионом мира по боксу в 1930-е годы в Париже и был женат на знаменитой французской актрисе. Из-за его еврейского происхождения он был депортирован в Освенцим…
Female 2
When he began fusing human and shark DNA, his colleagues laughed at him. Now his creation is taking his revenge, and they aren't laughing anymore.
Death, Deceit & Destiny Aboard the Orient Express
Terrorists hold a group of people hostage during a Millenium Eve party aboard the Orient Express. Only an action movie star and a gymnast can save them.