Ludmila Godziaszwili

Рождение : 1925-04-24,

Смерть : 2011-02-27


Who are you?
The film doesn’t have any commentary. It presents pictures illustrating the history of Poland in chronological order: portraits of rulers and magnates, historical events, such as uprisings, but also balls, hunting, concerts, from the Middle Ages to the present day. In just twenty and a few minutes, the exhibition's message was captured - the heritage of the centuries and the image of the historically changing Polish identity.
Scenes From The Director's Life
Shots from Hamlet's rehearsals at the National Theatre in 1970, directed by Adam Hanuszkiewicz, performed by Daniel Olbrychski. The film presents various stages of the preparations – from trying on the costumes and memorizing lines to the final staging.
Krzysztof Penderecki
A biographical documentary about Krzysztof Penderecki
The Miracle Fair
A color-coded testimony of a bygone era. In the documentary, director Jerzy Hoffman presents the magical world of a folk marketplace. As a result, groups of imposters, specialists in black magic, home-grown inventors and charismatic healers are gathered among the stalls. Wonder Fair is a colourful world full of figures of the Blessed Virgin Mary, gingerbread hearts and ointments for all ailments. The documentary, awarded at the 1967 Tourfilm Competition in Warsaw, gives up irony or big-city paternalism, presenting the characters with sympathy and warmth.
A documentary record of the effort that marathon runners make. The camera focuses on two runners: Benedict Gugala and Marian Jurczynski, who claim victory after 2 hours 37 minutes and 9 seconds.
The Twilight of Wizards
A trip with a camera to East Africa. The aim is to discover its history, culture, religion and modern achievements. The ideological frame was the alliance of the Eastern bloc with African socialism.
Day in the Life of Gestapo Officer Schmidt
The photographs of a member of the Gestapo, with narration from the captions he left in his album. Film released in 1964.
Visitez Zakopane
A documentary impression from the capital of the Tatra Mountains. All the winter attractions of Zakopane rhythmically presented by the camera: sleigh rides, skis, dances, sunbathes, bonfires. Visit Zakopane!
I Was a Kapo
A former inmate of the Auschwitz concentration camp, accused of being a kapo, is serving a life sentence. From the monologue to the camera, we learn the story of an average man destroyed in terrible times.
A Meeting with Teofil Ociepka
A visit in the painting studio of Teofil Ociepka, a Silesian naive painter. The raw landscape of Silesia contrasts with the colorful, fantastic world of his imagination.
Havana '61
Havana, 1961. After the success of the Cuban revolution, the city was no longer just a capital of nightlife. The city was changing for the benefit of the local population: it opened beaches, built blocks of flats, guarded the coast.
Two Faces of God
A document about a religious sect founded in Silesia in the 1950s - the Holy See of God and the Lamb of the Apostles in Spirit and Truth, Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and the End, an informal Christian denomination whose members consider themselves to be advocates of peace and universal union.
In the World of Silence
The Deaf Mime Ensemble prepares the premiere of the Parasolki play at the Provincial Cultural Center in Olsztyn. Actors communicate with each other using sign language and they communicate with the audience with facial expressions and gestures.
A boy plays alone in a well of a big city yard. His mother, being in their tenement flat, passes him an empty bottle using a string. The boy has to go to a shop. His alcohol fun begins – at an off-licence shop, at a purchasing centre, at a gate.
Postcards from Zakopane
Zakopane is the winter capital of Poland, where Marszałkowska Street smoothly changes into Krupówki. Hitchhiking, views from Gubałówka, mountaineering – all of them, from a male perspective, could be an opportunity to meet a beautiful woman.
News Out From The Frying Pan
The title pan (‘patelnia’ means pan) is a terrace on Gubałówka, where people can sunbathe even in the middle of winter. ‘Standing in the sunlight, everyone is only what they are’ - convinces the narrator. The sight is breathtaking.
A report from a student’s festival in Kraków. The history of this event dates back to the 15th century in Poland. Statues and knights at Wawel remain unmoved until they fall into the rhythm of joyful fun.
Picks For Today
A look at the horse races at the famous track in Sluzewiec, Warsaw.
Merry-Go-Round in Łowicz
A documentary impression in color showing the attractions of the Łowicz region. With curiosity, the camera captures scenes from a fair and an amusement park. The atmosphere of the place is created by artists wearing national costumes, especially women from Łowicz in colorful skirts.
A Souvenir from Kalwaria
The document shows the staging of the Catholic Mystery of the Passion, which takes place every year in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska.
На дорогах Армении
Репортаж известного дуэта режиссеров-документалистов Ежи Гофмана и Эдварда Скужевского из поездки в Армению со съемочной группой Польской кинохроники. Захватывающие дух горные пейзажи и исторические города - воспоминание о первых веках нашей эры.
Дети обвиняют
Один из нескольких фильмов дуэта Гофмана-Скужевского, снятых в рамках «черной серии» польских документальных фильмов, показывающих социальные проблемы, до середины 1950-х скрытые от зрителей за фасадом соцреалистических постановок. Темой фильма являются последствия алкоголизма, невинными жертвами которого становятся дети.
Осторожно, хулиганы!
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