Telescreen monitor (archive footage) (uncredited)
Spaceship to the Unknown is a condensed version of the original serial, compressing the original twelve episodes into an efficient 97 minute feature. Flash Gordon (Buster Crabbe) heads into space with brilliant scientist Dr. Zarkoff (Frank Shannon) and his sweetheart Dale Arden (Jean Rogers) in an effort to throw the planet Mongo off course; it is expected to crash into the Earth within a matter of days. However, once Flash and his crew arrive on Mongo, they have to deal with the supremely evil Ming the Merciless (Charles B. Middleton) and his wicked minions.
Roberts and Moore played an army scout and a pony express rider who come to the aid of settlers terrorized by a greedy rancher-turned-outlaw.
In the 56th (and next-to-last serial) made by Columbia Pictures, Montana Deputy Dan Lawson, posing as an outlaw called Laramie, goes to the Canadian northwest on the trail of Bart Randall who is wanted for murder and bank robbery in the states. In Canada, Randall is a little more upscale and uses a hydra-plane and a fake totem to over-awe the Indians. Laramie is aided in his search by RCMP Sergeant Gray and by Donna Blane, who is suspected at first of giving information to Randall, but who is actually a Canadian secret agent investigating Randall's gun-trading with the Indians.
Townsman at Carnival (uncredited)
Эта картина по праву считается классикой Голливуда и главным фильмом Джеймса Дина — блестящего актера, бунтаря и знаменитости своего времени. Его, еще до окончания съемок, уже прозвали вторым Брандо. «К востоку от рая» — экранизация знаменитого романа Стейнбека, романа о семейной драме юноши, который ревнует и страдает, видя как его отец отдает незаслуженное предпочтение другому своему сыну — любимцу. И чем сильнее его отчаяние, чем оно безнадежней, — тем сильнее желание обрести забытую родительскую любовь.
Police Chief (uncredited)
На окраине маленького городка упал метеорит. Это событие будоражит воображение местных жителей. Это же первый Контакт, но… марсиане пришли не с миром. Долгое время они пристально изучали землю, чтобы начать вторжение. Всего за пару дней все города были разрушены, армии всего мира потерпели поражение. Кажется, что гибель человечества неизбежна. Спасения нет! А доктор Клайтон Форрестер пытается уберечь свою возлюбленную Сильвию от кошмара, творящегося вокруг. Неужели человечество будет стерто с лица земли?
Apostle (uncredited)
Римская империя I века н. э. Военные победы. Кровавые зрелища в амфитеатрах. Гонения на новую веру. Запретная любовь патриция к пленнице-христианке. Пожар в Вечном городе (дело рук одержимого манией величия Нерона). Приговор императору, вынесенный разгневанным народом.
Policeman in Garden (uncredited)
Rich, eccentric T.J. Banner adopts a feral cat who becomes an affectionate pet he names Rhubarb. Then T.J. dies, leaving to Rhubarb most of his money and a pro baseball team, the Brooklyn Loons. When the team protests, publicist Eric Yeager convinces them Rhubarb is good luck. But Eric's fiancée Polly seems to be allergic to cats, and the team's success may mean new hazards for Rhubarb.
Highwayman Dick Turpin rides 200 miles to save his wife from the gallows in 18th-century England.
Saloon Patron (uncredited)
Frenchie Fontaine sells her successful business in New Orleans to come West. Her reason? Find the men who killed her father, Frank Dawson. But she only knows one of the two who did and she's determined to find out the other.
Detective (uncredited)
Police catch a break when suspected kidnappers are spotted on a train heading towards Union Station. Police, train station security and a witness try to piece together the crime and get back the blind daughter of a rich business man.
Phone Standby (uncredited)
Молоденький писатель Джо Гиллис сидит на полной «мели», его преследуют кредиторы, ему не на что поесть, ему кажется, что жизнь кончилась. Машина, на которой он отправляется бездумно и бесцельно неизвестно куда, вдруг резко виляет в сторону (лопнула шина!) и влетает во двор особняка знаменитой в прошлом, но увядающей в настоящем кинозвезды Нормы Десмонд…
Sergeant (uncredited)
A French soldier in the Napoleonic Wars plots his escape after he's captured and imprisoned in a castle fortress in Edinburgh, Scotland. Director Philip Rosen's 1949 film, adapted from a novel by Robert Louis Stevenson, stars Richard Ney, Vanessa Brown, Henry Daniell, John Dehner, Douglas Walton, Aubrey Mather, Jean Del Val, Luis Van Rooten, Maurice Marsac and Billy Bevan.
After straight-arrow district attorney Joseph Foster says in frustration that he would sell his soul to bring down a local mob boss, a smooth-talking stranger named Nick Beal shows up with enough evidence to seal a conviction. When that success leads Foster to run for governor, Beal's unearthly hold on him turns the previously honest man corrupt, much to the displeasure of his wife and his steadfast minister.
Judge (uncredited)
Вильма Татл, профессор психологии, позволяет отвезти себя домой наглому и агрессивному студенту Биллу Перри. Неудачное свидание заканчивается смертью Перри. В панике Вильма стирает все свои отпечатки и убегает. Она вынуждена скрывать свою тайну ото всех, включая Уоррена Форда, опекуна Перри, с которым у нее начинается бурный роман. Спустя какое-то время Вилма наталкивается на расследование дела Доргана, которое наводит ее на определенные подозрения.
Man Reciting Lord's Prayer (uncredited)
Островок у северного побережья новой Шотландии - это всего лишь клочок земли, торчащий из вод Атлантики, куда попасть можно только морем, и только с опытным лоцманом, способным провести судно через мели, особенно в летний шторм. Посёлок там совсем небольшой: есть маяк и церковь, которой гордятся все жители, построенной на их сбережения. Их фермы не приносят большого дохода, но в рыбный сезон всё приходит в движение, а гавань заполняется лодками и оживает. Именно сюда «на край земли» прибывает молодой доктор Роберт Ричардсон. Он добр и готов помогать всем, даже тем, у кого нет денег. Однажды он волею судьбы, оказывается на ферме господина Блэка МакДональда, где знакомится с глухонемой с детства дочерью фермера - Белиндой, девушкой милой, но не знающей языка глухих.
Warder (uncredited)
A cheating husband is charged in the poisoning death of his invalid wife, in spite of other women and suicide also being suspected.
Henchman Hank
Filmed back-to-back with three other Sunset Carson vehicles in 1947, this Yucca Pictures Western starred the former Republic cowboy as a Texas Ranger chasing a gang of rustlers into the notorious outlaw territory of Three Corners. Attempting to sabotage the proposed annexation of the territory, desperado Bart Dawson (Stephen Keyes) and his men ambush Sunset and his young trainee Jed (Al Terry). The villains, who have been terrorizing pretty trading post operator Helen Bennett (Patricia Starling), are eventually defeated by the rangers in a violent gun battle and the planned annexation takes place on schedule. For all intents and purposes, the handsome but wooden Sunset Carson ended his screen career with this series of extremely low-budget Westerns, originally filmed in 16mm and released by that dumping ground of Poverty Row flotsam, Astor Pictures.
20-е годы XIX века. Красавица Дженни Хагер проживает в портовом городке Бангор, штат Мэн. Она быстро поняла, что благодаря своей красоте может с лёгкостью манипулировать мужчинами. Когда умирает её отец алкоголик, Дженни выходит замуж за пожилого богача Исаака Постера. И хотя у неё теперь есть общественное положение и деньги, Дженни не прекращает свои опасные игры с другими мужчинами.
Henchman Tug
A honest stranger arrives in Devil's Gap and helps the local sheriff expose the murderer of a rancher.
Tom Wayne rescues Clancy, Renard and Schmidt in the Arabian desert and they join him in going after El Shaitan, a bad guy who is never seen as he tries to wipe out the Foreign Legion. Feature version of the movie serial, The Three Musketeers (1934).
'Turk' Monroe
Lee Preston, aka Leland Bruce, kills a man in self defense but flees to the redwood country when the law makes it a murder charge. There he meets Lynn O'Malley, the niece of Sandy McTavish who runs the trading post. Lee learns the reason why this is good trapping country is because the timber barons across the lake are ruthlessly cutting the trees and driving the animals across the river. The trappers appeal to him to take a petition to the Governor which would prohibit the timber people from coming to their side of the lake. At first, because he is a wanted man, he refuses but does so later for the sake of the people even though he knows it will lead to his arrest.
Paul Loren
A cowboy and his sidekick track mail thieves to a hide-out.
Sandy - Henchman
Mountie Matt O'Brien is assigned to escort Miss Owens to a remote outpost. But when he finds an illegal mining operation there that is smuggling gold across the border, his superior Sgt. Means orders him to leave.
Policeman (uncredited)
Два исполнителя музыкальных номеров решают отправиться на Аляску с целью, как вы понимаете, сделать состояние. Во время путешествия на корабле они находят карту указывающую путь к золоту, которую потеряли два головореза, МакГурк и Сперрай. Они, в свою очередь, украли карту у законной наследницы её составителя. Замаскировавшись под головорезов, артисты отправляются на поиски золота, а настоящие бандиты идут по их следу...
Footman (uncredited)
Pickpocket Kitty's life changes when painter Thomas Gainsborough makes her portrait. The artwork gains the attention of Sir Hugh Marcy, who later decides to use her for his benefit.
Moving Man (uncredited)
Determined to become a radio singer, a young girl runs away from her family. She hooks up with a man who is actually the real voice of a famous radio crooner, who actually can't sing at all.
Steve - Henchman
A cowboy and his sidekick fight evil guys who want to rustle cattle in order to get hold of land.
A British doctor and painter must kill for the glands he needs to stop the aging process.
Construction Worker (uncredited)
Тела египетского священника Хариса и его возлюбленной принцессы случайным образом находят в одном из болот Луизианы. На место находки прибывает археолог Джеймс Холси, который собирается доставить останки в музей, но у его ассистента оказываются совсем другие планы на мумию Хариса.
Henchman Red
Sent to investigate a payroll robbery, Marshall Rocky meets his old friends Ken, Eddie, and Max. He has the serial numbers and when Pop puts on his medicine show they get one of the bills. This enables Ken to see through Sorrell's scheme that threw the blame on an innocent rancher and he sets out to prove it. Written by Maurice Van Auken
Jail Guard (uncredited)
Лондон, 1668 год. Леди Дона Сент-Коламб больше не в силах выносить светские условности столичной жизни и в особенности — общество лорда Рокингема, которое ей постоянно навязывает муж. Вместе с детьми она уезжает в свою резиденцию в Навароне, на берегу моря. Говорят, будто в этих краях орудуют пираты, но Дона не принимает угрозу всерьез. Однако Дона попадает к людям французского пирата Обри, чей корабль бросил якорь в соседней бухте. Она понимает, что Обри завел привычку в ее отсутствие жить в особняке. Она ничуть на него не в обиде, поскольку сразу же очарована его аристократическими манерами и непринужденным образом жизни. Он же, со своей стороны, заявляет, что давно влюблен в ее портрет, висящий в спальне. Она просит Обри взять ее с собой в рейд. Пираты захватывают корабль, принадлежащий родственнику ее соседа лорда Годолфина…
The Trail Blazers are bringing in a prisoner to stand trial for bank robbery, when several attempts are made to kill him; convinced of the man's innocence, they arrange a trap for the real thieves.
Bit Part (uncredited)
Десять лет Пола боялась вернуться в Лондон, где была когда-то убита её тётя. Наконец, выйдя замуж за пианиста Грегори и поддавшись на его уговоры, она решает переехать в Лондон и поселиться в том самом доме. С течением времени жизнерадостной красавице Поле начинает казаться, что она сходит с ума в его стенах. И горячо любимый муж Грегори ведёт себя более чем странно…
Henchman Bates
US marshals Ken, Hoot and Bob stop a gang dressed as Indians from robbing the stage. After getting repairs at the relay station, but before they get to town, another trap is set, but they get away. In town, they search the stage and find nothing. But hidden in the axle grease can are diamonds. Polini wants them cut into smaller diamonds so that he can easily dispose of them. Throughout this Western, the courageous trio faces off against cunning opponents, including the gang's merciless leader (Ian Keith) and an unsuspecting banker (Karl Hackett).
Superhero Captain America battles the evil forces of the archvillain called The Scarab, who poisons his enemies and steals a secret device capable of destroying buildings by sound vibrations.
Henchman Curley
Learning that Montana is about to become a state and that property values will rise rapidly, Caldwell is using his outlaw gang to force the ranchers off their land.
Man at Accident (uncredited)
Фильм рассказывает о профессиональной и личной жизни одной из наиболее выдающихся женщин-ученых в истории — Марии Кюри.
Ross - Henchman
When a fed-up businessman tires of watching gold shipments disappear without a trace, he calls in the Trail Blazers (Ken Maynard, Hoot Gibson and Bob Steele) -- a legendary trio of law enforcers -- to find the gold and figure out who's behind the thefts.
Stage Employee
A crooked lawyer and his gang are trying to steal some government land meant for a stagecoach company. The company hires a cowboy to stop them.
With his sidekick Fuzzy Q. Jones, Rocky Cameron rides into a small town plagued by cattle rustlers. He can expect no help from the sheriff as he is the head of the rustlers.
Cafe Henchman
In the 17th of the 24 films in Monogram's "Range Buster" series, Texas ranch owner Conroy returns from Washington with an order for horses to be shipped to the Philippines. The Range Busters, Dusty, Davy and Alibi, are selected to take the horses there but, before leaving, they capture three spies who are trying to steal the horses and also learn that the ranch cook, Cookie, is a Japanese spy, but he manages to escape. In the Philippines, they go to a café for dinner and see Cookie and Miller, a German spy. Eavesdropping, they learn that Ken Richards, a neighboring Texas rancher, is the Axis contact back in the states. They capture Cookie and break up the spy ring in the Phillipines, and then return to Texas intent on settling matters with Richards. They do so and are honored by the U.S. Government just as the radio blares forth the December 7, 1941 announcement of the Pearl Harbor bombing. They head for the nearest enlistment station.
Oxen Owner
The coming of the railroad to the West triggers an Indian war.
An unknowing orphan idolizes the horse thief/mail robber who has shot his father.
Sergeant MacLane of the Mounties investigates the disruptive activities of a bunch of troublemakers.
A shy horticulturist becomes involved with a local criminal in the old west.
Soldier at Hitching Rail
An Arizona frontiersman steals an Indian agent's girlfriend, followed by trouble.
A young woman arrives in the western town of Headstone and helps the locals outsmart a gang of outlaws.
Jim's Friend
Two Virginians are heading for a new life in Texas when they witness a stagecoach being held up. They decide to rob the robbers and make off with the loot. To escape a posse, they split up and don't see each other again for a long time. When they do meet up again, they find themselves on different sides of the law. This leads to the increasing estrangement of the two men, who once thought of themselves as brothers.
Someone wants to kill Magpie Harper. Crash and Dusty arrive too late, Magpie Harper is allready dead.
Bartender (uncredited)
Railroad agents frame a landowner who wont sell out to them.
A group of young men who work at an aviation factory begin to suspect that a doctor who runs an air ambulance service is secretly a spy transporting secret information from the plant to enemy agents.
Cobb Allen
Escaping from the law once again, Billy, Fuzzy, and Jeff ride to the ranch of Jeff's uncle only to find another family living their. They soon learn of Cobb Allen's scheme where he sells a ranch, makes sure the rancher can't pay off his note, kicks him out, and resells the ranch. But Billy has a plan to recover the ranchers' money and he sends Fuzzy to town with a fake map to a gold treasure.
Columbia's 12th serial of 57 total (following 1940's "Deadwood Dick" and ahead of 1941's "White Eagle") is another of director's James Horne's "classics" where he evidently figured that the same reactions that served him well in Laurel and Hardy films would work well in action serials where he has all hands, heroes and villains alike, doing some kind of over-the top "take", no matter the situation. This loose adaptation of an Edgar Wallace story finds Michael Bellamy (Kenne Duncan in his Kenneth Duncan period) inheriting Garr Castle, but his brother, Abel Bellamy (James Craven, as usual making Oil-Can Harry look smooth), has him imprisoned unjustly and moves into the castle himself. When Michael's wife, Elaine Bellamy (Dorothy Fay), fails to return after visiting Abel, her sister Valerie Howett (Iris Meredith), accompanied by their father,
О сотрудничестве техасского ковбоя с канадской конной полицией в поисках убийцы, сбежавшего из Канады.
Columbia's 11th serial and the first western serial that James W. Horne solo-directed.
A skip tracer--someone who collects late payments from people who've purchased appliances, etc., or takes them back them when they don't pay--repossesses a small radio from a deadbeat who's skipped payments. What he doesn't know is that a gang that has stolen diamonds from a Hollywood movie star has stashed them inside the radio, and they start hunting for him.
Prison Guard
Nightclub owner Steve Larwitt (George Raft) sees his empire of investments collapse as he faces tax evasion charges and attacks by rivals. Believing Steve will be safer in prison for one year, his wife, Brenda (Joan Bennett), testifies against him on advice from his lawyer, Slant Kolma (Lloyd Nolan), who is in love with her. After Steve receives 10 years in Alcatraz, Brenda moves to be near him and avoids advances of airplane builder Tim Nolan (Walter Pidgeon), who knows nothing about her past.
Train Passenger (uncredited)
While on her way by stagecoach to visit relatives out west, Flower Belle Lee is held up by a masked bandit who also takes the coach's shipment of gold. When he abducts Flower Belle and they arrive in town, Flower Belle is suspected of being in collusion with the bandit.
Singer (uncredited)
Фильм рассказывает о романе певицы из петербургского кабаре Лидии Макаровой и лихого казачьего атамана Петра Карагина. Петр и Лидия спасаются от революции в Париже. Здесь Петр открывает ресторан, где собираются российские изгнанники всех сословий. Ресторан называется «Балалайка» в честь кабаре, в котором Лидия пела в Петербурге. Лидия и Петр исповедуют разные политические взгляды, но их влечет друг к другу…
A farm boy trains a wild colt on his own.
Вольная экранизация шекспировского «Ричарда III», увидевшая свет аккурат перед началом Второй мировой, относится к категории «трофейного» кино. В 15 веке герцог Ричард Глостерский при помощи своего косолапого палача Морда устраняет все препятствия, мешающие ему взойти на трон. Смерть короля Эдуарда IV приводит к тому, что Ричард осуществляет свою мечту, и ему остается только одолеть изгнанного Генри Тюдора, чтобы сохранить власть. Инфернальные звезды классических хорроров Карлофф и Прайс возглавляют блестящий актерский ансамбль, разыгрывающий необычную и в чем-то даже спорную интерпретацию шекспировской трагедии.
Detective Guarding Tyler (uncredited)
Reporter Sue Walker has too much inside information on the local gambling rackets to suit her sweetheart, Detective Lieutenant Jerry Brown, chief of the police Homicide Squad. When the call comes in that there has been a killing at Lefty Ross' place, a notorious gambling joint, Jerry is peeved when Sue beats him there. He discovers that gambler Jimmy Clark was killed as he answered a telephone call, and his body is riddled with bullets but Jerry can't find any weapon. Sue is amazed to see Gloria Cunningham there. Gloria's father is one of the town's leading reformers and she is engaged to District Attorney Richard Sutton. Ross decides to give Sutton all the information he needs and makes an appointment to go to Sutton's home. Once there, Ross is called to the telephone before he can give any information, and is killed in the same mysterious manner as Jimmy Clark.
A prison trustee rescues a despondent executioner from a bar-room brawl, and is blamed for the fight by a tabloid reporter who actually started it, and loses parole, becomes embittered, and gets blamed for murder of guard.
Wyatt Earp agrees to become marshal and establish order in Tombstone in this very romanticized version of the gunfight at the O.K. Corral.
Court Officer (uncredited)
Rose Sargent, a Roaring '20s singer, becomes a Ziegfeld Follies star as her criminal husband gets deeper in trouble.
Death Row Guard (uncredited)
When a confused eyewitness identifies New York City cabbie Brick Tennant as a killer, he is sentenced to death for a murder that he wasn't involved in. Though no one is willing to listen to the innocent prisoner's pleas for freedom, Brick's faithful fiancée, Mary, knows that her lover is innocent because she was with him when the crime was committed. As the scheduled execution draws ever nearer, Mary begins to investigate the murder herself.
Plainclothesman on Train
A dedicated police officer is torn between family and duty when his son turns to a life of crime.
First Teamster
A southern aristocrat clashes with a driver transporting stolen slaves to freedom.
Soldier (uncredited)
16 мая 1770 г. 15-летняя Мария-Антуанетта была выдана матерью-императрицей Австрии замуж за Луи Августа, наследника трона Франции. Супруг не вызвал у возвышенной девушки восхищения: одутловатый и туповатый - он только раздражал юную принцессу. Еще больше расстраивали Марию ехидный, извращенный и больной король Людовик XV и его фаворитка - интриганка мадемуазель дю Барри, почувствовавшая угрозу со стороны будущей королевы. Следуя совету герцога Орлеанского, Мария ищет развлечения в светской бурлящей жизни и состоит в любовной связи с графом Акселем де Ферсеном. Однажды дело доходит до скандала, когда Мария публично на балу оскорбляет дю Барри, ее даже намерены с позором отправить обратно в Австрию, но король внезапно умирает, и Мария становится королевой Франции
Jim 'Socker' Conway, former boxer and FBI hero, is maneuvered for political reasons into a do-nothing job in the district attorney's office. Meanwhile, he meets wild debutante Letty Lane, girlfriend of mob mouthpiece Steve Lawrence; and Letty's much nicer sister Susan. Now the slot machine gang brutally beats Jim's friends Franz and Otto. And Jim finds a way to use his nominal position to go into the racket- busting business. But his success puts Letty in deadly peril...
Second Detective
A young singer, Marge Dexter, becomes involved in trouble when she works in a nightclub in which two of the band-members are in reality undercover-police officers who believe that the club is the headquarters of a dangerous gang of crooks.
Movie Premiere Guard (uncredited)
A true-to-life gangster movie stirs up an all out mob assault on Hollywood.
История из времен создания знаменитой банковской компании "Уэллс Фарго" в 1850-х годах: погонщик дилижансов, период от "золотой лихорадки" в Калифорнии до Гражданской войны, разумеется, немного авторских домыслов, и всё в одном флаконе. "Вместе они покорят континент! Его жизнь - в череде увлекательных приключений, которые в результате соединят в одно целое страну, а она готова разделить эти приключения с человеком, которого любит!
Hoppy's brother has been murdered and he is on the trail of the murderers. To get them he makes himself seem to be a wanted man.
Vigilante (uncredited)
The 1937 film version of Bret Harte's story, starring Preston Foster.
Trouble has been reported in Placerville where Tom Barton's brother is the Marshal. Arriving Tom finds a phoney Marshal in his brother's place. Learning that Clark is behind the all the trouble and that he is after the Madison stage line, Tom joins up with Mary Madison to fight Clark while he also looks for his missing brother.
В 1848 году на лесопилке Саттера в Калифорнии нашли золото. Началась Золотая Лихорадка. Страну наводнили американские проходимцы, жадные до быстрой наживы. Проживавшим в Калифорнии мексиканцам пришлось несладко. Их сгоняли с родных земель, грабили, убивали. Когда несчастья коснулись Хоакина Мурьеты и его родных, он встал на путь жестокого мщения. Калифорния наполнилась криками умирающих американцев. Золотоискатели волей-неволей объединились, чтобы истребить Хоакина и его мексиканцев.
Sailor (uncredited)
While a ship captain is at sea dealing with a mutiny among his crew, his wife is at home having an affair with his best friend.
Big Tom
A 12-episode serial in which scholastic sports star Frank Merriwell leaves school to search for his missing father. His adventures involve a mysterious inscription on a ring, buried treasure, kidnaping and Indian raids. He saves his father and returns to school just in time to win a decisive baseball game with his remarkable pitching and hitting.
The wealthy Van Dyke family are constantly in the media for outrageous behavior, much to the frustration of the patriarch, Dan Van Dyke. His self-centered wife has a fondness for foreign imports, including "pet projects" like dancers and such and his spoiled children Tony and Carol have constant run-ins with the law. When Dan himself ends up in the clink for five years for tax evasion, he becomes bunk-mates with ex-bootlegger Joe "Spots" Ricardi. Ricardi lectures him on being such a push-over for an out-of-control family, so a dying Dan makes Ricardi his estate trustee once he is released from prison. Ricardi is then thrust into high society and must do everything he once nagged Dan to do.
When reporter Dan Miller is once again late to meet his girl friend, Helen Murdock, because he is working on a story, Helen breaks up with him. Later, in an effort to reconcile with her, Dan misses an appointment with the district attorney, and is fired when his editor learns that the district attorney was murdered in Dan's absence. The man suspected of the crime, Mitts Coster, is rumored to be traveling to Europe aboard an ocean liner. While Dan's friend, photographer Snapper McGillicuddy, fetches Helen to the boat, under the pretense that Dan is leaving town to forget her, Dan searches the ship for Mitts, whom he does not recognize. When Helen arrives, Dan feigns illness, and she admits her love for him. When Helen learns of Dan's ruse, however, she angrily hits him with a package that a passenger gave her when she boarded the ship. The package contains a passport for Dorothy Madden, who greatly resembles Helen, and $2,000 dollars.
The Crook (uncredited)
A brilliant but deranged neurosurgeon becomes obsessively fixated on a judge's daughter. With the help of an escaped criminal whose face he has surgically deformed, the mad man lures her, her father, and her fiancé to his isolated castle-like home, where he has created a torture chamber with the intent of torturing them for having 'tortured' him.
Jim Morley
When Morley has his own bank robbed, Tom tries to break it up. Mistaken for one of the gang, he is caught and sentenced to a chain gang. His girlfriend Peggy then sets out to prove his innocence.
Rodeo star John Scott and his gambler friend Kansas Charlie are wrongly accused of armed robbery. They leave town as fast as they can to go looking for their own suspects in Poker City.
Guard of Mu
Two competing teams of scientists search the African jungles for a secret formula.
Madden - Breen Henchman
"Red" Davison(Buck Jones), the sheriff of Sun Dog, sacrifices his job and his good name to save his best friend, "Silent" Slade from the hangman's noose, following a framed-up court decision which sentences Slade to hang for the murder of "Scotty McKee (J.P. McGowan). Davidson allows Slade to escape from jail and follows him to aid him in proving his innocence.
An accomplished aviator sets out to locate treasure hidden by one of his ancestors. He encounters interference from various adversaries.
Леди репортер и два студента колледжа искать «Золотой Специальный» поезд, который исчез без следа.
The Wrecker wrecks trains on the L & R Railroad. One of his victims is Larry Baker's father. Baker wants to find the evildoer, among a host of suspects, but it will be difficult since the Wrecker can disguise himself to look like almost anyone
A cowhand named Bob Blake visits with Sally Thompson and her kid-brother, Jimmy, on their hard-scrabble homestead adjoining the Steele Ranch where Bob works. He learns that their father just died, and he plans on seeing if he can make things a bit easier for them.
Coldeye Cornell
Tim thinks saloon owner Coldeye killed his brother. Seeking the ultimate payback, Tim gets a job in the saloon but has no idea he is targeting the wrong man.
Constable Jones
In a trapper's cabin, Sergeant Stone finds a fellow Mountie murdered and is given the assignment of locating the killer.
Jean Gregg
Jack Logan is the heir to half of a map to a hidden Indian mine. The trader and villain Jean Gregg sends his chief henchman Mack to make life difficult for Jack. Jack is aided in his quest by the heirs to the other half of the map: Helen Holt and her younger brother Billy, and by a uniformed mystery man known as "The Mystery Trooper".
Black Bard
It's time for the stagecoach race to win the mail contract and the only entries are Reden and Farrell. Reden's men kidnap Farrell's daughter and then force him to withdraw. Wally rescues Ruth, buys out Farrel, and enters the race himself. But Reden has his men planted along the course to make sure Wally doesn't win.
Buck Rankin
Despite past friendliness, cattle ranchers Tom and Jim Bledsoe, father and son, fence off their range to prevent its use by neighboring sheep ranchers Tug Wilson and Buck Rankin, suggesting that they hope to end their recent loss of cattle. Rankin (not Rankins) shoots Tug, who is unaware of Rankin's lawless activities, in an argument and Jim is accused of murder and also stampeding the sheep. Believing Jim is guilty, Tug's daughter, Ruth, aids Buck in capturing Jim, but he escapes. Ruth gets help from Sheriff Hank Bosley, and a sheepherder, Sanchez, reveals Rankin's responsibility for both the rustling of Bledsoe's cattle and the killing of Wilson.
Albert Werper
Чтобы спасти свои владения в Англии от распродажи, Лорд Грейсток (Тарзан) отправляется в джунгли на поиски сокровищ. Поиски сокровищ привели его к храму, внезапно разыгравшийся ураган обрушивает колонны храма, от удара Тарзан теряет память. Знакомый Тарзана, авантюрист Верпер, также начинает охоту за сокровищами. По договоренности с ним араб-работорговец Ахмед Зек, похищает жену Тарзана — Леди Джейн Грейсток. Приключения начинаются…
Bill Edwards
Using a false accusation of unlawful land-squatting, Bill Edwards (Al Ferguson) goes to the County Seat and has Sheriff Brown to swear out a warrant against sheep-herders Marie Valerian (Neva Gerber) and her father (Silver Tip Baker. The Sheriff sends a Deputy, "Thundering" Thompson (Cheyenne Bill_, back to serve the warrant. Thompson learns that Edwards is only trying to force the Valerians to sell their sheep to him at a cheap price, and comes back without serving the warrant. This enrages Edwards who enlists the aid of a local cattleman and his hands to drive off the sheep. Thompson sets out to keep this from happening.
Jacques Frazelle
Bill Hollister (Jack Hanlon) organizes a wagon train to break the unfair monopoly held by Jake Lynch (Tom Santschi) on food prices in the mining camps. The Rambler (Ken Maynard) joins the train when it leaves for Gold Hill, and takes command when Hollister is killed from ambush. Jacques Frazelle (Al Ferguson) schemes to get rid of The Rambler and win Sue Smith (Edith Roberts). He plots with Lynch to disrupt the train, but The Rambler beats him in a whip-fight...
Gang Leader
a cowboy seeks revenge for the murder of his father.
Jud Regan
Rex the wonder horse's owner is murdered by Joe Regan, the leader of a band of smugglers. RCMP Sgt. Jack Gordon has been sent to capture the villain. Rex vows vengeance on Regan and helps Gordon capture him.
James Sykes
Red saves his prospector sidekick Hank Robbins from the hangman.
In this his third film for FBO (Film Booking Office), Mix plays Tom Manning, a cowboy framed for murder and bank robbery by bandit leader Ethan Laidlaw. As always, justice prevails, but Mix has to make a daring escape from jail to right the wrongs done to him.
Ed Thorpe
Headin' for Danger is a 1928 Western
Black John
Mary and Bobby Trevor are castaways befriended by Tarzan. When Lord arrives, looking for the family heir, Black John tries to fill that role and marry Mary in England. Tarzan shows up and marries her instead.
Mark Haman
A forest ranger comes to the aid of his fiance and her father when a crooked rancher and his gang try to force them off their land.
Thomas Shields
Dynamite -- Universal's answer to Warner Bros.' canine star Rin Tin Tin -- and his owner Jerry Matthews (Edmund Cobb) come to the aid of a beleaguered rancher in this typical low-budget "doggie melodrama" set in the West.
Matt Lawson
Horses are being rustled by outlaws known as the Hell Hounds. When the Sheriff is killed, his Deputy Yak takes over the search for the rustlers. John Lawson says Yak cannot marry his daughter until the murderer of the Sheriff is caught. But unknown to Lawson, the murderer is his own son.
When Montana cowpuncher Larry Benson, riding his horse Starlight and accompanied by his dog Rex, tied up at the hitching post in front of McAvoy's hotel in Dam, Texas, he had little idea of the extraordinary series of adventures that were in store for him, Starlight and Rex.
Dr. Blakely
Heroic Officer 444 battles The Frog and his criminal gang for possession of Haverlyte, a powerful formula that, if it fell into the wrong hands, would give its owner enough power to control the world. And, taking no chances, The Frog sends his chief henchwoman, a seductive vamp named The Vulture, to tempt Officer 444 to stray from his sworn duty to save the world from The Frog's nefarious plans.
Steve Mays
Yak arrives at the Gilmore ranch where rustling has occurred. Gilmore blames a wild horse when it is actually his foreman Mays. After Yak catches and tames the wild horse, Mays gets Yak out of the way by having him arrested for murder. Mays and his men can now make one last raid.
Tiring of Broadway, James Sanford "Jim" Richardson moves to Arizona, where he finds trouble of another sort when two woman fall in love with him.
It follows Ruth Rowland as the inheritor of a wealthy timber business who tries to stay independent of a cruel man who wants to marry her and steal her wealth. The film is considered to be lost, though the UCLA Film and Television Archive has episodes one, four, eight and nine.
Brian, the Red Fox
Miracles of the Jungle is a 1921 serial film
Undetermined Role
Feature version of The Lost City (1920), a fifteen episode serial.
This 15-chapter serial was produced by Colonel William N. Selig, the former mogul whose large assortment of wild animals became the nucleus of today's Los Angeles Zoo. Selig's ferocious fauna added authenticity to a story about yet another white goddess, Princess Elyata of Tirzah (Juanita Hansen), who comes to the rescue of Stanley Morton (George Chesebro) and his sidekick Mike Donovan (Frank Clark), a couple of Americans who foolishly wander into a village ruled by slave trader Gagga (Hector Dion).
Blackthorn Kennedy (as Alfred Ferguson)
William Russell plays Cliff Redfern, a hard-ridin' Westerner who takes a liking to Easterner Ned Caldwell (Cullen Landis), the dissolute son of a wealthy cattle rancher. Certain that all Caldwell needs to become a "real man" is a dose of frontier life, Cliff kidnaps Ned and brings him back to the wide open spaces.
Joe Jenkins
Orphan Mary Wade, is the ward of a family of farmers who keep her busy with drudgery. Mr. Jenkins, the head of the household, makes advances to Mary, she flees to the city with her dog Zippy and lands in court for imitating a beggar who pretends to be blind.