Lawrence B. Marcus

Рождение : 1917-07-19, Beaver, Utah, USA

Смерть : 2001-08-28


A New York stockbroker (Stephen Collins) introduces a girlfriend (Deborah Raffin) to his buddy (Joel Higgins) from out of town, then regrets it.
Свидетель обвинения
Недавно перенёсший сердечный приступ сэр Уилфрид, знаменитый лондонский адвокат, славящийся умением выигрывать абсолютно безнадёжные дела, берётся спасти от виселицы Леонарда Воула, которого обвиняют в убийстве состоятельной вдовы средних лет. Все улики против него, кроме показаний любящей жены Кристин...
The Letter
The wife of a Malaysian planter kills an employee of her husband one night, but her motive begins to appear not entirely truthful.
The Five of Me
Henry Hawksworth (David Birney) is a man menaced by a multiple personality. There is Dana, the conservative family man; Johnny, violent and sociopathic; Peter, creative and childish; and Phil, protective and unemotional. "Dana" falls in love with Ann (Dee Wallace) and marries her. Following a crime, "Johnny" is arrested and tried. In court, Henry's multiple personalities are painfully revealed.
Скрываясь от полиции, Кеймерон попадает на съемочную площадку фильма о Первой мировой войне. Жестокому режиссеру Кроссу нужен человек, который заменил бы погибшего каскадера. Кеймерон получает укрытие, но он должен заменить каскадера. Прошедший ужасы вьетнамской войны, Кеймерон в роли американского летчика демонстрирует фантастическое мужество.
Alex & the Gypsy
A bail bondsman falls in love with one of his "customers" — a gypsy girl, who's been accused of attempted murder.
Going Home
After doing 13 years in prison for the murder of his wife, mechanic Harry Graham is out on parole and looking to rebuild his life in a small seaside community. He settles into a trailer park and finds both a job and a girlfriend. But things get difficult for Harry when his estranged son, Jimmy, shows up. He witnessed his mother's murder as a child and, after years spent in foster homes, has come looking for revenge.
Александрия, 1938 год. Молодой школьный учитель из Великобритании Дарли знакомится с прекрасной и загадочной Жюстин, женой известного и очень влиятельного банкира. Очарованный красавицей, Дарли безумно влюбляется в нее. Он не подозревает, что девушка имеет непосредственное отношение к тайному заговору против британцев и намерена использовать его в своих корыстных целях…
Господин из Сан-Франциско, немолодой хирург, намедни бросивший жену и двоих детей, встречает на скучной ему вечеринке смешную девчонку с лепестковым именем Петулия, также утомленную своим шестимесячным замужеством.
Договор со смертью
Полиция aрестовывaет Брaйaнa Тaлботa, местного предпринимaтеля, зa убийство жены. Во время судa нaд ним лишь один человек - молодой судья Бенджaмин Морaлес - выскaзывaет робкое сомнение в том, что одних только косвенных улик недостaточно. Его никто не слушaет, кaзнь нaзнaченa, прaвосудие прaктически свершилось. Но... события нa этом не зaкaнчивaются, сaмое интересное впереди…
Scientist Jim Grayam saves his boss' wife from suicide but then falls in love with her.
Voice in the Mirror
Jim Burton, chronic alcoholic, is cared for by Ellen, his incredibly patient, sexy, hard-working wife. A doctor's warning that Jim could become mentally ill strikes enough fear into him that he really wants to cure himself...but can't. One night, he meets William Tobin, a fellow drunk, and finds that he helps himself by trying to help Tobin. Thus is born, amid setbacks, a group resembling Alcoholics Anonymous.
Diamond Safari
A U.S. private eye falls for a smuggler and clears a native for murder in South Africa.
Свидетель обвинения
Сэру Уилфриду Робэртсу, престарелому адвокату, бережно опекаемому медсестрой мисс Плимсолл, поступает предложение защищать интересы Леонарда Стивена Воула, которому инкриминируется убийство. В невиновности подопечного его убеждает искренность чувств красивой женщины - Кристин Воул, в девичестве Хелм, и многоопытный юрист берётся за дело.
The Unguarded Moment
A high-school music teacher is the victim of a student who writes indecent notes and assaults women.
The Unguarded Moment
A high-school music teacher is the victim of a student who writes indecent notes and assaults women.
The Awakening
"The Awakening" is a 1954 short drama film of Douglas Fairbanks Presents anthology series based on Nikolai Gogol's short story "The Overcoat".
The Bigamist
San Francisco businessman Harry Graham and his wife and business partner, Eve, are in the process of adopting a child. When private investigator Mr. Jordan uncovers the fact that Graham has another wife, Phyllis, and a small child in Los Angeles, he confesses everything.
A woman, distraught because of her recent miscarriage, accidentally injures a child in a hit-and-run accident, but she keeps the incident a secret. Overcome with guilt and remorse, she seeks out the child in the hospital and attempts to help him regain his speech, even though, if successful, it might mean he will implicate her for the crime.
Cause for Alarm!
A bedridden and gravely ill man believes his wife and doctor are conspiring to kill him, and outlines his suspicions in a letter.
Dark City
Gamblers who "took" an out-of-town sucker in a crooked poker game feel shadowy vengeance closing in on them.
Dark City
Gamblers who "took" an out-of-town sucker in a crooked poker game feel shadowy vengeance closing in on them.
When he's discharged from a military hospital, ex-GI Bob Corey goes on a search for his army buddy Steve Connolly. A reformed crook, Connolly is on the lam from a trumped-up murder rap, and Corey hopes to clear his pal. Tagging along is Army nurse Julie Benson, who has fallen for Corey.
When he's discharged from a military hospital, ex-GI Bob Corey goes on a search for his army buddy Steve Connolly. A reformed crook, Connolly is on the lam from a trumped-up murder rap, and Corey hopes to clear his pal. Tagging along is Army nurse Julie Benson, who has fallen for Corey.