Pier Luigi Santi


Тень внутри
Director of Photography
Морис Дюмон - мальчик, способный общаться с мёртвыми. Мари, его мать, попадает под влияние мадам Арман, которая убеждает её заставить своего сына быть посредником с потусторонним миром...
For Bread Alone
Inspired by the life of the Novel's Author Mohamed Choukri , For Bread Alone or El khoubz El Hafi , is one of the truest manifestations of the dark history that Morocco went through during and after the French and the Spanish occupation of the country, from famine and plagues to the Berber migration .Also, it reveals Morocco's rituals and religious practices at that time
Via del Corso
Three girls want to have fun on a Saturday in Rome by trying to score with at least 3 guys. Meanwhile, their friends seek out two rapists and a stolen scooter.
Nostalgia di un piccolo grande amore
Director of Photography
Scandal in Black
Gianni is a political man with a good career waiting for him. Angela is his wife and she fakes an assault and a rape in a cinema. Eva is Gianni's lover and Angela's friend. Gianni and Eva decide to use the pretext of the assault to kill Angela. Later on Angela is blackmailed by a man who was present at her act. In the background there are Rosy, her maid always present, and a puzzling man who appears and disappears and makes strange phone calls.
Это последняя крупная роль "великого и ужасного" Клауса Кински, человека с лицом демона и руками великого музыканта. Кински долгое время был увлечен образом Паганини как фигуры противоречивой, негармоничной, но способной на потрясающие прозрения. Бурный гений - так можно резюмировать репутацию Паганини, острее всех воплотившего идеал романтического художника. Кински показал жизнь художника на самом краю бездны, сознательно преувеличивая ее глубину. Его Паганини - клубок змеящихся парадоксов, исчадие ада, осененное божественной волей, похотливое животное, преданное искусству. Жюри Каннского фестиваля не приняло фильм в конкурсную программу, уличив режиссера в порнографии. И наверное, Кински больше обрадовался, чем расстроился…
The House of Orchids
Three stories set in a specialist clinic designed to liberate it's patients from society's moralistic taboos.
The Rebel
"Poliziotti solitudine e rabbia" or "Ein Mann namens Venedig" (A Man called Venice), as it was called in Germany, is an Italian-German crime drama co-production from 1979, filmed mainly in the snowy winter of bleak West-Berlin. Italian cop Nick, played by gangster movie veteran Maurizio Merli, goes to Berlin to find the head of an International European blackmailing gang who has murdered several people. He investigates undercover as a contract killer for the gangsters, but of course becomes immediately the target of his enemies and has to fight hard to save his life...
Hunted City
Director of Photography
Commissario Paolo Ferro (Maurizio Merli) stars as a (typical) tough cop again. This time he returns to the city of Milan to go after a murder corporation. Acampora (Mario Merola) is believed to be the prime suspect although he later proves to be one of the mafia's targets. As if all that wasn't enough, Paolo has to face his own nephew who seems to be involved in all sorts of dirty business.
Emanuelle and Joanna
Director of Photography
The Criminals Attack. The Police Respond
Director of Photography
Returning from Switzerland to Rome, the boss prof. Salviati, called 'The Prince', finds his business compromised by Rudy, a small local bandit full of presumption, audacity and men ready to kill. Commissioner Baldi a young and brave employee, will fight against them with the help of an ex-employee Rampelli.
Weapons of Death
Director of Photography
Napoli spara! (internationally released as Weapons of Death and Naples shoots) is a "poliziottesco" film directed by Mario Caiano in 1977. It is an unofficial sequel of Napoli violenta, of which reprises the character of Gennarino (still played by Massimo Deda).
The Best
Director of Photography
An au pair girl comes to work for a greedy couple who make money by renting her out to all the other tenants in their building.
Violent Milan
Director of Photography
A gang of thieves decides to hit the headquarters of Aspex. The police intervened and only two of the robbers managed to escape with the loot, while the other two are forced to take hostages to escape. The police started investigations but also the gang leader, the Cat, will be hunting the first two escaped with the loot to get money, and revenge for their escape.
Intimate Relations
Director of Photography
Calling All Police Cars
Story about a young girl, the daughter a prominent doctor. When the girl goes missing her father gets the police to jump into action because of his class status and wealth.
Возвращение Шанхайского Джо
Director of Photography
Продолжение приключений китайского иммигранта в техасском городке, населенном неприветливыми ковбоями.
Supermen Against the Orient
Director of Photography
Robert Wallace travels to Hong Kong to bust a gang of drug trafficker's. There he finds help from Tang and Suzy, as well as his fellow Supermen Max & Jerry.
Put Your Devil Into My Hell
Ricciardetto is a fourteenth-century playboy who wants at all costs to sleep with the wife of the mayor of Montelupone. He succeeds, but is caught between the covers with the woman and sentenced to death. He will be saved by a kind of pilgrim saint who is in love with him.
...e continuavano a mettere lo diavolo ne lo inferno
Metti... che ti rompo il muso
Director of Photography
The Italo-American playboy Rocky is an international thief, followed step by step by an FBI Inspector, who manages to keep a "loot" also "claimed" by an international boss belonging to the Sicilian Mafia.
Il Santo Patrono
Director of Photography
Zambo, King Of The Jungle
Director of Photography
Deep in the jungles of central Africa, a lone figure moves swiftly through the trees. Often heard, sometimes seen, but never forgotten, the legend of Zambo is about to become real! In another life he was framed for a murder he didn't commit and left to rot in a filthy African prison, only to deftly escape into the wilderness. Friend to both man and animal, Zambo selflessly protects the African people from the oppressive forces of the outside world. As the legend of Zambo becomes too big to ignore, an expedition led by explorers Professor Woodworth, Perkins, and Juanez presents Zambo with his greatest fear: discovery. With only his strength, wits, and the help of the jungle itself, Zambo is in for the fight of his life!