Luciano Curreli

Luciano Curreli

Рождение : 1965-09-06, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy


Luciano Curreli


Аните всего шестнадцать. Ее мать умерла от лейкемии, а отец смертельно болен: спасти его может только срочная трансплантация костного мозга, но средний период ожидания подходящего донора составляет несколько месяцев. Единственным родственником, кто может выступить в качестве донора оказывается Гаэтано, дядя Аниты. Но братья не общаются уже много лет - между ними произошло нечто, о чем ни один из них не желает говорить.
Я — миллиардер
Нума Темпеста — расчетливый и циничный миллиардер, которого суд приговаривает к году общественных работ в приюте для бездомных, отобрав паспорт. Тем временем под угрозой оказывается важная заграничная встреча, от которой зависит крупная сделка. Удастся ли миллиардеру найти выход из этой ситуации?
Senza lasciare traccia
Proprietario Canile
Happy Days Motel
By chance some surreal characters arrive at the Happy Days Motel taking their grotesque stories.
Pretty Butterflies
Padre di Cate
3 August, Cagliari: a poor neighborhood. At three in the morning eleven-year-old Cate is woken by the screams of her eccentric neighbor. Cate wants to run away from that apartment, from her numerous and problematic siblings and her tyrannical father. Only Gigi, a neighbor, is worthy of her love. She does not want to end up like her sister Mandarina, who got pregnant at thirteen. Or like Samantha, the neighborhood sex siren. And today, on 3 August, Gigi’s life is in danger: Tonio, Cate’s brother, wants to kill him. Cate warns Luna, her best friend. The two of them spend the longest day of their lives between the city, the sea and a thousand adventures. But her beloved Gigi is in danger. And when everything seems lost, during the night a beautiful woman appears out of nowhere: the mysterious Aleni, a witch who apparently can see into people’s futures...
Валланцаска — ангелы зла
Carabiniere Colonnello Fassi
История известной мафиозной группировки Comasina, терроризировавшей Милан в 70-ых годах. За совершенные преступления главарь банды друзей детства, Ренато «Красавчик Рено» Валлансаска, был осуждён на 260 лет лишения свободы. На его счету несколько убийств, грабежей, побегов из тюрьмы и разбитых женских сердец.
Freak and Jajà, like Vladimir and Estragon, are in a no man’s land, with no date or time. Earth is no longer inhabited by humans but a few strange survivors who appear from time to time. The two protagonists, strangers to each other, meet at a bus stop in the middle of nowhere.
Dentro la città
Банда «Белый фиат»
Silvio Ferramonti
В Римини взорван магазин – шантажисты требуют от его хозяина уплаты «дани». Полиция теряется в догадках: налетчики-любители? мафия? террористы? Инспектор Валерио Мальдези и его напарник Рокко уверены – до их тихого провинциального города добралась банда «Белый фиат», давно орудующая в Болонье. Ее «стиль» – грабежи банков, нападения на автозаправочные станции и супермаркеты, десятки убитых и – никаких следов...
La banda
Lele's father
Regina Coeli
"Regina Coeli" is the nickname with which inmates call Regina, voluntary assistant in Rome's Rebibbia jail, very involved in solidarity but lonely in his private life. The jail director entrusts her with the task to try re-educating Graziano, a young Sardinian sentenced for a kidnapping of which he always proclaimed himself to be innocent. Regina is way too much mature and lonely not to feel intrigued by the mysterious personality of the illiterate shepherd, who expresses himself only in his almost unintelligible Sardinian dialect.
Almost Blue
Raul Crotti
A serial killer, called the Iguana, is terrorizing Bologna. He is able to change continuously identity. Grazia is investigating trying to find out the truth about the Iguana.
Girotondo, giro intorno al mondo
Angelo is an orphan who grew up with a nomad woman. He reacts to his pain over the death of his best friend for overdose, thanks to the encounter with Serena. She survives being a prostitute, but she has not lost hope. Angelo moves along an axis of characters in a desolate and poetic day without end.
L'anno prossimo vado a letto alle dieci
Uomo Casolare
This rollicking Italian black comedy follows the hellish, bizarre New Year's Eve night of two average guys who find themselves stumbling from one outlandish situation to the next. After being dumped by his girlfriend, a man tags along to the party his friend is attending, leading to a series of misadventures.
Verso sud
In Pasquale Pozzessere's debut, a woman just out of prison falls in love with a man who saw steaing form a collection box in a church. Some critics saw a dry style next to Pasolini's as the director shows the two desperate individuals effort to build a sort of precarious family. In the end you could almost feel there's still a slender thread of hope for them to hang on
18 anni tra una settimana
Sequestratore #2
Rosso di sera
Prima moto
Alex is separated and has a young daughter, Elo. After a youth studded with failures at university and in political commitment, he leads a mediocre existence alongside Margit, his new partner, and his friends Pais and Capace. Margit invites Alex to Giangi's birthday party who, in the 70s, was involved in the death of his brother during a student demonstration. Alex discovers that Giangi is having a clandestine relationship with Margit.