Sergi Gallardo

Рождение : , Barcelona, Spain


Un novio para mi mujer
Diego wants to separate from his wife, Lucía, but he doesn't know how to tell her. He is fed up with her neuroses and constant complaints about him, and he has long since lost the spark that made him fall in love. Unable to say it to her face, he turns to Cuervo Flores, a famous seducer "from before", who will try to make Lucía fall in love so that she will be the one to end her marriage.
В тысяче километров от рождества
Director of Photography
Аудитор, который терпеть не может Рождество, едет в командировку в небольшой городок. Там герой встречает женщину, твердо решившую изменить его отношение к празднику.
Операция «Камарон»
Director of Photography
Неизвестный в преступном мире, с колючей внешностью и классическими концертными навыками, Себас, полицейский-новичок, идеально подходит для опасной миссии: проникнуть в качестве клавишника в Лос-Лолос, группу фламенко-ловушек, которая будет играть на свадьбе дочь местного торговца людьми.
Свадьба Розы
Director of Photography
Роза всегда отличалась добротой и ответственным подходом к делу. Никого не волнует, что ей приходится работать на износ, да еще и заниматься делами других людей. Однажды Роза понимает, что пора менять свою жизнь. Женщина бросает все и уезжает в тихое место.
Я люблю тебя, придурок
Director of Photography
Marcos' life turns upside down after he loses the same day his girlfriend and his job. Marcos' life turns wild after to meet Raquel.
Когда ангелы спят
Director of Photography
Генеральный директор страховой компании проживает худшую ночь в своей жизни после автомобильной аварии. Действительно ли он виноват в случившемся?
The Olive Tree
Director of Photography
Alma’s family has been producing quality olive oil in the Baix Maestrat area of Spain’s Castellón for generations. Yet changing pressures in the industry have made their traditional practices economically untenable, and the family is now in the mass-production poultry business. Alma’s grandfather has not spoken in years. Sadness envelopes him, and he no longer wants to eat. His sons—Alma’s father and uncle—are impatient with him, but Alma understands her grandfather. She realizes he has been grieving for a thousand-year-old olive tree that the family has uprooted and sold to pay some debts. (A sadly common reality in Castellón at present.) Unable to bear the idea that her grandfather could die without seeing this terrible wrong corrected, Alma undertakes a quixotic mission to locate the tree and return it to the family orchard, so that her grandfather may have peace in his final days.
Dirty Wolves
Director of Photography
Galicia, Spain, during the Second World War The life of Manuela, a mysterious miner who was branded a witch, changes with the arrival of an Allied commando, in charge of sabotaging the production of tungsten, a vital mineral for the continuity of the war effort of Nazi Germany.
Юные дикари
Director of Photography
Алекс, Габи и Оки – три подростка, которым кажется, что весь мир настроен против них, что знакомые, родители, учителя отказываются понимать их, похоже, они и сами в себе запутались. Не веря в то, что кто-то может протянуть им руку помощи, они сами стараются разрешить свои проблемы. Но в обстановке постоянных упрёков и недопонимая со стороны близких, смогут ли они принять верное решение и не натворить глупостей, о которых будут жалеть всю жизнь?
Секс ангелов
Director of Photography
Карла и Бруно влюблены друг в друга и наслаждаются беззаботным времяпровождением в компании друзей, пока однажды в их жизни не появляется Рей — обаятельный и загадочный парень, живущий не по правилам. В этой истории о любви и дружбе все привычные границы стираются ритме брейкданса и провокационном, возбуждающем и глубоко трогательном взгляде на романтические взаимоотношения.
Clara Campoamor, the Neglected Woman
Director of Photography
Spain, 1931. Under the Second Republic, women are eligible, but cannot vote. Victoria Kent and Clara Campoamor, the first women in the Spanish Parliament, intend to fight for women's rights, and Clara knows that the first step is to get the women's vote approved…
Elisa K
Director of Photography
Eleven-year-old Elisa (Claudia Pons) lives with her father (Hans Richter) in Spain following the breakup of her parents. Elisa goes to a fair with her father, and meets one of his friends (Jordi Gracia), a successful jeweler. Days later, a change comes over Elisa -- her mother (Lydia Zimmermann) notices she seems distant and withdrawn, and her teacher (Pep Sais) watches as she grows disinterested in her studies and her grades drop dramatically. Fourteen years later, Elisa (now played by Aina Clotet) is a grown woman who suddenly and unexpectedly recalls the traumatic event changed her life when she was a girl...
El triunfo
Director of Photography
Barcelona, 1980s: in a tough urban neighbourhood inhabited by survivors and ruled by ex-legionnaires Gandhi, Fontán and Andrade - who are fighting a war for control of the streets - Nen and his friends Palito, Topo and Tostao dream of making it big in the world of rumba. But Nen discovers why his father, El Guacho - of whom all Nen has left is the memory of his brilliance as a rumba singer - disappeared many years earlier. He learns how the relationship between his mother, Chata, and Ghandi, leader of the neighbourhood, was connected to his father's disappearance, and so Nen is forced to balance his own desire for vengeance with his longing to triumph.
Les aparences enganyen
Focus Puller