Sándor Zsótér

Sándor Zsótér

Рождение : 1961-06-20, Budapest, Hungary


Sándor Zsótér was born on June 20, 1961 in Budapest, Hungary. He is an actor and writer, known for White God (2014), El hijo de Saúl (2015) and Isteni müszak (2013).


Sándor Zsótér


Another Nest
24 year old Ádám lives the calm life of a small-time pot dealer in his late-grandma's apartment, in the outskirts of Budapest. Since he left home, he created himself a low-key but functional life, which no one can really disturb. No one but perhaps Bence, his 14-year-old half-brother who just left home and is looking for refuge at Ádám’s place.
Doctor Herz
События фильма развиваются в Будапеште 1913 года. В центре сюжета 20-летняя девушка, которая прибывает в столицу Венгрии после детства в сиротском доме. Она планирует взяться за работу в магазине, который принадлежал ее родителям. Но внезапно ее прошлое дает о себе знать, вынуждая девушку начать искать ответы на мучающие ее вопросы о семье.
Грабитель банков
Kata apja
Детство у Атиллы было счастливым. Но когда умерла бабушка, мальчик попал в приемную семью, затем в интернат и в учреждение для малолетних преступников. Уже взрослым он решился на побег из тоталитарной Румынии в спокойную Венгрию. И теперь его, грабителя банков по прозвищу Виски, знает вся Венгрия. Перед тем как идти на дело, он всегда пьёт виски.
Сын Саула
Miklós (Jewish Doctor)
Аушвиц, 1944 год. Саул Аусландер — еврейский пленный и член зондеркоманды. Его работа — сопровождать в недолгий путь узников, которые прибывают в лагерь беспрестанно. Потом — зачищать следы их присутствия и ждать новых. Среди тысяч людей, проходящих через газовую камеру, один выживает на считанные минуты. Саул узнает в нем своего сына и решает во что бы то ни стало похоронить тело по всем правилам. Теперь это его единственная цель в расплавленном, так непохожем на жизнь пекле лагеря смерти. Уберечь тело от топки, спрятать его, разыскать раввина, — задачи практически невыполнимые и безумные на фоне мясорубки, жернова которой Саулу приходится крутить самому, чтобы выжить. В лагере зреет восстание, Саул становится слишком уязвимым, но он думает только о сыне… которого, возможно, у него никогда не было.
Белый Бог
Главная героиня после отъезда матери в Австралию осталась с отцом, а отец не рад ее собаке Хагену. К тому же, пес не поставлен на учет, и за ним начинает охоту санитарная инспекция. Сбежав от хозяйки, Хаген переживает серию передряг, а потом оказывается в собачьем приюте, где поднимает восстание против бесчеловечности тех, кто там работает.
Heavenly Shift
Death does not select, man does. Set in Budapest, Heavenly Shift offers an eerie insight into the everyday lives of a rather extraordinary ambulance crew. The films main character is Milan, a young refugee from the Balkan War, who joins a team of paramedics but inadvertently ends up involved in the funeral business in order to finance his fiancee s rescue from the hostilities.
In the closed world of a Catholic monastery shortly after World War II the post-war insecurity exacerbates the walls. A new world order has arrived. The monastic life begins to break down as some of the monks start to morally decline.
Two teenage girls murder a taxi-driver. A portrait of a generation for which sex has a whole different meaning.
The Eighth Day of the Week
After her husband's death, Hanna Szendroy, the former primadonna, portrayed by Maya Komorowska is caught in the claws of the real estate mafia. She looses her lavish home and ends up homeless at the Keleti train station. When she returns to her house, now full of homeless people moved in by the real estate mafia, an unexpected relationship brings hope into her life again.
The Eighth Day of the Week
István - Hanna fia
After her husband's death, Hanna Szendroy, the former primadonna, portrayed by Maya Komorowska is caught in the claws of the real estate mafia. She looses her lavish home and ends up homeless at the Keleti train station. When she returns to her house, now full of homeless people moved in by the real estate mafia, an unexpected relationship brings hope into her life again.
A 78-as Szent Johannája
Pleasant Days
Peter returned from prison in his native city, in the hope that it will begin happy days. With surprise he learns that his sister became a foster mother to the newborn boy, but a real mother of the child - extravagant and slutty Maya wants to take it back. Peter falls in love with Maya. He's torn between his girlfriend and trying to manipulate sister. But he has to make a choice, and the happiness was so close, melt into thin air.
Chacho Rom
The Prince
A gypsy apothecary-violinist befriends a Hapsburg prince after saving his life during the disastrous Hungarian War of Independence in 1849.
1952, Budapest. Kati is thirteen years old when her mother dies. Her father works as a founder at the Miskolc foundry, deprived of his former position of director-engineer. Kati is left alone in their flat, transformed into a place crowded with tenants. That is, not quite: in her imagination her mother is alive again, for she still needs her.
Miss Arizona
Story of the owners (Mastroianni and Schygulla) of a fancy nightclub in Budapest before and during WWII.
Daniel Takes a Train
Gyuri Angeli
In December 1956 there is a chaotic situation in Hungary. The revolution is put down by the Soviet army. People leave the country in large numbers for fear of revenge. A young soldier (György Angeli) who also took a part in the revolution, takes a train to Vienna together with his friend (Dániel Szerencsés). Written by Tamas Patrovics
Heavenly Hosts
When hunting, Zrínyi Miklós finds an Angel with a broken wing. He takes him for a heavenly message and carries him to his castle for cure. Lords and priests come to Zrínyi's court, one after the other, to see Angel. The occasion is appropriate for the ban to win them over to his plan: they should unite their forces to fight for the country's independence.