Imre Sarkadi


The Lost Paradise
Sebők Zoltán, the brain surgeon, performed a secret abortion on his lover and the woman died. The man waiting for the autopsy (and his arrest) escapes to his father's villa at Lake Balaton.
The Brute
This drama about a boorish non-conformist takes place in Hungary after the war and is dulled a little by political overtones but is still an engaging story. The setting is the countryside, where an independent, landowning farmer busies himself in his free time by bedding down the women on his farm and then tossing them aside. One such ill-treated lass ends up marrying a young man who is in charge of a communal farm, a farm the womanizing "beast" of the title is later forced to join. The arrogant, formerly independent farmer does not reform his ways and is soon chasing after the young manager's wife, the woman he dropped not that long ago. The results are disastrous.
Мелодрама, повествующая о любви деревенских парня и девушки. В разгар карнавала они наслаждаются обществом друг друга, целуются и обнимаются. Они садятся на карусель и с наслаждением катаются. Но когда аттракцион закончен, молодые возвращаются к печальном действительности. На другом празднике, свадьбе, события достигают критической точки. И тогда герои решаются во имя своего счастья выступить против иерархического уклада деревни.