Jake Pollock

Jake Pollock


Jake Pollock


Hello Ghost!
Director of Photography
This film is adapted from the 2010 South Korean blockbuster and tear-jerking comedy Hello Ghost. A lonely delivery man, A-wei, tries to commit suicide multiple times but fails no matter what he does. Through these failed attempts, he meets four ghosts — a smoker, a crier, a heartbroken ghost, and a mischievous ghost. In order for him to die, he learns that he has to first help these four ghosts fulfill their final wishes. In the process of doing so, A-wei befriends these four ghosts and overcomes his low self-esteem to step out of his comfort zone and experience many firsts in life.
Маменькин сынок
Director of Photography
История застенчивого молодого человека, который оказывается увлеченным матерью-одиночкой, в секс-отеле.
Весеннее половодье
Director of Photography
Журналистка Го Цзяньбо живёт вместе с матерью-пенсионеркой и малолетней дочерью. Делая репортажи о социальных проблемах общества, женщина пытается разобраться со своей собственной драмой. Её мать, бывшая учительница, всегда вела активную общественную жизнь и пользовалась уважением окружающих, но дома её мало волновали дела семьи. Дочь же входит в подростковый возраст и бунтует против взрослых.
The Shadow Play
Tang Yijie, the Construction Committee Director, falls off from rooftop and dies in a demolition riot. Yang Jiadong, a young police officer starts his investigation and finds that Tang's death is tied up with another case several years ago. Soon he is framed and suspended from duty, but he never gives up. The film unfolds how individuals and family make fortune in the past 30 years since the reform in China began.
Director of Photography
A quirky internet star, a pair of retired gangsters, and the black sheep of a prolific family of herbalists are a few of the oddball tenants that call the dilapidated apartments of Humble Grove home. Fearful of being locked out by a ruthless property developer with his eye on the building, they’ve stayed inside for years. So, when supernatural incidents befall them all on one night, instead of running, they turn to flamboyant ghost hunter Golden Ling to perform a most unusual exorcism.
Director of Photography
В 1988 году трое моцзинов (расхитителей гробниц) - Ху Баи, Ван Кайсюань и Ширли Ян - бросают заниматься грабежами могил и переезжают в Нью-Йорк. Хотя Баи и Ширли связывают романтические отношения, Ван чувствует, что великие моцзины заслуживают лучшего финансового положения и, приняв предложение корпорации найти захоронение одной богини, возвращается на родину. Пытаясь спасти друга от неприятностей, Баи и Ширли отправляются следом за ним.
Girlfriend Boyfriend
Director of Photography
Mabel, Liam and Aaron have been friends since childhood. Their bonds of friendship are tested when, years later, they realize their friendship is the only reason they have made it through emotional hardships and extreme tragedies.
Starry Starry Night
Director of Photography
There was once a young girl named May who felt alienated from everyone around her. May is worried about her mother and father, whose marriage is on the rocks, and she yearns to return to the woods where her grandfather lives. One day, May befriends a boy as lonely as she is. When reality catches up, they run away to a beautiful world that belongs only to them. Both imaginatively escapist and heartbreakingly realistic, their journey speaks to kids and adults alike with the pain of solitude, the sorrow of loss, and the warmth of hope.
Герой фильма — скромный китайский ремесленник-изготовитель бумаги, живущий в далекой деревне с женой и двумя детьми во времена империи Цин. Однажды в деревне неожиданно появляется сыщик, и в их безмятежной жизни происходит переворот…
Pinoy Sunday
The discovery of a discarded sofa, in Taipei city, transforms a routine Sunday into a capricious adventure of perseverance and self-discovery for Filipino guest workers Manuel and Dado.
Director of Photography
Вторая Мировая война. 1942 год. Китай. Город Наньцзин. В городе действует хорошо законспирированная группа разведчиков. После ряда покушений на чиновников марионеточного правительства Китая. Японцы в бешенстве, приказ от командования, найти группу любой ценой. Разведка японцев подозревает нескольких людей, их привозят в замок и подвергают жестокому допросу. Все молчат… Напряженная игра в кошки-мышки достигает своего апогея, когда китайский дешифровальщик пытается отослать важное сообщение, ставя под угрозу свою жизнь.
Yang Yang
Director of Photography
Yang-yang is a French-Chinese mix. She has never seen her French father. She does not speak a single French word. Her mum has re-married but she has been very lonely. She started working at the entertainment industry. The fact that she is a mix is a good selling point. The film depicts how Yang-yang dealt with her life, her relationships with men, with her mother and friends.
Summer Afternoon
Director of Photography
A masterful minor exercise in telling a story with a twist and an equally masterful exercise in the dramatic use of what's known as a Steadycam, a camera with flowing motion. The car journey with one lover too many gets completely out of hand. And after the twist, another one follows.
The Wall-Passer
Director of Photography
In the not-too distant future, 17 year-old Tye and his family move to the burgeoning metropolis of Real City, where, bored with classes, he spends his time daydreaming until one day he finds a magic stone that allows him to pass through walls. On a field trip to a museum, Tye meets NoNo, a deaf girl with bionic ears who is working as a museum docent. The two grow closer, until Tye discovers she has a boyfriend and demands she chooses between them. NoNo tells him to come and see her again in twenty years and then disappears from his life, leaving him only with a photo of her in front of a signpost saying Elsewhere. Tye uses the magic stone to go to Elsewhere, but he discovers a desolate world full of discarded things, among them an attractive blind girl, Ya-hung. Two worlds, two realities, two girls, what will Tye’s choice be ?
Do Over
Director of Photography
Do Over follows five characters over twenty four hours on the last day of the year. As the interrelated stories proceed, the connections between the lives of the five characters begin to reveal themselves and their stories unravel. By depicting five different characters at emotional crossroads, Do Over examines the struggle of overcoming our greatest fears; the unknown of what lies ahead in the future, the fading value of our existence in the present, and most of all, irreversible mistakes made in the past that may catch up to us.
The Pain of Others
Director of Photography
On the night of March 18th, 2000, the presidential election, as usual, three coastguards are on patrol by the seaside of Yi-Lan. Private First Class, just out of lock-up, is equipped with a walkie-talkie. The Private (second in command) has a military 65-K2 rifle and the Private recruit (rookie) has two clips of ammunition. Seeing that it's still a long, boring night ahead, The Private starts looking for excuses hazing the rookie⋯